Chapter 998: Yang Chen's problem (on)

He and Yu Lie left the Pure Yang Palace, and they were very anxious. He did not want to be so eager, but he was forcibly taken away. Even the Dragon Palace, which helped to refine more than half of it, was not completed. It is obvious that she has valued this matter in her heart.
Fortunately, the Dragon Palace has been merged, and now the rest of the refining roaring can also be done, but it takes more time, and it will not be abandoned halfway.
In the eyes of outsiders, the chaotically impetuous Chunyang Palace was once again destroyed, and the disciples began to rebuild the gates for the fourth time. This kind of thing happened more and everyone was numb, and the general monks did not have much reaction.
However, the five major sects were not the same, and the Chunyang Palace gate was destroyed. This happened after the five sects of the sects believed that they would protect the pure palace for three thousand years. Although it was the mountain gate of the Pure Yang Palace, it was the face of the five main gates. Is it tolerable, can't bear it?
There are monsters in the territory of each major gate, but the general number of monsters can bring some casualties to some lower-level disciples, and it has no effect on the foundation of each major gate. Most of the masters of the large-scale gates were the masters of the town, and most of them began to hunted the monsters in their own gates. In a few days, the bottlenecks were restored in the sites of the major gates.
This time, the Zhao family was indeed poisonous. In the thought that everyone had recovered the lost land, the Zongmen site definitely affirmed the psychological error of the mountain, and released so many monsters, which actually killed a large number of monks. All the people killed were disciples below Tianxian, and the number was hundreds of thousands.
Settling up the disciples, the parties began to ponder how to completely ban the spiritual world. If this continues, after a while, someone will throw a bunch of crazy monsters of Xuanxian class on their own site. No one can stand this kind of toss. The only way is to completely kill the Zhao family and break the root.
Wait until after the placement of the respective Zongmen affairs. The news on the side of Chunyang Palace also spread to the five major gates of Daomen. When the Jingyang Gongshan Gate was destroyed again, the high-level sects of all the sects were all furious.
Ming knows that the five major sects have been guaranteed externally. I have done this again and again to ruin the pure Yanggong Gongshan Gate. This is a head-on blow from the reputation to the five major sects from the prestige. Is it tolerable and unbearable?
Fortunately, the Murong sisters were in the Pure Yang Palace at that time, so that the Longjing Town lived in the scene and saved the lives of the disciples in the Shanmen, but the Shanmen was eventually destroyed. Speaking of it, the Five Elements has played an important role in it, and at least the top five faces of the sects still have light.
Zhao’s attack at the time. Already almost ruined the surrounding monks, what happened to the Pure Yang Palace at that time, outsiders are not clear. Not to mention the monks who are not close to the Chunyang Palace Gate, the disciples inside the Chunyang Palace. At that time, everyone was hiding in the cave house of the Zongmen. They did not know what happened outside. If you really know the outside situation, only Yang Chen and Yu Lie.
The Zhao family and the beasts who participated in the attack have all died, and no one will reveal the situation at that time, so the Murong sisters returned to Zongmen to speak to the outside world. Everything was done on the basis of the dragon's shot. No one else is jealous of him. Anyway, there is nothing to do with it.
The five elements kept the face, but the other four sects seemed a bit embarrassing. On the side of Xuantianmen, Li Men’s self-identification and Yang Chen’s relationship are not ordinary. I don't think Yang Chen will care about this issue. However, in order to give a benchmark to several other sects, Li Men sent a senior elder to send a gift, on the surface, to make a contribution to the reconstruction of the Pure Yang Palace. In fact, it was an opportunity to give Yang Chen and Chun Yang Palace money.
Sure enough, like the mind of Li Men, the other three sects. Seeing that Xuantianmen was so refreshed with such a large amount of blood, he also pinched his nose and recognized it. Who made it so refreshing when everyone accepted Yang Chenqi Shenyu. This will lead to a scorpion that should be bleeding on its own.
That is to say, Chunyang Palace now has a Yang Chen, and its status is different, so there will be such a compromise. Switched to other small and medium-sized sects, maybe after this agreement, Zhao has just destroyed the mountain gate, and there will be a larger sect or master directly to destroy the entire sect. In this way, at most, a few large gates finally found out that the dead ghosts were destroyed, and saved many troubles and human debts.
Sometimes, the world is so cruel and unreasonable, and whether it is a vow or a promise, it will be ruthlessly trampled. Fortunately, Yang Chen and Chunyang Palace are now qualified for reasoning.
The disaster brought by Zhao this time is even bigger than when the robbery just broke out. I thought that I was in a safe area, so countless monks who were not so wary had tasted bitter fruit, paid a painful price, and even paid for their lives.
Of course, the major gates could not eat this dumb loss for no reason. After a series of investigations, the spearhead pointed to the Zhao family. After this incident, Zhao Jiadun became a deadly enemy of almost all spiritual monks. In the past, some neutral monks who were not attached to the Zongmen of Zhao’s family felt that they should not hate Zhao’s family. Now they have all changed their tone. The Zhao family has become a street mouse that everyone is calling.
However, even if it is a street mouse, the strength of the Zhao family is still unquestionable. Do not say anything else, even if the major gates now know that Zhao is located, but no master can get close. Light is the powerful monsters, is a large group of natural bodyguards, and now all the major gates have a sense of helplessness to the Zhao family.
What others don't know is that the monsters are still appearing constantly. Yang Chen can't remember how the past life calmed down. When he was fleeing, where would he pay attention to the deeper secrets? It seems that it is very likely that the Zhao family has achieved its intended purpose, so it is the initiative to seal the monsters back, rather than the consequences of the efforts of the various sects. This speculation makes Yang Chen very speechless, but can't easily share it with others, very uncomfortable.
Sometimes Yang Chen is still hesitating now. Should he forcefully improve his cultivation, and then close the exit of the monster space. Otherwise, if the monsters come out from that exit, it is not appropriate to add the power of the Zhao family. However, if it is forcibly upgraded, I am afraid that it will be rebuilt, but it is not a matter of centuries.
Just when Yang Chen was hesitant, one person came to Chunyang Palace. The arrival of this person, suddenly let Yang Chenxi look out, it seems that all the doubts can find the answer from him. This person, of course, is Yang Chen’s wife, Li Cheng. (To be continued...)
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