Chapter 81: Dan Rob (1)

Chapter 81—Dan Rob (1)
It is unheard of for the drug to be robbed, and the drug can still escape. This has subverted the alchemy cognition of the three alchemists present. It’s not that what they have learned is wrong. It’s really a temptation to take over the dan, and it’s almost impossible for the medicinal herbs to be there.
When the last refining success succeeded in taking Tiandan’s ancestors, I didn’t know why, but I didn’t record the refining techniques behind it, let alone the visions of the heavens and the earth after the successful refining, and the robbery. If you have escaped from anything, if Yang Chen heard about it in the spiritual world, it is estimated that he is the same as them, thinking that the refining industry has failed.
It cannot be said that the level of the three senior alchemists is still there, especially in the grasp of the fire, but unfortunately, the refining of the Tiandan, not only by the fire can be successful.
In the history of the mortal world, there has only been a record of success in refining the success of Tiandan. If this is the case, it is only the second time, and it has not yet reached the point of being known.
Wu Xiong was shocked and happy, but he did not dare to relax. Yang Chen said clearly that this would take Tiandan, but if he really got to the point where he was escaped by the drug, it would be a slippery world.
The thunder of the bang is getting closer and closer, and the vibration of the spirit furnace in Yang Chen’s hand is getting more and more powerful. Looking at the present, Yang Chen can hardly suppress it. But no one dared to volunteer to take over Yang Chen. At this point, Deng Yiya Zhu Peng and He Lianyun were almost onlookers. They were afraid that they would be defeated because of their carelessness.
"Be careful, Dan is!" The attention of everyone has been concentrated on the robbery clouds gathered outside. The extreme shock even made them forget to observe Yang Chen’s condensed dan and the method of collecting Dan. When they heard Yang Chen’s words, they I immediately realized that I had just missed something and couldn’t help but regret it again and again. Everyone's tactics are secrets of the teacher's door. Without a certain friendship, it is impossible to communicate at will. If you miss this time, you don't know when you will have a chance to see it again.
However, this time is obviously not a time of regret, everyone has widened their eyes and waited to see what it was like to win the day.
The cover of the Yunling furnace slammed into the old high, and a blue light in the furnace rose from the sky. Then a green shadow rushed out of the furnace and flew directly into the sky.
Wu Xiong had been prepared, and his body shape shook, followed by the blue shadow flying out, closely following the blue shadow. However, at this time he was clever and did nothing. Wu Xiong knew very well that even when he set a strong ban, he could not compete with the robbery of God.
Everyone’s eyes were clear, and the blue shadow turned out to be a cyan dragon. When entering the Yunling furnace, it was a black dregs. When it came out, it was a cyan dragon. How did this happen? When I saw this dragon shape, Deng Yiya Zhu Peng and He Lianyun hated each other's slap in the face, so the important Condensation Dandan technique was actually missed in front of his own eyes.
However, now, no matter how regretful, it is too late, and they are really not able to take care of it. The unprecedented medicinal catastrophe is in front of us. Who can let go of all the thoughts and regret it without paying attention?
Hey, a flash of lightning flashed, the dragon-shaped blue shadow in the middle of the lightning, the stunned electric light, the dragon-shaped blue shadow seems to bathe in the baptism of lightning, no change.
The violent thunder flashed at least nine times, once more than once, once thicker than the first, the thickest lightning, enough for some people's waist, almost all of them have become condensed into thunder. However, in the crazy wash of thunder and lightning, the Tiantian Dan did not see the slightest change. Instead, it released more and more powerful medicine, as if it had obtained great benefits from the baptism of lightning.
After the thunder and lightning, the thunderbolt disappeared, and the robbery clouds in the sky disappeared instantly and the sky became bright again. The kind of slaves of Wu Xiong in the villas can be regarded as an eye-opening today. It is a matter of benefiting for life to let them watch.
Just when everyone was ecstatic, they soon discovered that they were too happy to be too early. After taking over the thunder, the Tiandan was even more petite and exquisite. The shape was slightly smaller than before, but the drug was more powerful. Just hovering in the air for a little while, Wu Xiong found that a smoldering fire has been generated from the bottom of the capture of Tiandan, and began to burn Tiandan.
Three disasters, thunder robbery, smoldering fire, hurricane, monks can't escape, Jin Danhua infants want to thunder, while Yuan Ying enters the Mahayana but wants to robbery, the Mahayana flies to the spiritual world to spend the wind robbery. The monk is so, I can’t think of this, and it’s the same.
Deng Yiya, Zhu Peng, He Lianyun and Fan Shan have all widened their eyes and stared at Tiandan. The burning of the smoldering fire can happen in front of their eyes. This is a godsend gift. Even if they haven’t arrived yet, they can see this scene, and they will be more aware of it when they rob.
For Wu Xiong, the smoldering fire is not a big deal. He is already a master of the Mahayana period. He has already passed the smoldering fire, but he still has a lot of expectations in his heart.
The smoldering fire is also nine times, silent, invisible, invisible, smoldering, and everyone can only feel the physical changes of Tiandan. Every time I burn, Tiandan seems to be getting smaller. After nine times, only the size of the plum is left.
"Wood elders, when the refining is congenitally insufficient, maybe the last hurricane robbery needs the elders to help!" Yang Chen, who rushed into the air, shouted.
This sentence, let everyone take advantage of the capture of Tiandan almost crazy. After the hurricane robbery, after spending it, you can fly directly. Which monk in the field, including Wu Xiong, has seen the flying up? This is the experience of asking for help! Everyone who hears this is almost excited to tremble, hate not to fly up and observe it at close range.
Of course, they also heard the congenital deficiency that Yang Chen called, and the three alchemists hated not to be ashamed to bury themselves in the ground. Congenital deficiency, naturally because of the problem of their refining method, and finally was remedy by Yang Chen, reminiscent of the kind of contempt that Yang Chen first saw, three people are ashamed of the ground.
Wu Xiong is also excited in the sky, and the last disaster in the three disasters will soon be faced, but he did not expect that he could see this day in advance on a medicinal herb. Robbery, this has an unusual significance for his ascent.
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