Chapter 1191: Good merits (below)

Needless to ask, those ancestral spirits are not destroyed at all, but are secretly refining by the Zhao family. There was no follow-up because the entire Zongmen who had been involved in the incident was collected by Zhao Jiashun in the space magic weapon. Without the monks continuing to trace, there would be no subsequent development.
In the face of the new situation, Yang Chen did not have any good ideas for a while. Can't be blatantly let Gong Sunling use the mountain river geography map to refine the spiritual world and confront each other?
This method does not say implementation, as long as one sentence, it is estimated that the old guys of the joint commanding high level will be killed. Refining the spiritual world, what do you want to do? How to make so many super sects how to be at home?
Moreover, if you want to outdo the Zhao family, you can only be more powerful than the refining space there. Do you give all the gates of the Zongmen to Gong Sunling to make Gong Sunling refining? Not to mention the super sect, even the most inaccessible small sect, it is impossible to make such a decision.
Zhao’s move is indeed unexpected to the joint command. The spiritual monk also wants to block people in the demon world. As a result, his own back camp is in the blink of an eye. This can't be done, and the joint command began to respond.
Against the refining of space, each sect is not completely capable of resisting. A lot of formations can do this, but it is the difference in the different ways in which the monks who practice the arrays are different and the roots that provide the spiritual power of the array will cause the power of the array to be different.
Under the command of the joint command, almost all places began to arrange some relatively simple but able to resist the refining of the array. Even if some of the monks who are low-educated can't last long and rely on the ability of the formation and the refinement of Zhao, they can at least delay the speed of the opponent.
All of these simple arrays that were originally arranged have only one purpose: to fight for time, and then to make those large doors have time and space to arrange better and more stable.
The only worry is that I don’t know where the Zhao family started refining. It has been determined that there is only one place to know. But everyone knows that it is possible to prevent the first day and prevent it from being fifteen. It can only be announced to all the monks in the world. Once an abnormality is found, it will be reported immediately.
Fortunately, the spiritual world is not as easy to refine as the demon world. There are monsters in the demon world, but they have been swayed by the demon for a long time. There is no god, only the instinct to kill and survive. Therefore, when the Zhao family’s dragon master refining, it will not cause resistance, and refining is relatively easy.
There are almost everywhere monks in the spiritual world. As long as there are monks, they will certainly resist this refining. All the world's monks are not practicing at all times, which is an invisible process of refining.
It can be said that even if Zhao can start refining, it can only be a very slow and difficult process, and it is impossible to be as easy as refining the demon world. As long as one point and one point are discovered, it is not completely blocked. But there is always a way to confront.
As long as the support to the demon world was jointly reorganized by Gong Sunling and Zhao Jia, even when it was not at that time, as long as Gong Sunling occupied the advantage of sufficient advantage, he immediately launched an attack on the Zhao family. At that time, the Zhao family could not return. Can be distracted to play the idea of ​​the spiritual world.
After all. The root cause is still in the demon world, or to destroy the center of the Zhao family and the main living forces, the other is not enough. What the joint commander needs to do is to try to stabilize the heel, expand the advantage, and guard against the Zhao family’s attack.
Since the other side refines and refines a certain place in the spiritual world, then naturally it has become a place where the masters of Zhao can appear at any time. This is a big hidden danger. There is no better way to prevent the joint command. Send a few past. Arranged the array method, it can be a temporary resistance.
If you really let the Zhao family master rely on that place to make a ghost, the spiritual world may never have a day. Now the joint command blocked the entrance and exit of the demon world, saying that he could not score half of the force to the other side, and blocked the mouth there.
Yang Chen didn't know the idea of ​​uniting the top management, but he knew something that others didn't know. There are more than one place in the past, such as the Zongmen Lingmai, but there are more than seven places.
If these seven points are the foundation of Zhaojia refining the spiritual world, Yang Chen may have to talk hard with the joint commander, how to prevent the other side from using these seven points to attack.
I am still not sure. It is because Yang Chen has not yet determined whether these seven places have been refining. Some things, always have to confirm it once and then come out and say it.
I know that the ground can't say, it feels very uncomfortable. At this time, it is impossible to push the roots to the collection of the mortal Zhao family. How many things can the mortal world know? How much time does it take to send the news, and how much does it cost? If the Zhao family knows so much in the mortal manor, it is too fake.
Just when Yang Chen felt that he had a headache and didn't know how to deal with it, Gong Sunling suddenly came to Yang Chen with a surprised expression on his face.
What surprised Gong Sunling was not that Yang Chenxiu was promoting, but that Mrs. White suddenly took the initiative to ask to leave. Come and look for Yang Chen, because Mrs. White has something to say to Yang Chen.
"I have to leave for a while." Mrs. Bai saw Yang Chen. I didn’t say much politeness to Yang Chen, but when I opened the door, I said.
"Mrs. What happened?" Yang Chen knew that Mrs. White would not have been the reason that he had left because his family was not busy. There must be deep-seated reasons, he wanted to know.

Just a few days ago, I suddenly remembered something.
Mrs. White was very satisfied with Yang Chen’s younger generation, and she did not hide it. It was very eloquent to explain:
Why did my sisters come to the spiritual world for a reason? of."
Yang Chen certainly knows that there is a reason for them to come to the spiritual world, but what is the relationship with them to leave?
"I never thought about it before, but suddenly there seemed to be a shock in the past few days to open a seal in my mind." Mrs. White pointed to her head and said: "We must do something, otherwise the spiritual world will not protect. It is."
Yang Chen directly opened his eyes, which is too ridiculous, right? There was just a place in the spiritual world that was refining, and Mrs. White thought about what to do in the spiritual world. If it was a coincidence, Yang Chen would not believe it.
"It is said that this is a great merit!" Mrs. White did not hide it. It directly revealed a beautiful greedy expression. It seemed to see what a big meal was: "I arranged it for him, but who is he? Why do I still want to Can't you?" (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)
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