Chapter 48: Great tone (1)

Chapter 48—Great tone (1)
The floating mountain rally was almost five days longer than usual because of Yang Chen’s affairs. On the last day, Yang Chen and Gong Sunling joined forces to come to the market on the floating sky.
This gathering is a year-long meeting, and the square market here is also open every year. The assembly will be dispersed. If you don’t see any good things today, you can only wait until next year.
The two appeared on the street, and all the people around them looked at the two with an envious look. This year, the first and second place of the ladder, the future is not limited, and naturally there will be people coming to a good relationship.
Yang Chen was accompanied by Gong Sunling. Gong Sunling wanted to find some special elements of the formation, and she knew that Yang Chen had carried the entire Tibetan Classics, so he took his staff.
Seen along the way, a variety of paper-like symbols, such as the symbol of the treasure, all the various grades, all are suitable for the disciples of the martial arts. The floating mountain assembly was opened to disciples during the refining period, so these things are also directed at the disciples of the refining period.
Of course, there are all kinds of raw materials, but relatively speaking, it is also slightly lower-level. Occasionally, there are several things like Xuanyang fruit that can be used to refine the building of Jidan. All of them are marked with extremely high prices. Awesome. However, the more such a booth, the more people who have nine layers of refining and even the peak of refining are bargaining.
For these, Yang Chengong and Sun Ling are all not interested. The left and right are just some things that neither of them can use. After walking a few steps, I found a booth selling the material of the formation. Yang Chen swept away, but saw two good grades. The stall owner did not seem to care. The price of the target was not high, so he gave a quiet finger. Gong Sunling.
Somehow, Gong Sunling had a very strong trust in Yang Chen’s vision, perhaps because of the fact that Yang Chen had passed Gong Songling before the ladder. The moment is not moving, go forward, pointing to some cheap materials, and began to slowly bargain.
Yang Chen’s heart nodded secretly. When he met a good thing, he was studying eyesight and negotiation skills. He and Gong Sunling are now public figures. Maybe the stall owners will have a big lion, and Gong Sunling can reduce the loss.
In the process of waiting, Yang Chen randomly looked at the booths around him. When turning around one of the booths, Yang Chen’s eyes were suddenly attracted by a thing on the booth.
It is a cyan fruit, the size of a fist, and looks like a pomegranate. Although it is blue, it is already mature. Yang Chen knows that under the blue skin, it is a grain of seeds. The whole fruit is glamorous. Just looking at the past, people can't help but focus on this fruit.

Thunder pomegranate?
Yang Chen’s body stayed, but he did not expect that this kind of good thing could be seen in this temporary square market on the floating sky.
Thunder Pomegranate is definitely a good thing. This pomegranate can absorb the thunder growth, and it can only absorb the thunder growth. In ordinary places, it can't survive.
The mature fruit can be refining a thunderbolt ball, which can actively absorb the lightning around the human body when it is carried on the body. The ordinary Thunder pomegranate may only absorb a little, but the Thunderbolt refining the Thunder pomegranate from the vintage can even help the practitioners absorb the thunderclouds in the thunder.
Although it can not fully absorb the thunder, but can absorb a large part, it is definitely easier to spend thunder. Master Jin Dan wants to enter Yuan Ying, in addition to feeling the world, he began to usher in the first disaster in the three disasters, thunder. With the help of Thunder Pomegranate, it is definitely a lot easier.
It is a pity that the mature Thunder pomegranate can be met and not demanded. The last year is even more scarce to the extreme, and naturally it is a good thing that countless practitioners want to snatch.
Yang Chen’s cry caused Gong Sunling’s attention. Her eyes turned back and she quickly found the Thunder pomegranate. After a few look, I couldn’t help but frown.
"Teacher, this Thunder pomegranate, has grown too old, has no effect." Gong Sunling was afraid that Yang Chen could not see the problem, and hurriedly reminded: "Don't look at the fruit, but it is all seeds. This is the only seed fruit that every pomegranate fruit tree will make every year. Don't be fooled."
Gong Sunling’s kindness, Yang Chen certainly nodded and smiled. Of course he could see that this is the seed fruit of a Thunder pomegranate. The mature Thunder pomegranate Yang Chen did not have any extravagant hopes. Instead, he gave him a fruit. Great opportunity.
About two thousand years after the previous life, the method of planting the Thunder pomegranate will be discovered by a peerless genius. From then on, the Thunder Pomegranate is no longer a particularly rare object. Although that method is secret, after flying to the fairyland, Yang Chen got the cultivation method in chance. This fruit just happens to let him try that method.

Thank you for reminding my sister!
Yang Chen said in the mouth, or asked the owner of the stalls:
How many Lingshi do you need for the seeds of this Thunder pomegranate?

The original owner saw that Yang Chen was attracted by the Thunder Pomegranate, and thought that he could make a big profit, but Gong Sunling’s reminder made him hope to fail. It’s just that he also blames Gong Sunling for not being. He is a teacher and sister, and reminders should be. See Yang Chen came up to ask the price, the stall owner put away the speculative mind, said with a smile: "If Yang Daoyou wants, I don't want much, a hundred pounds of the next stone, any?"
The seeds of Thunder Pomegranate, although available every year, are not easily available. The stall owner got it by chance and never shot. Yang Chen asked the price, he did not have a big opening for the lion, and directly opened a real price.
"Hey!" next to Gong Sunling took a breath of air. In all fairness, this hundred pounds of stone is not expensive, but a hundred pounds of lower spirits, even if the martial art contribution to exchange, also want a thousand points. Now Gong Gongling is up and down, and can't get a hundred pounds of Lingshi. Just about to go up and bargain with the stall owner, next to Yang Chen, but directly said: "Good, deal!"
In this opening, the stall owner was overjoyed, but Gong Sunling was shocked and asked: "Where are you coming from?"
"After killing so many people, you can always get together!" Yang Chen said casually, Gong Sunling immediately understood that this was obtained from the killers killed by Yang Chen. But she is still very curious: "What do you buy from the seeds of this Thunder Pomegranate?"
"Sister, if I say that I want to use this kind of child to try to see if I can find a way to plant Thunder pomegranate, do you believe it or not?" Yang Chen asked with a smile.
"I believe!" What makes Yang Chen strange is that Gong Sunling nodded without hesitation.
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