Chapter 1283: Seniors (on)

Where can you call Lu Zu Niu Niu, this guy or something, can give Yang Chen a hundred courage, Yang Chen does not dare to use such a name. At this time, they have to worry about the influence of Lu Zu, so Yang Chen can only shut up.
"Yang Chen is a junior I am very optimistic about, and the spiritual world has recognized the dear." Mrs. White has supported Yang Chen from beginning to end. He heard the words: "Why, you are not satisfied with the shower?"
Where is the lotus incarnation, so neither Lu Zu nor Mrs. White called him the lotus head and there is no room for rebuttal. It was just that the title was not good, and it was called twice by Lu Zu and Mrs. Bai, and Yang Chen’s family was listening to it. This made him feel very faceless.
"Mrs. White, can it be unreasonable to call it so chaotically?" Where is the injury at this time, it is impossible to be the opponent of Lu Zu. Moreover, even if there is no injury on the body, at most it is the autumn with Lu Zuping, but there are also Mrs. White and the maids of more than a thousand robes of true sorrows on the other side of Lu Zu, which is definitely not an opponent. In the face of this situation, you can only swallow the sound first. Fortunately, he has always called Mrs. White, which is enough to give Mrs. White a face.
"Then you call my family bulls nose?" Mrs. White did not kill her, but showed her attitude. One is to give her face to be fair.
"Well, then we don't want to scream, can't we do?" Where did he bow his head and stopped talking to Mrs. White, instead he turned to Lu Zu and shouted: "Lv Dongbin, can't you?"
"Yes!" Lu Zu also happy, quickly gave a reply: "Where. How do you hurt this virtue? I remember those guys are not so strong?"
"Do you try a person against a few thousand masters?" I replied very slyly. It also explains the reason for his injury. Maybe there is no face in front of Lu Zu, who seems to be unscathed, and can't help but add: "But they have not fallen well, more than 8,000 masters have died half, and all the rest are seriously injured."
Even if it is such a result, but in front of Lu Zu, I still feel no face. But these words are heard in the ears of Yang Chen’s family, but they give people an invincible feeling.
Whatever the encirclement, it is not the ordinary level of the real. More than eight thousand masters plus the aid of the array. I was also killed halfway on the spot and seriously injured half. It is chilling to think about it. This is the style of peerless masters.
"As early as you said, your practice of being alone is very poor." Lu Zu kept on his hands, but in his mouth, he said: "Look at me, I’m waiting for you, I’m not tens of thousands. People don't dare to show up in front of me. Even if you accept an apprentice, there are a lot of people and children, and few dare to provoke you!"
Can't help but say. These words of Lu Zu are exactly the weaknesses. The sorcerer's character is destined to not like the way Lu Zu said. Everyone has a way for everyone. The road that suits Lu Zu is not necessarily suitable for you. If you really follow Lu Zu’s statement, then it’s not what you are now.
Everyone understands that this is just a chat after the two top masters meet, and what is persuaded is completely out of touch. At this time, I saw Yang Chen’s eyesight price. See the two masters. Immediately quickly collect the wealth of goods that are hundreds of miles away. Then quickly prepared the table and chairs around the white lady Lu Zu and where. It was put here, and the wine of Gong Sunling and the wine of Sun Qingxue were already on the table.
Lvzu held a pure Yang Xian sword in one hand and refining it with a sigh of relief. Mrs. White’s sister, Tingting’s sitting, didn’t need Lu’s hands, and Mrs. Bai had already picked up the glass and sent it to Lu’s lips. Lv Zuo was quite comfortable and sipped a drink, and took a sip of the chopsticks that Mrs. White sent to his mouth. He provoked a general eyebrow at the opposite side.
When I was upset, it was clearly showing off, but he really couldn’t fight back. Fortunately, Sun Xiaoxue, the well-behaved Nizi, has a quick eye. I quickly rushed to the side of where I was, and I also learned how to serve as a white lady.
When I was in a good mood, I enjoyed Sun Guangxue’s service. I felt a lot of balance and a smile on my face. Turning his head and nodding his head at Sun Light Snow, he reached out and gave Sun Light Snow something: "You are a wooden property. This is the one that my master used to help me reshape the body when I used it to reshape the body. Let's go!"
The lotus seed that was born when the great reshaped the body is definitely a rare thing in this fairy world. Sun light snow has time to open the flowers, and the smile on his face can't cover it. It’s really hard to give this little a little help, it’s really worth it!
"Small snow, you are a dead Nizi, where are you from?" Mrs. White looked at this scene and smiled at Sun Xiaoxue. When she was in the spiritual world, she was not close to Sun Xiaoxue. She was all wooden. Whether she was practicing or other things, she had many common languages. She was often looked at by the seemingly pure Sun Guangxue.
"When you look at this poor acid, you have never given a junior to meet." Lu Zu gave a direct blow to the killer on the side, and said, "What do you look at? Don't accept it? Didn't see that I am helping this girl." Are you flying swords? There are all the ones behind, unlike some guys, they are stupid, and there are no shelves for elders."
To say who this is the happiest person is definitely not a Yang Chen family. In a few words, Lu Zu squeezed the shackles to an embarrassing point. At this moment, I don’t want to give a meeting.
On the other hand, Lu Zu, originally Mrs. Bai and the Yang Chen family have a deep source, and Shi Shanshan's practice is Lu Zu's sword, Lu Zu help refining Feijian sometimes justified, after all, is the elder. When Lu Zu said this, he must bleed when he runs it. The advantage is to give Yang Chen a family. This kind of good thing, Yang Chen, can’t happen every day.
"Reassuring, indispensable!" I put down this sentence with arrogance: "When I am wounded, I have to give them some things. It is you, what are you so happy?"
"Don't do anything. Didn't you listen to my wife?" But she recognized Yang Chen's relatives in the spiritual world. Naturally, it was my relatives." Lu Zuxiao's thief generally: "I have two sentences to help my juniors come. Good things, happy?"
He was angered by Lu Zu and pointed to Lu Zu, who was full of smiles. He couldn’t speak for a long time. In his status as a person, he still can't do anything that is out of the way, and promised to give a face-to-face ceremony, naturally not less. However, it was really uncomfortable for him to be promised by Lu Zu. (To be continued.)
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