Chapter 916: Looking for Lin Zhengyuan (below)

In the screams, the guy who led the way looked down and saw between his chest and abdomen. He didn’t know when there was a huge gap, as if he had been torn apart by something, and his own chest and abdomen. The two halves were directly torn apart, leaving only the neck and above.
The screams only rang, but they stopped because there was no supply of breath, and the life of this guy stopped. When he died, he didn't know what attacked himself, and how he turned himself into this.
Yang Chen, who has been watching in the distance, is clearly seen. In the last scene, Yang Chen also shocked Yang Chen, but then he felt it.
It’s the idiot that he thought was not the Lord. When the guy at Dan Dingmen just showed a little hostility to the idiot, it seemed that the stupid figure of the Yuan Ying period was violent, and the thunder was too late. The body directly passed through the body of Dan Dingmen disciple. The huge wound on the disciple of Dan Dingmen is simply the result of being torn by a fool.
Now Yang Chen can be completely sure that this fool is the Lin Zhengyuan he is looking for. At that moment, the counterattack of the hostile person and the clean and neat tearing of a man’s monk’s move, in addition to being sent to Lin Zhengyuan of the spiritual world, Yang Chen could not think of who else.
To tell the truth, seeing Lin Zhengyuan's skill, Yang Chen has a feeling in his heart, even if he does not need to find ways to take care of it, Lin Zhengyuan is expected to be safe and sound in the spiritual world.
Lin Zhengyuan, who killed Dan Dingmen's disciple, returned to his original position and sat down again, staring at the sky again. Yang Chen glanced at it. There was nothing more than a few clouds in the sky. However, Lin Zhengyuan seemed to look like a relish, and he was not boring at all.
At this moment, Yang Chen suddenly admired Lin Zhengyuan. Others think that Lin Zhengyuan has lost his wisdom and pity, but Yang Chen envied him with such a worry-free state of mind, but it is a pity. Yang Chen has too much concern in his heart, that is, he can't do it like Lin Zhengyuan.
Lin Zhengyuan, who was staring at the sky, has been maintaining his original position for another day, basically not moving. Watching the clouds and the sky during the day and watching the stars at night, it seems that there are some profound secrets in the sky waiting for him to study.
There are quite a few indigenous people here. It seems strange that there is a monk's body not far from Lin Zhengyuan. They are busy all the way forward. Hands-on, take things, take the body buried, the body of the Qiankun bag is naturally divided. It all happened not far from Lin Zhengyuan, but he did not seem to see it.
Yang Chen did not go directly to Lin Zhengyuan, but followed several indigenous people back to their homes. Then came out and asked.
For a monk, even if it is only a monk in the base period, the aboriginal people have maintained sufficient respect. I completely ignored Yang Chen’s current cultivation. Some of them respected everything, so that Yang Chen couldn’t find a wrong place. Compared with this aboriginal, the disciples of several Ding Dingmen are simply blindfolded.
"I asked the fairy to be a big fool!" When Yang Chen asked Lin Zhengyuan, the head of the household immediately replied: "We don't know where he came from. It has been for some years, it has always been that way. As long as you don't mess with him." He will not take care of others. We have been used to it for so many years."
"What does he like?" Yang Chen asked again, hoping that the aborigines could give themselves a little answer.
"I don't know!" What Yang Chen expected was that the aboriginal head of the household shook his head directly: "We have never talked before, I don't know what he likes. Anyway, he does not hinder everyone's business, no one cares about him. Someone wanted to bully. He. The result was that he was killed, and later people were afraid, and no one dared to talk to him."
After some inquiries, basically the same words. Lin Zhengyuan is just stupid looking at the sky here. He has never done anything else. People don’t dare to provoke it. They maintain this state until now.
From the aborigines, I want to know how to communicate with Lin Zhengyuan has failed. Yang Chen can only think of it from another channel.
After careful consideration for two days, Yang Chen suddenly realized that Lin Zhengyuan seemed to respond only to hostility, in this case. It is not too difficult to get in touch.
Yang Chen is basically not hostile to Lin Zhengyuan, so there is no such worry at all. Even if Lin Zhengyuan's cultivation of Jinxian or Dalu Jinxian is used to judge the hidden and deep hostility, there is no need to worry about security issues for Yang Chen, who is completely hostile.
Lin Zhengyuan was still staring at the sky, and there was a seductive fragrance floating next to him. Lin Zhengyuan instinctively sucked his nose and swallowed a saliva.

Want to eat?
A gentle voice rang around, and then a plate full of tempting food was delivered to the front:
Eat a few mouthfuls!

If it is a normal person, you must look at who the other person is. You should not give up some of it. The acquaintance should be polite and thank you before eating. But for Lin Zhengyuan, a simple-minded guy, there is no such cumbersome step.
He has been keenly aware that the people around him are completely innocent to him, just wanting him to eat something. I don't know how many years he hasn't eaten anything. He can stand up to such a temptation. He straightens out and takes a piece of the biggest meat from the plate. He snarls it into his mouth and chews it with a big mouth.
"Slowly eat, there are many." Yang Chen mouthed in persuasion, but the other hand handed over a cup of mellow jade dragon: "Drink some wine, let's eat together."
During the talk, there was already a table between the two, and then a dozen delicious foods that rushed to make it were placed on it.
Lin Zhengyuan did not say anything. After drinking a big mouth, he just reached out and grabbed the contents of each plate and stuffed it into his mouth. Gong Sunling showed up and gave Yang Chen a strange look. Then he put a pair of jade ivory ivory chopsticks next to Lin Zhengyuan. Wen Yan advised: "Slow down, use chopsticks."
In Yang Chen’s stunned eyes, Lin Zhengyuan put down the dishes in his hands. He was wiped by Gong Sunling like an idiot, then picked up the chopsticks and began to pick up the dishes on the table.
The wind and the clouds that this meal can be eaten can almost be compared with when the Beijing fat man swept the food. After eating, Lin Zhengyuan did not have the slightest image of a wild full of savage, and then touched the belly, his face showed a satisfied look.
"I have a fun little thing here, do you want to play?" Looking at Lin Zhengyuan's fullness and drinking, Gong Sunling collected those cups and wolves, and Yang Chen asked Lin Zhengyuan with a tempting tone.
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