Chapter 320: I see this thing (below)

Under such circumstances, it is not so easy for Taitianmen to regain his vitality in a short period of time. It can only be done in other ways.
The quickest way is to recruit a large number of disciples. However, those who have the qualifications for practicing are not monopolized by Taitianmen, so Taitianmen needs to expand its strength from other channels. The magic gate and the demon are the objects they need to consider.
The demon and the demon are coexisting, but the demon is not standing, and the Tianmen will never find the demon to enrich the door. From the point of view of spiritual practice, the Taoist devil is simply the opposite, there is no possibility of integration. Moreover, in cooperation with the Magic Gate, it does not match the image of the leader of the Taitianmen Gate, so Taitianmen will certainly not consider the Magic Gate.
The Yaozu is a lot simpler. In fact, the monks called the demon slayer, and the slayer is for the Guardian. However, the demon is for the purpose of honing the cultivation, not for the saying that the demon is not standing, and has never said anything about the demon.
Therefore, if Taitianmen wants to expand its power quickly, it can only start from the Yaozu. This is also the only way for Taitianmen.
In the past life of Yang Chen, in fact, the Hall of Fame was first made out by Tai Tianmen. In the beginning, in fact, in order to lay a foreshadowing for the draw of the demon, standing firm and letting the door basically accept, after a long time, Taitianmen began to recruit the demon.
However, at that time, Taitianmen did not have such a good excuse and sudden opportunity for Yang Chen. At the beginning, it was opposed by many Taomen. Taitianmen relied on powerful strength and finally spent decades to let everyone accept the demon. The family joined the Zongmen Hall of the People.
In this life, because of Yang Chen’s reason, Chunyang Palace took the lead in having a Hall of Fame, and the excuse was very reasonable and reasonable, and people could not pick anything up. Shoushan spirit beast, break through Yuan Ying, give a name, only in the past.
Especially after the magic robbery happened in the near future, the old tree demon Guishan friends in the battle, protected a lot of Taomen masters of the door, won a large piece of praise, this was able to stand firm.
But for the time being, the Pure People’s Palace has only three people in the outside world, and there is no plan to expand. This is the root cause of true acceptance of all sects.
Since there is a foresight of the Pure Yang Palace, I believe that Taitianmen will soon put his idea on the Yaozu. It will not take long for the Hall of Heaven's Hall of Fame to be established.
After all, it is the first big faction of Daomen, and the foundation is extraordinary. The problem of practicing the Faith of the Lord and the old man is not a big deal in Taitianmen. Over the years, Taitianmen has been playing the demon scorpion, and I don’t know how many powerful demon people have been killed. There are a large number of demon cultivating exercises in their hands, which is a certain thing.
After trying to understand this, the problem of the exercises that everyone is worried about is almost no longer a problem. Other sects want to practice? Tai Tianmen first got it out, look for them to go!
Don't look at the fact that Taitianmen has just been in trouble, but after all, it is still too Tianmen. Even the big gates such as Qingyunzong and Baguio Xiandao are not like. Other sects want to go to Taitianmen to ask for exercises. Who dares?
Since Taitianmen got out of nothing, then the pure Yang Palace only needs Xiao Cao to follow, and does not need to use the second one. When the Zong Men is imitated, it is natural to follow the recruitment of the Yaozu. Where else will there be any problems?
Taitianmen has Taitianmen to get the channel of the Yaozu practice, and the pure Yang Palace naturally has the channel of the Pure Yang Palace, and it is always impossible to come to the door to discuss it. This is the inheritance of the Zongmen. It is meaningless to have a big righteous scorpion. It is equivalent to asking someone to hand over the same kind of sacred secrets.
The Pure Yang Palace is not the pure Yang Palace in the past. There are Qingyunzong and Baguio Xiandao plus the beast door as an ally. It is definitely not a soft persimmon. There are four masters of the Mahayana in the 100,000 mountains. Isn’t it being uprooted by the Pure Yang Palace and several allies? Luo Jia has the late master of the Mahayana, Luo Yuan, Chunyang Palace does not destroy it as usual? Before the Pure Yang Palace, even the Tianmen Gate had to be carefully scrutinized.
Anyway, there is a Tiantianmen in front, and the big tree at the top of Chunyang Palace is good for the cold. It is logical to expand its own strength. Others have not said anything.
At that time, there are old tree demon and Yu Kuisha, which have been used as role models, and with systematic practice, still not many demon people will go to work? The Yaozu is a Yaozu, they are not fools, whoever is bad, naturally can also distinguish.
I don't know if Taitianmen knows that Yang Chen has already received the expression of their future aliens. Of course, they can never know, and Yang Chen can only be secretly happy in the back.
As a result, it seems that the problems that everyone is worried about are no longer a problem. The only remaining one is the big city owner of the Banyan Cave House.
"As for Yushu Dongfu..." Yang Chen dragged his voice a little and observed the faces of the elders around him. He slowly said: "There is only one big city master of the Mahayana period. Since there are four masters of the Mahayana period 100,000 Dashan can become our site, then Yushudong may be...maybe...say no?" Big?..."
Later, Yang Chenlian said a few ambiguous words, and each one said it was slower and dragged longer, just like the elders of youhuo.
Sure enough, as Yang Chen expected, Yang Chen said this slowly. The expressions on the faces of the elders just changed from the calmness of the problem, and they turned into thinking, expecting, eager, and finally. Everyone's face is full of hustle and bustle, and both eyes are beginning to shine.
Yes, there is only one master of the Mahayana period, and the four Mahayana periods of the 100,000 mountains have been eliminated. Can a big city owner still be on the mind? If Wang Yong elders succeeded in this robbery and entered the Mahayana period, then there will be two masters of the Mahayana period in Chunyang Palace. Many people are crowded, and they are afraid of not being able to take a big city master?
Even if I reinsurance a little, I used a few questions to hire a few masters of the Mahayana period. The Yushu Dongfu can almost be said to be stable in the bag of the Pure Yang Palace.
"On the body of the second city, the disciple also discovered the law that controls the banyan tree house." Yang Chen saw that everyone had been tempted and added a heavy chip. In fact, this law was originally left by the original Dongfu master. Where is the second city owner?
Seeing that Yang Chen took out a jade slip to the head of the palace, it goes without saying that it was definitely the law that Yang Chen said to control Dongfu.
"This, I see it!" Elder Meng Xian of the Law Enforcement Hall directly said his thoughts. ! .
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