Chapter 249: Retraining Sun Light Snow (on)

Chapter 249, Re-cultivating Sun Qingxue (on)
The name does not matter, the key is to have a name. Yang Chen just thought that the old dragon king should have a dragon character, but he didn't want to be so obvious, so he took one very easily.
"Well, the jade dragon brews the jade dragon." The wine fairy is a guy who doesn't care about the name. He doesn't care what the wine is called. It's a poetic name, as long as it tastes delicious in the mouth, nothing else.
"I will tell you where the Nether Fire is, change your four hundred pounds of jade dragon!" The wine fairy is really like the gambling that Yang Chen values. The transaction is not cheap, even the eighty pounds of the three people. Deducted out.
Yang Chen certainly does not care about this wine, directly gave him five drops of wine, let him find the right auxiliary wine. The wine fairy is almost happy to laugh, this time eighty pounds of wine, three people can not drink much, almost all of them are cheaper.
Among the Qiankun bags of Jiu Xian, there are eighty pounds of jade dragon stuff and five drops of wine, and Yang Chen’s mind has a message of Netherfire.
If you get the fire of this Netherfire, the five products will reach five kinds of flames. There are two kinds of oils that have not yet been absorbed. These two kinds of five flames, together with more than one hundred and twenty-three kinds of fires, are enough to make Yang Chen's fire properties repair straight into the base peak, and even the success of the condensate.
Both sides are happy, and each feels that they have achieved their goals. Yang Chen is also in a good mood. Sun Xiaoxue is also very happy. By this opportunity, Yang Chen sent an invitation to go out to Sun Xiaoxue.
Zongmen has this meaning. Sun Qingxue will not violate Yang Chen, and there is almost no hesitation. Sun Qingxue agreed to Yang Chen’s invitation.
However, when they bid farewell to Master Hua Tingting, the two were left behind by the elders.
"Where do you want to go?" The only disciple, the flower elders have always been pampered, although it is not the first time to go out, but the elders are still very worried, have to ask clearly.
The care of the elders, of course, must be made clear. However, Yang Chen just casually said two ordinary places, and did not inform the destination they intended to go.
In fact, so far, Sun Guangxiang did not know where to go, only know that Yang Chen invited her, and then she agreed. As for where to go, Sun Xiaoxue does not care, as long as he can be with Yang Chen.
Yang Chen is very sighed by the simplicity of Sun Guangxue, but also remembers the sizzling of the snow fairy in the past, simply not a person.
In front of Yang Chen's face, the elders gave a lot of Sun Fa Xue's various types of magic weapons, all kinds of immortality, almost all the dangers she might encounter. It is as if the flower elders are packing the bags for the distant children, although this is essentially the case.
Then, Yang Chen was also tens of thousands of people, must take care of the little snow, can not let her be in danger, etc., so that Yang Chen listened to the stunned. This is a master of the Mahayana period, clearly a mortal parent.
With Sun Qingxue, I finally left Qingyunzong in the roar of the flower elders. The two men’s swords flew for a long time, and they changed to Yang Chen’s shuttle. Until they completely left the Qingyunzong site, Yang Chen grew a sigh of relief.
"Master is just worried about me." Sun Xiaoxue seems to understand what Yang Chen is hiding, but he said with a smile. Being so spoiled by Master, Sun Xiaoxue felt very happy.
"But if you have been growing up under the care of Master, your mentality will be here." Yang Chen has different opinions. In this world of the jungle, it is easy to correct Gong Sunling's ideas. As a result, the snow dance fairy who had no problem in previous life has now turned into a flower in a greenhouse.
Former Sunshine Snow is not effective because of Master, everything can only be won by himself. Not only have you had to resort to magical power to abandon yourself, but you have to rehabilitate it. Everything you need to do is to get it by the madness of Sun Light Snow.
But this life Sun Xuexue is placed under the door of the flower 婉 Tinghua elders, life is different. No matter what is there, there is almost nothing to be bullied, no one will be scornful. This kind of life is indeed very easy to cultivate people into small and tender seedlings.
"Small snow, killing people?" Yang Chen suddenly asked.
Sun Xiaoxue shook his head. She is a disciple of Qingyunzong. No one dares to arbitrarily arbitrarily. The last time she came out was to go directly to Chunyang Palace, and then wait for Yang Chen, there is no chance to argue with others.
"Have you killed the monster?" Yang Chen asked again.
Still shaking his head, Yang Chen could not help but sigh secretly. I thought that the master of the Mahayana period was a good master, but she did not expect that she would protect her sister from Gao Yue. Now Sun Guangxiue is the former Gong Sunling of the past, and the school has relied on the qualifications to improve and repair. The final result can only be a failure.
Yang Chen had to bear the temper and say his own worry and possible consequences to Sun Guangxiao, never before.
"I know all of this." What surprised Yang Chen was that Sun Xiaoxue was very clear about these. This makes Yang Chen feel a little confused, knowing why he still maintains his present appearance?
"I just don't want Master to worry about it." Sun Xiaoxue smiled. "In the past few years, Master has taught me a lot and gave me a lot of love. I just don't want to worry about her these days."
Hua Yuting was entangled in the vine for hundreds of years, so it is easy to escape, and also got a qualified disciple. Of course, when it became a heart and a heart, holding it in his hand was afraid of falling, and it was afraid of it in his mouth. Baby was incredible.
However, Sun Xiaoxue, who grew up in the bureaucratic parents, knows that this is because of the experience of Hua Yuting before, but also because of the immigration to the Mahayana period. As long as this time has passed, Hua Ting will realize the problem and Sun Guangxiue will return to the normal track.
Sun Xiaoxue's analysis made Yang Chen stunned and had to admit that although he had already thought Sun Xuexue was very high, this time he still thought Sun Xuexue was simple. Do not say anything else, just because she can analyze these from the character and practice stage of Hua Yuting, let Yang Chen look at it.
It seems that my initial concern is white worry. While growing a sigh of relief, I couldn’t help but sigh. The snow-snow fairy is the snow-snow fairy, and I still look at the master.
"Yangda, you can tell us now, are we going to practice there this time?" Looking at what Yang Chen began to worry about, Sun Xiaoxue was very happy, and now he began to ask his destination.

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