Chapter 1029: Convenient with people (below)

A few words of Yang Chen, almost announced the death penalty of the other party. The people of Fengyun Temple have been desperate in their hearts, but Xuanxian master is still a master of Xuanxian, and still has the dignity of the master. Just bowed his head, and it is only desperate.
It’s definitely a headache for the singular masters who are dying. These guys know that they must die, so they made up their minds and must pull a few backs.
Everyone is looking at a maid in the squad, no matter what other attacks, not letting go, just kill one of them without mercy. This is the death of the dead and the future, I believe that if Yang Chen does not want to see his own fairy goddess Xiang Xiaoyu one or two, then they may not have a chance to live.
However, when their crazy attack was just issued, there was no one in front of them. Not only that, but those companions who are still not far away can not see one, all the attacks are good, and the formation is worthy of a moment, disappearing without a trace.
Although the land is familiar, there is no trace of fighting. Several people suddenly became shocked. What is this clever array?
"These are all masters of Xuanxian, can't die in vain." Just a few of the Xuanxian masters in Fengyun Temple were still in doubt, Yang Chen appeared with Gong Sunling's figure, and Xiaoxiao was stunned. Yang Chen said.
With the repair of Gong Sunling, I want to rely on the geographical map of Shanhe to take the initiative to collect the masters of Xuanxian, and there is still some strength, even if Yang Chen’s third is not able to do the spirit. However, the initiative to collect can not, can be placed there to open the door to let others enter it is ok.
Such a long battle. It is enough for Gong Sunling to slowly expand the geographical map of the mountain river and then transform it into the same scene as the surrounding. The maids are fighting at the same time. Little by little, their opponents were brought into the geographical map of the mountains and rivers.
The geographical map of Shanhe has one more master of Xuanxian, and it has more power. This kind of opportunity can of course not be easily missed.
Everyone packed up the battlefield, in fact, all the bodies were included in the geographical map of the mountains and rivers. These are resources that cannot be wasted. Then it was slowly moving forward, waiting for the next batch of Fengyun Temple reinforcements to come.
"How come the people of Fengyun Temple still don't come?" For a while, Yang Chen, they have advanced a few hundred miles, but none of them appeared. The impatient Sun Light Snow waited for it.
"They dare to come to blame!" The teacher unparalleledly laughed on the other side: "Whoever let you kill at the beginning, there are almost ten masters of Xuanxian before and after, how many masters of Fengyun Temple, dare to send you easily Was killed in front of you?"
What the unparalleled teacher said was exactly what Feng Yundian thought. I thought it was just a small conflict. There are several masters of Xuan Xian who have sent these masters, regardless of the size conflict.
However, the latter batch of seven or eight Xuan Xian masters still issued the highest level of warning, which means that Fengyun Temple is clearer than anyone else. The other party can't be strong, and many people are sending food.
The method of cracking the ancient ruins is now at a critical moment and will soon be able to break through. Suddenly someone came in with great fanfare, no need to ask, it must be that the monk who did not know where to get the news wanted to eat.
According to the current situation. If you can't break through this battle in a short time and enter the ancient ruins, I am afraid that the Fengyun Temple will only be able to retreat, and pay so much hard work in vain. Either you can only fight with the people, and the result may be the whole army. Ten Xuanxian masters are not opponents. Then can these other things be overcome?
Just when the main hall of Fengyun Temple was impatient and didn't know what to do, he heard a burst of cheers: "The break is broken! The break is broken!"
Hearing this voice, the heart of the Fengyun Temple was suddenly loose. I laughed and said: "I really help me!"
After that, there is no delay. The big hand waved the command: "All the disciples of Fengyun Temple, immediately enter the relics." Finished. As soon as he took the lead, he rushed to the broken position of the formation and took the lead into the remains.
Sure enough, as the Lord of Fengyun said, the ruins are a huge cave house, which is full of spiritual power and is definitely a treasure house. Most importantly, when he came in, he found that there was a still-running array, and not far from it was a battle that seemed to be a control eye.
The sky is full of clouds! In the heart of the Fengyun Temple, he screamed and rushed up and took the battle in his hand. The gods explored and immediately understood the role of the market. During the meditation, there was a big gap in the formation, allowing the people of Fengyun Temple to enter and exit.
Everyone knows that there is a warning. At this time, the movements are very fast. After a while, all of them have entered the formation. Under the control of the Lord of the Winds, the array is quickly restored. This time, even if the other party is more powerful, it is impossible to rush in in a short time.
The high-level collective of Fengyun Temple was relieved. The situation was just too thrilling. It was almost impossible for the masters of the Fengyun Temple to die up and down. It’s good now, it’s safe.
When Yang Chen and others walked all the way, they did not see a disciple of Fengyun Temple. But soon they saw the excavated array, and the mouth of the Fengyun Temple forcibly broke open.
"Imperial creatures!" Yang Chen and Gong Sunling both shook their heads at the same time. That Dongfu has been able to be full of spirituality until now, and it is obviously the merit of this formation. The people of Fengyun Temple used this violent method to crack it. It is really a violent thing.
Everyone knows the situation at the moment. The people of Fengyun Temple must have retreated to the cave house. Can not help but say that the owner of the Fengyun Temple is also a male, knowing that he is not capable of enemies, and immediately the strong man broke his wrist, and gave up those masters, but saved the lives of most of the disciples of Fengyun Temple.
Under the general circumstances, this Fengyun Dianzhu is also the master who can do great things. Leave a living force to make a comeback. Unfortunately, he met Yang Chen’s family this time.
What is Yang Chen’s family’s behavior? Everyone knows clearly that it is to collect a few big caves, and to buy some small caves to make up the mountain river map.
The other party has gotten into this big hole house. What is this? For the Yang Chen family, this is clearly the initiative to become the shackles! If they dispersed and fled, Yang Chen would definitely not be able to pursue them one by one, but they took the initiative to hide in the cave, then don't blame Yang Chen for being polite.
As long as the Dongfu was collected from the outside and then sent to the geographical map of the mountains and rivers, then the Fengyun Temple inside has become a prisoner. It has never been seen so convenient. (To be continued.)
Ps: Come back late, forgive me!
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