Chapter 999: Specific analysis of specific issues (on)

"I can't help but say that you can live to the present, it's a miracle!" Listen carefully to Yang Chen's practice of explaining his own golden body, holding the practice of Yang Chen's golden body, Li After feeling for a long time, Yang Chen gave this kind of emotion directly.
Although Yang Chen’s self-created practice was Li Cheng’s proposal at the beginning, Yang Chen gave some opinions when he created his own golden body, but he actually got Yang Chen’s current detailed practice. Hey, Rao is Li Cheng, but he can’t help but feel such a sigh.
The practice of Jinshen is not a general danger. Especially at the beginning of the foundation, it can only be described as a life of nine deaths. Even the death of nine lives is not enough to describe the degree of danger. Such a sinister practice, the loss of Yang Chen can be successful, it can be considered an odd number.

How much merit has been consumed?
The merits are Li Cheng’s to Yang Chen. Li Cheng himself naturally understands the key, and asks casually.
"A lot." Yang Chen did not say the specific amount, but only answered a lot. Relative to the mortal or spiritual monks, it is simply astronomical figures, not what they can imagine. The specific number Yang Chen can't think of it anymore, anyway, it won't be very rare.
Li Cheng is not entangled in this issue. Anyway, Yang Chen’s practice is to let others practice, and no one else has this condition. Not to mention how rare the five-line physique is, how cherished the yin and yang burns the skyfire, how difficult it is for the pure flesh and body of the yellow towel, and the merits of the merits of the merits can make all People are retreating.
Among the whole spiritual world, it is the monks who are the swindlers who get this sensation. It is estimated that only Yang Chen and Li Cheng are two. Those who can practice, but only Yang Chen. Although Li Cheng is tough, but it is a powerful congenital single five-line attribute full value, it is impossible to practice such a practice that requires metamorphosis.
Perhaps there will be another one in the future. After the reincarnation of the dragon, the dragon will be nourished by the Murong sisters, and then take Yang Chen’s meritorious refining pills to get the full value of the acquired property. It is also the nature of the previous fire. The physical strength of the dragon is very strong in itself. These conditions are satisfied, and you may be able to touch the side of the golden body.
But in the end, the trouble is merit, the fire dragon may not have so many merits can resist the danger of the golden body. Perhaps the dragon's physique is strong, and it can be practiced without merit. Who knows?
"From the current effect, your golden body is also barely a small success." Li Cheng commented very rudely: "There is a flaw, but there is room for improvement. You can focus on these places." ""
Li Cheng was Li Cheng, and soon discovered the key, and began to point out Yang Chen one by one.
This is Yang Chen's own practice, but he took the law to ask Li Cheng. It would be strange for outsiders to see it. It might even feel that Li Cheng was too big. However, Yang Chen did not have such feeling at all. He sincerely asked Li Cheng to ask for advice.
Li Cheng pointed out that Yang Chen was firmly in mind and thought carefully. Of course, Li Cheng pointed out that at the same time, he did not forget how Yang Chen should properly carry out the yin and yang reconciliation in these parts, and directly use the original spiritual power of the women to carry out double repairs. The Great Yin and Yang Five Elements is the original spiritual power. As long as Yang Chen can control the yin and yang to burn the sky fire, there is no problem with the double repair.
There is no way to be difficult. The meeting is not difficult. When Li Cheng pointed out these key points and explained the principles in detail, Yang Chen suddenly felt bright. After a thorough understanding, Yang Chen naturally understands what to do.
Next, as long as Yang Chen will refine the golden body, and at the same time improve the original spiritual power of the other women, the natural yin and yang can be reconciled in the future, and then there is no need to worry about absorbing the shackles after the fire.
... Although there is no immediate test, there are already directions and methods for solving this. For Yang Chen, it is equivalent to having been solved. Next, Yang Chen naturally did not bother Li Cheng’s big brother on this matter, but began to ask the Dragon’s magic weapon.
"Big brother, the dragon's magic weapon is different from our human race. Now my younger brother has sacred to the present, and I have completely noticed that it is different." Yang Chen simply sang his own golden bell, Gao Yue's water and fire double dragon horn, Gong Sunling's The geographical map of Shanhe and the five-line hook of Murong’s sisters are described once, and they are very serious to ask:
Big brother, what do you think of this?

"The magic weapon of the dragon refining is different from our human beings, and the natural ritual methods are different. This is common sense." Li Cheng is very generous and pointed out: "However, specific to a magic weapon, it depends on the specific situation, not necessarily It is necessary to consider the difference between the two parties."
Seeing the incomprehensible look on Yang Chen’s face, Li Cheng smiled and pointed to his glass. Yang Chen immediately gave a cup full of hands, and both hands were held in front of Li Cheng.
"First talk about the water and fire double dragons of the month." Li Cheng unknowingly drank the glass of wine, and after only two drinks, he put down the wine glass and said: "What do you think is what the dragon master refining plans to do?" Magic weapon?"
"It is the two dragons with good texture, and there are no dragon masters." Yang Chen subconsciously replied, and immediately thought of the key inside.
The water and fire double dragon horns, really only two dragon horns, have never been refining by any master. Otherwise, it would never be possible to have the ability to refine the high moon of the Golden Age. Since it is only two dragon horns, from the perspective of the refiner, it is clearly two pieces of raw materials, and there is no need to pay attention to the difference between the dragon and the human race. What Gaoyue has to do is to step up the ritual. This is the water-washing work of the water-dropping stone. It is not a falsehood.
"Mu Rong sister's five-line hook is also simple." Seeing that Yang Chen has understood his own meaning, Li Cheng said with a smile: "Now their sisters use the dragon 傀儡 refining, what is the difference between the dragon and the dragon? You are not the Dragon Palace. Are the dragon masters helping the refining? The reason is the same. The dragons have no sense of God and no knowledge. The deeper the sacrifice, the deeper their sisters control."
Yang Chen nodded. It seems that Murong sisters used their dragons to sculpt the five elements of the hook. It is a pity that the only thing that is unfortunate is that they need to refine themselves after flying to the fairyland. But then again, it was really at that time, that repair, who refining is no different.
"There is another golden bell of yours." Li Cheng said with a slow drink. Rs
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