Chapter 962: Powdered bones (below)

When the Wangmen Lord said that other disciples had nothing to gain, Xue Fei was already full of horror. He didn't even know when he was exposed, but it was obvious that he had already been exposed.
It’s no longer meaningful to say anything at this time. It’s important to escape first. Xue Fei said nothing, and when he got up, he would rush out of the hall.
Now there is only one king in the hall. If this is the case, Xue Fei is completely sure that the sword will fly away. At the beginning, he also knew that since the king of the door was so smiling and talking to him at the beginning, how could there be no arrangement? I am afraid that all the back roads have been broken, and it is very likely that there are several or even dozens of siege masters.
It is impossible to escape, and the only way to survive is to die. Xue Fei can become a core elder, but also a very skilled person, how can you not know the benefits? The body of the king is not far from the king of the door, as long as you can control the king of the door, other Xuan Tianmen disciples under the mouse, may still have a chance.
However, he just got up and stood up, and suddenly he saw that the king of the door was very casual to play a law. Then, Xue Fei's body tumbling for a while, all the spiritual power seems to disappear in an instant without a trace, and can no longer afford a little.
Oops, that cup of tea is poisonous! Xue Fei immediately realized that he was being counted. How can the lord of the king of the king, such as the old traitor, leave himself with the flaws of escape? Not to mention controlling the king of the door, it is already a great opportunity to stand up firmly.
"Take it!" The face of the king's main door is now as cold as a change of face, and the mouth is interrupted. Then the shadows of dozens of people appeared in the hall.
Xue Fei only saw the faces of several people directly opposite, and he knew that he had no luck at this time. Thirty-six is ​​the Scorpio Array formed by the master of Taishang Xuanxian. Don't say that he is now a spiritual loss, even if he is twice the peak state, not one of the opponents, let alone face the formation of thirty-six masters.
Dead! There is only one thought left in Xue Fei’s mind. As he got up, Xue Fei had already noticed that his own knowledge was slowly dissipating, but it was not as fast as the spiritual power to dissipate. Just wait a few moments, after a few breaths. You will become the meat on the cutting board, and you will be slaughtered.
Xuantianmen must definitely take care of him and then ask the Zhao family. This does not have to be guessed, replaced by Xue Fei's own arrangement, in the case of foolproof and grabbed the first hand, the same idea.
As for the identity and cultivation of the king's lord, he used the poisonless means. If you have a belly, you can only say that this monk is a blind man and has never been swayed in the mortal world.
Xue Fei can forbear such a long time in Xuantianmen, not a simple character. Since there is no fortune, and there is no escape, then desperately is the only thing Xue Fei can do.
In the years of undercover career. Xue Fei has always left a hand for himself. Once he is defeated, he can't live in the hands of anyone in Xuantianmen anyway. A long time ago, Xue Fei refining a powerful magic weapon, as long as the trend of knowledge. The meditation will explode, breaking the magic weapon and the body of the body.
His own gods have not completely dissipated. Xue Fei decisively launched his last resort. He is now incapable of making any attacks, and all he can do is to detonate the self-explosive magic weapon he has already prepared.
Boom, a violent explosion occurred in the hall. The huge explosive power even made 36 of the Taishang Xuanxian masters have to rely on the self-protection. The entire hall became a powder in an instant, and the hall was surrounded by hundreds of square feet. It suddenly became a black piece.
This is Xue Fei's preparation for many years, refining for many years, and being regarded as the last resort by Xue Fei. The power is still firmly limited to a few hundred square feet, and the power of the explosion is enough to destroy the land.
The entire Wantianyuan’s courtyard was shaken for a long time under this violent explosion. The Hushan array was smashed in an instant, and was affected by the explosion of the Hushan, and the houses in the other houses were close to the most The outer edge of the place can stand outside, and all other places collapse.
Just this time, let the Xuantian Gate be regarded as the ruin of the Xiping Mountain Courtyard in the Jingmen Gate for hundreds of years. The mountain gate of Xuantianmen was destroyed for the second time in the spiritual world.
The only thing to be thankful for is that the vast majority of the explosive power is concentrated in the square of hundreds of feet around the main hall. The outer part is only the vibration caused by the shattering of the guardian mountain, but it does not hurt many disciples. It is unfortunate. Great luck.
Around the main hall, in order to prevent Xue Fei from escaping, the arrangement is the master of the Taishang Xuan Xian. The Scorpio formation consisting of 36 masters in the main hall is the most direct attack. Although others are affected, No one died. However, under this level of attack, injuries are inevitable.
The first to bear the brunt of the thirty-six Taishang Xuanxian masters in the Scorpio tactics, all of them were injured, all were injured by the explosion. Fortunately, it was only a small injury that was vicious inside. Everyone lost a few pieces of body protection, but it was not fatal.
However, the king of the door is not so good luck. He is too close to Xue Fei, even if there is a scorpio array of protection, but the king of the door after these hundreds of years is just the level of the four fairy, can not compete with those who are too master. The huge power of the explosion shattered the Scorpio tactics and still let the lord of the king squirt blood.
"Rescue the doorkeeper!" Li Chang Lao Liu Tang, they have been waiting for news outside of a few miles. Seeing this scene, everyone is witnessing the smashing, crazy rushed to this side.
Xue Fei is already a broken bone, but 36 of them are too high-handed to take a wound, and Wang Men’s Lord is even more vomiting. The elder Li first rushed to the side of the king's door, just raised the king's door, and did not wait for him to carry out the next move, Zhu Tang master has directly pinched two medicinal herbs to the mouth of the king's door.
"Fast! This is my life-saving remedy, take it quickly!" Zhu Tang’s eager voice came from the side, his face full of anxious expression, watching the king of the door with concern.
When Li grew up, he immediately moved his heart and said nothing, letting Zhu Tang reach out and open the mouth of Wang Men.
Under the watchful eyes of Li Changsong Liu Tang and several other elders, Zhu Tangzhu fed his hand-made medicinal herbs to the mouth of the king's main door, and then sent it to the abdomen with a sip of spirit. This was a long appeal. Tone.
"If the drug is attacked, perhaps the doorman will be blessed in disguise, and wait for a few hours to see the difference." Zhu Tang master seems to have absolute confidence in his refining of the drug, and now he has a well-thought-out.
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