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luck? If Yao is a monk who believes in luck in the spiritual world and can get nine turns to Jin Dan, he will never have the cultivation of Jinxian. How can such a naive monk rise peacefully to the fairy world?
Yao is not a naive person, so he will not believe what Yang Chen said. Luck, maybe there is, it is definitely not just luck.
At that moment, the body of the elders of Jin Xian Yao even had a slight tremor. Not allowed by Yao elders, nine turns to Jin Dan! That means there is a nine-inner alchemist behind it.
Even in the fairy world, in the super-class gate of the Xuanwu Academy, the number of the nine-integrated alchemists can be counted with one hand. The hallmark of Xuantianmen, the giant scorpion in charge of the heavenly court, is only a dozen or so nine alchemy masters in Zongmen, and each of them is a real sacred man.
Usually I can ask for a nine-turn Jindan. In the fairy world, it is worthy of a big book to celebrate, let alone have such an opportunity in the spiritual world. If Yao’s elders don’t understand the importance of this, then he will not be sent to the spiritual world by the Emperor Xuanwu Academy.
"Master Yang Daen, Yao is unforgettable. In the future, Master Yang has been sent, although he told him that Yao will die!" At this time, if Yao Elder did not know how to face up to his relationship with Yang Chen, then Yao Elder It’s a fool. Apart from anything else, Yao Chang first showed his attitude of standing firmly on the side of Yang Chen, and even claimed to have become Yao. Not the seat.
It is difficult for the fairyland to ask for a nine-turn Jindan. No one knows better than Yao’s elder. At least he has been flying up to the fairyland for so many years. So far, I have only heard of the nine-turn Jindan. I have heard that I have eaten nine turns of Jin Dan, and I have never seen the nine-turn Jin Dan.
This is still in the fairy world. If it is placed in the spiritual world, it is something that you can't even think about. However, this scene actually happened before his eyes. Master Yang, who did not know what it was, actually got a nine-turn Jindan and still ate it.
This light is enough to make the entire spiritual world turbulent. But Master Yang seems to be fine. If it wasn't for Yao's elders to see some signs, maybe Master Yang would not admit it.
I always thought that Da Luo Jinxian Zhou Sheng was the biggest accident in the spiritual world. Later, I discovered that the Zhao family’s dragon master was the one who never thought that the original Master Yang was. A strong master, can you have a nine-inspired alchemist shocked? What about Da Luo Jinxian? How many thousands of robbers are really not able to ask for a nine-turn Jindan. Compared with Master Yang, whether it is Zhou Sheng or Zhao’s dragon master, it is not worth mentioning.
Master Yang said that he is not yet a nine-inner alchemy teacher. But this does not reduce his evaluation of Yang Chen. If you fly to the fairyland in the future, Master Yang is the most likely candidate to become a nine-inner alchemy teacher. Do not say anything else, just the internal inspection liquid will make his eyes shine, how many new products that the eight-product peak of the alchemy teacher did not think of. A spirit of the seven products alchemy master has been refining.
As for the origin of Master Yang’s nine-turn Jindan, Yao’s elders directly thought of a possibility. It is said that at the auction of the reincarnation valley, there was a mysterious woman around Master Yang. The veil on his face is made by the master of the fairy world who is trembling with a name.
The veil is never a magic weapon, so since that one can send the veil down. Then sending a nine-turn Jindan is not a problem. Even the mysterious woman is very important, and it is not a big deal to carry a ten or eight. It’s a difficult thing for Yao’s elders to ask for a nine-turn Jindan. But if that is the case, it is nothing to take with the sugar beans.
The news was that the lower bound of the Promise of the Promise, Jin Xian, was accidentally revealed. After being accidentally known by Yao Chang, he still regretted it. Now contact this nine-turn Jindan-association, many things will come out.
Why can Master Yang have such a high standard of alchemy? I am afraid that in addition to the outstanding talents of Master Yang, it is also one of the important reasons that this level of medicinal herbs makes Master Yang's reference.
I am afraid that Yang Chen can't think of it himself. Yao Chang has thought of so much between the electric and the Flint. He even helped him to get the experience of the nine-turn Jindan he got. However, I don’t know what Yang Chen knows when he thinks what Yao’s heart is thinking.
The existence of the name that cannot be said is supposed to be the opposite of the current heaven, but it is precisely the elders of Yao who have experienced the heavens and the Lord. He knows how terrible the person is than the spiritual world. If he can make a good relationship with Yang Chen in the spiritual world and therefore have a good relationship with the indirect, he will be willing to pay the price of Yao.
After guessing the background of Yang Chen, Yao Chang has more confidence in the outcome of the war with Zhao. You must know that from the beginning to the end, Yang Chen did not let the mysterious woman move, even in the battle to save Xuantianmen. Such a big card has not yet appeared. I believe that if Zhao’s family faces the day, there will be an unexpected
Yao Chang’s heart is good, Yang Chen certainly will not refuse. Now Xuanwu Academy is actually in a very embarrassing situation. There is Xuanwu Academy in the mortal world, and there is Xuanwu Academy in the fairyland. Such a situation will inevitably have a consequence. That is, the Xuanwu Academy of the Immortal World will face a situation like the Xuantian Gate of the spiritual world in the long time.
There is a big possibility. After the disappearance of the Zhao family, Yao’s elders must stay in the spiritual world and stand alone in the booth of the Xuanwu Academy of the spiritual world. The major sects will never be happy to see that the Xuanwu Academy is not easy to decline but has the opportunity to rise. It will definitely be undermined. Therefore, it is inevitable to hand over a martial art that can support each other.
Now, Yao’s elders have received such great favors in the Pure Yang Palace. In the future, they will naturally reciprocate. After all, Yao’s elders are also robbing Jinxian. Under the deliberate exchange, the development of Chunyang Palace will become faster and faster, becoming another Super Zongmen is by no means a dream. The two sides have their own minds, but they have all confirmed a point and have become close allies for the time being.
Yang Chen did not expect that he just ate a nine-turn Jindan given by Li Cheng's big brother to try the drug. The result can also lead to such a result, which is also an unexpected surprise.
During the intense preparations of the parties, the joint command finally decided to preempt. However, before the real confrontation with the Zhao family, we must first solve the embarrassment that was controlled by Yang Lan’s free magic.
It’s still very reasonable to be outside. (The novel "Zhu Xian" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend", search for the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
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