Chapter 1189: Yang Wei's stage (below)

Although this episode is to clear the dissident, Yang Lan also has a reason to have to attack. The main one is that Yang Chen has made eight varieties of alchemy masters, and refining eight turns of Lingzhi Yuludan.
The news was that Yang Lan got from one of his beggars. He was a high-ranking demon, and was secretly controlled by Yang Lan, but he was never detected.
At all times, there is always the existence of privileged people. Some of the top gates of Zongmen think they will never have the opportunity to contact Yang Lan, so they will never be controlled by Yang Lan. When the entire spiritual world began to secretly search from the top, this guy just got the means of Yang Lan and became a beggar.
With this high-level status, the following monks would never dare to doubt him. When he made it clear that he did not want to be insulted, the monks naturally did not dare to treat him.
In fact, every sect has a similar existence, and he sees himself consciously and unconsciously. Just like Yang Chen of Chunyang Palace, no one will believe that he will be controlled by Yang Lan. However, Yang Chen is very conscious, he will take the initiative to let people check, relying on the virtual cover of the sea, no one can find that he is actually associated with Yang Lan.
However, not every monk has the ability of Yang Chen. Everyone has taken the lead to do the inspection. In this case, some people are unwilling to feel that it is an insult to themselves. As a result, each of the sects has several high-level executives that have not been checked.
In the high-level that has not been checked, ↓x.◇t has been checked, this one of the Yaozu is just the shackles of Yang Lan. After experiencing the tens of thousands of things that were annihilated before, Yang Lan’s work was more subtle, and he did not control these tricks. Just relying on them to do the ear and eye, know the intelligence of some joint command.
Yang Chen’s news was leaked like this. Fortunately. Yang Chen’s confrontation with the six Jinxian masters did not leak, because at that time Yang Lan was busy with other things. When he wants to snoop, everyone is being shocked by the eight-turn remedy.
In the spirit world, there was an eight-in-one alchemy teacher, or Yang Chen. After the news, Yang Lan learned that there was a burst of anger in his heart.
The anger is that Yang Chen, the child of his own tenant who has been blind to his eyes, is actually much higher than his own achievements. How can Yang Yan, who is careful, may not be embarrassed, how may he not be angry.
What is hi is that Yang Chen has been controlled by his own secrets. No matter how high Yang Chen’s achievements are, he is still his own pawn. I can control Yang Chen to do whatever he wants to do anytime, anywhere.
Fortunately, Yang Lan in the middle of the shackles is also rational, knowing what an eight-in-one alchemy teacher means in the spiritual world. Under such circumstances, it is even easier to expose Yang Chen. Otherwise, everything you have done before will become useless.
According to the development speed of Yang Chen, it is not impossible to achieve the nine-inner alchemy in the future. As soon as I thought that I would control Yang Chenfei to rise to the fairyland, I would soon be able to enjoy the happiness of the nine-turn Jindan. Yang Lan couldn’t help but show a happy smile on her face.
This is baby, it can't be easily broken. Fortunately, Yang Chen’s status is high enough that he was not noticed that he was a beggar. of course. This is also related to the arrangement made by Yang Lan. He shaped Yang Chen into the enemy of life and death of the Zhao family. Naturally, no one would doubt Yang Chen.
Yang Lan thought that all of this was his own merits. I don't know if Yang Chen was watching the sacred mark of Yang Hao, who was in the virtual sea. What Yang Lan wants to know from him. All of them are what Yang Chen wants him to know. What he doesn't want him to understand, Yang Lan can't touch it at all.
Successfully controlled the power of Zhao’s 80%. He also controlled Yang Chen, the eight-in-one alchemy teacher, and Yang Lanton began to make an idea on the Jinxian masters of the Zhao family.
Those Jinxian masters still have injuries on their bodies. Although the injury has not affected the battle, the injury is the injury. There will always be an impact. If you can get eight turns of Lingzhi Yuludan from Yang Chen, you will be able to easily cure those golden celestial.
Controlling Yang Chen, there is an endless supply of eight drugs. However, Jin Xian master has not been controlled by Yang Lan, this is a shortcoming.
The good news is that those Jinxian masters are hurting. It is easier to think about it. In addition, the dragon's master is also in control. If the two sides cooperate, it is very likely that they will win these golden fairy masters. Let them also become their own embarrassment.
The bad news is that Jin Xian master is a master of Jin Xian. If the timing is not good, I am afraid that it will bring disaster to himself. Not every time there is such a good luck, just like controlling the dragon masters to control each Jinxian master.
Of course, as long as there are dragon masters, you can basically be in an invincible position. At least you will have a retreat even if you fail. Into the space magic of the dragon master, is the safest place.
Even Yang Lan found that he had another retreat, that is, Yang Chen. Gong Sunling's geographical map of the mountains and rivers is a powerful baby who can compete with the dragon's master's space magic weapon. As long as Yang Chen is in control, the geographical map of Shanhe is also Yang Lan.
Both space magic weapons are under their control. Basically, Yang Lan has been able to conclude that the spiritual world in the future is definitely his own. Whether it is the dragon master refining the demon world or Gongsun Ling refining the demon world, the nature is the same, they are indirectly controlling the demon world.
As long as you control the entire demon world, will you control the entire spiritual world? Yang Hao’s stay in Zhao’s home for so long, how could he still find out the ultimate goal of Zhao’s family?
Zhao has been preparing for such a long time, has paid so much hardship, has paid so much resources, and has paid so many children's lives. Isn't it the control of the Three Realms?
It is a pity that Zhao Jia’s calculations are not counted on Yang’s head. All in all, the last thing was to marry Yang Lan.
In the previous collision, Zhao’s dragon master has been able to affirm that the demon world was refining by Gong Sunling. This also means that as long as Gong Sunling is willing, it is not a problem to control the mortal world.
When the spiritual world is also controlled by the dragon master or Gong Sunling, then the mortal world and the spiritual world are all in the mind of Yang Lan.
At that time, carrying the control of the two worlds of Weifei rose to the fairyland, Yang Chen has made a nine-in-one alchemy master, and when Sendai is also controlled by Yang Lan, it seems that it is not a dream to sweep the fairyland.
The unification of the three worlds, becoming the Lord of the Three Realms, the real Jade Emperor, all the monks are demanding at their own feet, what a prestige?
Perhaps it was time to use Zhao’s big killer to reinvent the spiritual world. Yang Lan’s heart was a bright future, and at the same time he began to take every step of his feet.
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