Chapter 356: Posing as Yang Chen's Ji Yun (below)

Chapter 356, posing as Yang Chen's Ji Yun (below)
The sister agreed that Yang Chen certainly has no problem. The latest chapter of the church, however, the necessary preparations will not be forgotten.
Yang Chen, of course, will not let go of the pile of corpses in front of him and the guy who counts himself. Since I don't want people to know that there was a murder here, Yang Chen simply ruined the corpse for that guy. All the corpse capitals were thrown into the roots of the blood vines. The flesh and blood were swallowed by the blood vines, and the bones left became flower fat.
The hands-on guy Yang Chen did not stay, and after asking a lot of things, it also became the food of the vine. The traces of the battle on the spot, Yang Chen does not need to hide for that guy, anyway, some people see, will only trace the guy, there will be no things for Yang Chen.
It was Gong Sunling, but let Yang Chen dress up a lot. As a magician, Ji Yun, naturally can not dress like this. No, Yang Chen can only take out the set of glamorous clothes that were prepared for Wan Qian and his apprentices.
As soon as I saw these clothes, Gong Sunling was blushing again. Although she has been practicing with Yang Chen, she has practiced Tai Xuan Yin Yang Xinjing many times, but it is also worn tightly. This kind of clothes that almost barely reveal the big body can only be called cloth strips, and she can be put on a yellow flower virgin. Church
Don't talk about it, just look at it and feel red. However, Gong Sunling has a different kind of impulse. It seems that if Yang Chen is willing, she is willing to wear such clothes to see Yang Chen. However, it was limited to Yang Chen alone, really want to wear to many people to see, killing Gong Sunling is not happy.
"This is worn inside." Yang Chen certainly knows what Gong Sunling is looking at, and hurriedly explained: "The outside is still wrapped tightly, but these are the styles of dressing here, and can't reveal flaws."
After a few words, Gong Sunling once again rushed to the surface, but I knew that it was only after wearing the clothes inside, and it was much better.
In fact, don't say that Gong Sunling is not willing. If he is wearing those cloths alone, Yang Chen himself cannot agree. How could he agree to let other men see the body of the sister.
If you want to pretend to be Yang Chen's Ji Yun, you must follow the custom of the magic door on the land of the magic master. A lot of magic repairs are to collect beauty, and Yang Chen is wearing a beautiful girl, very normal.
Of course, you should wear clothes outside, but it is a slightly translucent tulle. With this tulle, most of the body will be covered. The latest chapter of the church, but Yang Chen is still unwilling to make people take advantage of it. Outside, he gave Gong Sunling a big cloak and wrapped all the exquisite bodies inside.
In this way, Gong Sunling was wrapped in a cloak, and his face was covered with black crepe. Although it was somewhat nondescript, it was already like the style here.
But posing as Yang Chen’s Ji Yun, there are still some things to do. At the very least, Gong Sunling must keep that kind of intimacy with Yang Chen. This is not the kind of mutual embrace feeling that Gong Sunling and Yang Chen were only the gods and doubles. In the past, after a woman who was already Yang Chen, she was completely relaxed and let Yang Chen feel intimate.
Between the two, you must show the feeling that there is no longer any gaps, honey and oil. This is very difficult for Gong Sunling. When the two are on the road, they will soon establish this kind of tacit understanding, so that both of them are used to the kind of intimacy.
What surprised Yang Chen was that Gong Sunling quickly grasped that feeling. Whether it is relying on Yang Chen to spoil, or to give Yang Chen a handful of delicious products to the entrance, they all show the taste of Yang Chen's extreme attachment.
This is another kind of feeling that makes Yang Chen feel like a heart. It seems that between the two people, it has really become a husband and wife. However, Gong Sunling seems to be more happy. After a few deliberate efforts along the way, the subsequent actions are already natural, and there is no more false appearance. It seems that Gong Sunling is not only excellent in his practice, but also a genius.
When Yang Chen was sighing that Gong Sunling was very savvy, he did not know that Gong Sunling was full of joy.
In the heart of Gong Sunling, after he and Yang Chen knew that they had repaired the Taixuan Yin Yang heart, they had already regarded themselves as a woman of Yang Chen. In fact, at an earlier time, Gao Yue said that when Gong Sunling helped Yang Chen to understand the double repair, Gao Yue gave Gong Sunling such a name.
Gong Sunling knows that no matter whether it is Gaoyue or Shishanshan Sun Qingxue, it is entangled with Yang Chen. Yang Chen has not yet given a solemn promise to him except Gao Yue.
However, now there is a chance to become Yang Chen’s Ji Yun in front of many people. Even if it is Gao Yue, it seems that there is no such happiness.
When Gong Sunling was immersed in this kind of happiness, naturally there was no feeling of being a pseudonym, and even the input of that kind of feeling could not be seen by anyone.
Because of the input of Gong Sunling, Yang Chen seems to have let go a lot. Along the way, from the beginning of the interplay, to the natural relatives later, did not spend too much time.
After a while, Yang Chen’s hand has been carrying Gong Sunling’s waist and flying with her slow sword. Gong Sunling’s fascination relies on Yang Chen’s body, and the happiness of his face seems to enjoy this feeling.
Yang Chen couldn’t help but feel that the beautiful and delicate body of the sister-in-law has always leaned on the body, even if it is an iron man. The fake drama along the way is really done, Wen Xiang soft jade is on the side, almost one hundred and one hundred and foremost, Yang Chen is almost impossible to self-sustain.
Fortunately, Yang Chen’s knowledge is strong enough, and he can keep enough waking at any moment. He knows that it’s not really a good time for me, but in the face of the wholehearted teacher, Yang Chen finally sighs in her heart. With both hands on the force, she took her to the waist and took Gong Sunling to fly, and instead held her in her arms.
"Sister, give me some time. After I go back, I will clarify Master and marry you as a wife." In the ear of Gong Sunling, Yang Chen said this sentence without hesitation: "I know that I am greedy, my sister. If I don't want to, I didn't say it."
"A fool!" Sitting on the blood demon vine flying sword, Gong Sunling is like a well-behaved kitten, shrinking in the arms of Yang Chen, with a happy expression on his face. Closed his eyes, his hands clasped Yang Chen's neck tightly, and did not want to let go.
In the flight, Yang Chen holds Gong Sunling in his hands, and from time to time, he is close to Gong Sunling’s squeaky whisper, which leads to Gong Sunling’s frequent laughter, and the accompanying body will be twisted in Yang Chen’s arms for a long time. It seems to the outsiders that a pair of arrogant and affectionate looks.
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