Chapter 151: The other party’s mercy (1)

Chapter 151, the other party’s mercy (1)
Yang Chen, who seemed to run away, changed his speed several times, but no matter whether he slowed down or accelerated, the people behind him did not seem to be planning to get close to the Magic Valley.
After discovering this, Yang Chen also began to leisurely and slow down his body shape. Of course, this kind of mouth, no one will notice that a small snake left Yang Chen’s body and entered the mountain forest.
After a while, another small scorpion, also silently left, disappeared into the vast jungle.
Seeing that he had left the Magic Valley for about two hundred miles, Yang Chen was keenly aware that the people behind him seemed to speed up.
When a group of more than a dozen people appeared in front of Yang Chen, she suddenly found that Yang Chen was sitting on a rock in a pleasant way, but there was a woman with a veil on her face who was looking at her shoulders. They didn't even look up and look at them.
More than a dozen people stopped brushing and stopped flying swords. The seemingly messy but implied orientation spread, and Yang Chen was surrounded by a half moon shape.
There is one more woman. If you look at it, it is about the middle of Jindan, which is not in line with the situation they got before. However, a dozen or so people on their own, the worst one is also the late Jin Dan, I think it should be no problem.
Such a thing, a group of people coming to do not do less. I thought that this time I was chasing a little guy in the early days of building a foundation, as long as one or two people were on the line, but the younger one was insurance, and still sent everyone out.
It seems that there will be no problem, and Yang Chen’s determined attitude makes people feel a little surprised. Although a dozen people surrounded Yang Chen, they were somewhat scrupulous and no one came forward.
"The knife is not coming?" The first thing to open was Yang Chen, who was sitting there waiting for a group of people. At first glance, the knife that the spider said is not in it. Yang Chen is not sure whether these guys are degrading or not.
"Hey, against a younger generation, you don't have to use a knife to shoot your predecessors!" Perhaps it is here that the king is used to hegemony, and perhaps it is customary. The guy who leads is not going to cover up anything, and generously admits.
"Okay, you know it!" Yang Chen heard the words and sneered and asked: "You will catch up, want a charter, say it!"
"You are a quick talker, we are not arrogant." The leader has never seen such a calm younger generation, and his heart is a bit embarrassed, but thinking about his absolute superiority here, is not afraid of Yang Chen can play flowers: "Hand over All your belongings tell us the purpose of the two things you bought at the auction today, we can put you in a path."
In the eyes of the leader, this is simply nonsense. How could they let Yang Chen leave alive? But if you don't say these things, it's easy to grab the Lingshi. You want to know the origins of the two things on the auction floor. Let me scream first, can swindle the best, if not, say that we must not only squat first, and then torture the confession.
"Sure enough, there is also a copy of the auction house!" Yang Chen seems to have verified a lot of things in a few words, no longer with these people to blame.
When Yang Chen’s words were exported, the leader seemed to have noticed that the current atmosphere was wrong, but he could not think of where the problem was.
Turning around and looking around, several companions at the back indicated to him that there was no ambush around. However, Yang Chen’s fearless appearance made the leader unable to let go.
Brush, within a range, suddenly there are four more veil women dressed exactly like the women behind Yang Chen. The woman behind Yang Chen also stood up, and the five-handed flying sword began to fly around their figure.
"Hands!" The four women appeared silent, and the leader was shocked. If you don’t care about what you’re looking for, you can order it directly.
Everyone was on the alert, and the leader gave a command, and a dozen people immediately attacked the women around. In their minds, sixteen to five, and sixteen golden dragons in the late Jindan peak against the five golden dragons in the middle of the battle, the result is simply obvious.
However, it was discovered that it was not the case at all. The five women each occupy a position, and it is obviously a brilliant way to advance and retreat. The five pairs of the sixteen, even did not fall into the wind, but also vaguely surrounded the sixteen people in the middle, equally divided.
Yang Chen was still sitting on the rock and stone, looking coldly at the battle ahead, without saying a word. A group of people want to attack Yang Chen, but they can't make it out for a while.
No one found out that on the ground of this area, I don’t know when a layer of vines was laid. Between the fights of the crowds, a faint, almost invisible red mist filled the battlefield silently. in.
The people in the fight quickly discovered that their spiritual power had begun to not listen, and when they were shocked, they wanted to escape, but it was too late.
The large red vines will directly wrap all the people, including the five women. Weaving into a dense net, it entangles everyone for a moment.
However, the blood demon vine seems to have a sense of the mind, bypassing the five women, just gently touched, and immediately spread. Others are not so lucky, the vines almost wrap their bodies and start to take root.
The severe pain directly provoked the screams of sixteen people. The five women did not seem to hear the general, still posing a posture of alert, surrounded by Yang Chen and a group of people who had been wrapped in blood demon vines.
Sixteen people were lined up in a row by demon vines, and the whole body was weak, and the soft collapsed squatting in front of Yang Chen. Yang Chen stared at them like staring at a pile of inanimate dregs.
"I would like to know that in the first two months, the knife and your young masters sneaked into a woman who bought a red shovel." As soon as she opened her mouth, Yang Chen went straight to the subject and did not return.
"Looking in your hands, you have to kill and ask for help!" A guy looked hard and shouted aloud: "I want to sell our young master, I don't think about it!"
"As you wish!" Yang Chen gently smacked a finger, and the big guy was immediately entangled in the front of the vine, thrown into the front, just in full view, accompanied by his screams of screams, became A dry corpse.
A group of people are eclipsed, but no one dares to speak. I don’t know what kind of skills the little master has. Even when so many people face the threat of death, no one has given a confession that Yang Chen wants.
"It seems that I am late!" Just as Yang Chen was planning to interrogate, a voice test sounded in the ears of everyone.
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