Chapter 303: No long-distance delivery (on)

Chapter 303, no long-distance delivery (on)
With the addition of the gourd, the speed of the liquid is several times faster. Although the huge Lingshui Lake is full of hundreds of feet deep, but under the control of Yang Chen, the gourd can charge a depth of Jiamuling liquid within one day.
This kind of good thing can be met and not demanded. In the gourd, Yang Chen can be used anytime, anywhere. There is also an old tree demon in the Pure Yang Palace. Next, you will see the little enchanting cypress, plus the sun-light snow of the wooden attributes. These are precious gifts that can no longer be added.
However, during the collection process, Yang Chen did not dare to relax his vigilance, and always kept the Jiamuling liquid on the verge of breaking out. The two prime ministers, who can guarantee that they are not tempted, once they want to grab the gourd in the hands of Yang Chen, Yang Chen can detonate at any time.
This is also a shock, no way, even if it is not useful for the two people, but this gourd can charge Jiamuling liquid, can make the city no worries, in any case, the two guys will not be like this Let Yang Chen leave.
More than a hundred feet deep in the Jiamu Ling liquid lake, Yang Chen this charge, is more than 100 days, nearly five months. Seeing that the deep Jiamu Lingye Lake has been reduced by one inch and one inch, there are only a few feet of depth left.
At the same time that the hoist was charged with Jiamuling solution, the net bottle medicine garden did not stop charging the Jiamuzhengyuan. Penglai Shenmu is almost a day's change under the irrigation of Jiamu Zhenyuan.
On the absorption of Aoki, there is almost no limit to Penglai. Every day, the woods of Penglai Shenmu are long and thick, and the breath that comes out is getting closer and closer to the purest Amu.
Penglai Shenmu is the closest to the source of the wood, this is the best catalyst for irrigation with the Jiamuling solution. In just over half a year, even the worst Penglai Shenmu was stronger than the one that Yang Chen refines the sword.
The portal in the net bottle is also becoming more and more solid and seems to be able to form quickly.
Of course, the Jiamu Feijian, which acts as a medium, has also undergone tremendous changes. However, the change of Feijian is mainly in the breath, not the shape.
Whether it is Yang Chen Ning Dan or the net bottle medicine garden to absorb Jia Mu Ling liquid, it is necessary to use Jia Mu Fei Jian as a medium. After such a long period of richness to the liquid Jia Mu Ling liquid scouring, even if there is no need to add any The other materials are also a pure sword that can't be pure again.
Yang Chen Dantian's Jiamu Jindan, these days are not idle, still madly absorbed the real wood. This can be compared to Yang Chen refining a small bottle of real earth, Yuanshui, Zhenyuan, Gengjin, Zhenyuan, and the use of the soil, the true water, the true health, the Gengjinzhen, and the constant cultivation to enhance these spiritual powers.
In just five months, Yang Chen’s Jiamu Jindan once again inflated a large circle, and the spiritual level was forced to hit the peak of Jindan’s early stage. It seems that he will soon enter the middle of Jindan.
However, Yang Chen did not feel obsessed with it. Although these spiritual powers are all pure Amu, they are not cultivated by themselves. If you are natural, you will lack a natural understanding. Only by constantly consolidating will you be able to completely use these spiritual powers for your own use.
Seeing that all the Jiamuling liquids here have to be absorbed by Yang Chen, Yang Chen also began to ponder how to leave safely.
With so many Jiamuling liquids, the two city owners will never be willing to watch Yang Chen take it away. In particular, Yang Chen's gourd can charge Jia Mu Ling liquid, which can solve the hidden dangers of the city forever, and it is even more difficult for Yang Chen to leave easily.
Just because Yang Chen is now in control of the Jiamuling liquid can explode at any time, and the two city owners are so tolerant of him. On the one hand, it can be regarded as a temporary solution to the hidden dangers of the entire city. On the other hand, it is not a moment to wait for Yang Chen to relax his vigilance.
At the moment when all the Jiamuling liquids were collected by the hoist, Yang Chen received the merits from the hoist. Even if someone killed Yang Chen in this world, it would not be possible to get a gourd from the merits.
However, Yang Chen’s body still has a breath that is about to break out. This kind of breath, Yang Chen’s own spiritual power can already be simulated.
Without the Jiamuling liquid, there was a huge space around it, and a trace of the realism of the wood was coming from all directions. Yang Chen understands that this place must be the place where the beggars of the beggars left behind to collect the real elements of Aki, just because the time is too long, there is too much Akimoto real thing accumulated here, and it becomes a spiritual liquid, so there will be that General change.
Yang Chen estimates that this city will be discovered too late by the later Yaozu. In the future, as long as someone can collect the Jiamuzhengyuan that has been gathered in time, and prevent the situation of too many gatherings of Jiamu Zhenyuan, all problems will be solved.
There is no light in the light, Yang Chen’s knowledge has been explored, and there is nothing else worthy of Yang Chen’s hands. This has taken away the Jiamu Feijian and then directly flew up into those strange liquids.
Among the liquids, Yang Chen’s knowledge can’t be explored very far, but Yang Chen believes that even the gods’ knowledge does not pass through these liquids.
Yang Chen is hesitating, and he should also charge some of these things. But after thinking about it, I finally chose to give up.
Everything here is left by the immortalized immortal. Yang Chen has already received the Jiamuling liquid he left, and he has accepted the reward of the immortal.
If you want to forcibly collect these liquids, once the entire city is affected, the cave will probably be destroyed. This kind of practice of leaving things without leaving room is not the style of Yang Chen.
Even if it is to leave a place for the development of the demon, Yang Chen is not afraid. The demon demon is a monk between heaven and earth. It is indispensable. Since even Tianting has left a place for the Yaozu, Yang Chen does not even have this heart.
All the way up, the force that can follow the gods to pull people down is long gone. Yang Chen went up smoothly and entered the first water pool.
As the water pool rises again, Yang Chen will soon be out of the water. However, just after going out of the water, Yang Chen saw two old people, one left and one right, standing on both sides of the pool, smiling and watching Yang Chen.
At this time, Yang Chen was not afraid of what the gods were attracted, and directly released the sensation of the gods. However, under this investigation, Yang Chen was shocked.
Within the scope of Yang Chen’s exploration of the gods, apart from the two old people in front of him, there are only a lot of demon masters who have formed a circle in the distance, and there is no one else.

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