Chapter 10:

When the people on the first floor saw the people coming down the second floor were wearing mink coats, the expression on their faces was wonderful.
The people behind Lu Shiming gave a contemptuous smile.
What do you stupid mortals know?
Ni Yang and Lu Shiming suggested, "Will you also wear one?"
Lu Shiming said: "It does not matter, you wear it."
Su Ruanan understood Lu Shiming's eyes.
I would never do such a stupid thing.
Su Ruanruan: Rou Xiaopi does not laugh JPG.
After going downstairs, Su Ruanyuan was surprised to find that Dajia was very consciously and rubbed into two teams.
The first team was followed by Zheng Shu's armed soldiers and some bait crowds.
One pair is led by Lu Shiming... fake mink team?
A circle of armed soldiers stood around Zheng Shu.
He waved the thick vines and stared at the land with a vicious look.
Su Ruanyuan didn't quite understand why Zheng Shu would have an enmity with Lu Shiming.
Is it because of the male halo?
Lu Shiming stepped forward and took the supplies.
Zheng Shudao: "Let the car go up."
Lu Shiming took the lead to go outside alone.
The fake mink team behind him held the supplies and hesitated to follow.
Suddenly "bang" sounded, the glass door of the mall shattered in front of Lu Shiming.
Su Ruanyuan held the mink in his hand and shrouded herself and Lu Shiming underneath.
Everyone hid in the mink.
The Zheng Shu team without mink was smashed with blood by broken glass.
"what happened!"
Zheng Shu scolded.
"Zombie, zombie... that zombie will, will smash the door..."
Not far away, a zombie stood on the roof of the car, holding a huge stone above his head, and slammed it over again.
The glass door just now was smashed by it.
too frightening!
Behind the zombies, countless zombies rushed in with their teeth and claws.
Zheng Shu flew his vines wildly while running towards the back door of the mall.
The armed soldiers beside him were also scared to shoot indiscriminately.
For a time, the scene was chaotic.
The hot sun shone down, and the speed of the zombies was twice as slow as at night.
The door of the mall is broken.
This is the most prosperous neighborhood.
Countless passersby swarmed in.
Everyone screamed wildly.
The fake mink team was frantic, and the heavy fake mink made them sweat, and their faces were red and white.
"I think I have a heat stroke."
"I also think I feel a little dizzy."
"Slap, Slap, Slap..."
The fake mink team fell into heat stroke.
Identify the incompetent zombies and skip this kind of no sound, no action stuff.
Zheng Shu team is running away: ...
They also want to pretend to die, but it is a pity that they are not allowed!
"Come up." I don't know when Lu Shiming took a small donkey out of the space and slipped Su Ruanuan up.
Su Ruanan said nervously: "Wear a helmet."
Lu Shiming: ...
The little donkey started, Ni Yang was at the back, Su Ruanan was caught in the middle, and Lu Shiming sat at the front.
The three were crowded like cats.
Lu Shiming is responsible for driving, and Ni Yang is responsible for breaking.
Su Ruanruo is responsible for selling cute.
"My head fell, my head fell!" Su Ruanyuan roared wildly.
"That's a helmet, not your head." Ni Yang slapped her head.
Without the helmet, Su Ruanyuan's field of vision is much wider at once.
The hot summer wind was mixed with the smell of zombies, and came out of the nose.
Su Ruanyuan leaned forward slightly and smelled the cold, snowy smell of Lu Shiming.
She couldn't help but suck, and then sucked again.
"What's wrong?" Su Ruanyuan was clever, her face was reddish, and she slightly moved her face away from Lu Shiming's back.
Then clearly saw the clear facial mask like a mask on the man's back.
It's too hot, so she sweats so much, I really don't blame her.
Su Ruannu reached out and rubbed, and then rubbed again.
Instead of rubbing it off, I rubbed out two small bars for the mask stamp, just like crying.
"There is no electricity." Lu Shiming stretched his legs on the ground and stopped the small eMule.
Ni Yang jumped out of the car first.
Lu Shiming also followed.
Su Ruan softly pushed her short legs, hey hey hey... "Ah!"
The smooth electric donkey fell to the ground and pressed on Su Ruan's soft legs.
Ni Yang hurriedly moved the small eMule away.
"Are you all right?"
Su Ruan Ruan is about to jump up and suddenly have a plan.
How can she miss such a good chance to die!
"Ah, my leg is broken, it's broken! You leave me behind!"
I beg you!
Lu Shiming, who was about to skip it, said: "No, soft, I won't leave you behind."
No, leave me quickly, or watch out for me biting you!
"Roar roar roar!" The zombies behind threw their arms excitedly to catch up.
"Ah!" Su Ruanan exclaimed, two short legs kicked, and then "slap" and fell.
Boom, her legs seem to be really broken.
"It's okay, just twisted."
Barefoot doctor Lu Shiming went through the barefoot diagnosis and gave out the results of the barefoot diagnosis. Then he slowly took out a twine from the space, and then tied Su softly to himself.
Su Ruanyuan crossed her legs and hung her face inexorably on Lu Shiming.
Lu Shiming said: "It doesn't matter how soft it is. This is a technique used to tie live pigs. It's very strong. No matter how you move it, it won't fall."
Su. Forced to live pigs. Ruanyuan: ...I know you deliberately.
Suddenly, a roar resembling a beast came from the mall door.
Su Ruanuan looked up and saw that the zombie who had just smashed the door leaned back on the neck and howled.
Those zombies who were still indiscriminately rushed back immediately, quite dejected.
The one who went back late was beaten by the leading zombie.
In an instant, the zombies on the entire street were gone.
This is really... amazing.
Ni Yang looked cold and said: "Zombies have begun to mutate."
Su Ruan softly tilted her head, "mutation?"
"People will have abilities, and zombies will have abilities."
Reminiscent of the events of his last life, Ni Yang sighed deeply.
Human abilities will become stronger and stronger.
But the evolution of zombies is also unstoppable.
One day, humans and zombies will become real opponents.
Everyone returned to the armed car.
Zheng Shu is sitting in the armed car and panting.
After experiencing this zombie tide, now he is more like a corpse, the kind that was drained of water.
The armed soldiers beside him were extremely left.
All around are scattered vines with broken branches.
It fell on the ground and was still creeping.
Lu Shiming carried Su Ruanuan on his back and squatted down.
Su Ruanyuan's two feet spread out and landed, forced to come one by one.
Brother, can you say hello in advance.
Su Ruan trembles her calf, trying to tighten it.
Lu Shiming picked up a green seed, tilted his head for a moment, and closed his palm.
When it opened again, the seed disappeared.
Su Ruanruan: Why do you always like to pick up strange things?
Fearing that the zombies would attack again, everyone immediately looked for a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack for temporary repairs, and then counted the number of people.
The Zheng Shu team suffered heavy losses.
The fake mink team... a lot of people.
What a lot of luck the fake mink is crying and weeping!
Everyone is tired.
Gnawing the hard buns and falling asleep.
"I'll give you some medicinal liquor and knead it."
In the corner, the little girl's wide trousers were pulled up, exposing a white, slender leg. In the thin moonlight, it is as white as jade, and even the toes are beautiful pink.
The man's hand was fair and beautiful, and he gently supported the tiny jade foot.
He leaned over his body, blocking the sight of others.
Su Ruan bowed her head softly and noticed her ankle.
On closer inspection, the ankles are slightly red, but not serious.
Lu Shiming smeared medicated wine with both hands, then held her thin ankle and pressed hard.
"Ah! Um..."
Lu Shiming put a towel in Su Ruan's mouth and said: "Soft and quiet, beware of zombies." After a pause, he said again: "Everyone is sleeping, don't wake them up."
Su Ruan reddened those big eyes with tears in her eyes.
This is revenge, this is definitely revenge!
After being treated by Lu Shiming, a bare-foot doctor, Su Ruanyuan was sweating all over with no energy at all.
She leaned against Lu Shiming, leaned against his shoulder, and fell asleep as soon as her eyes closed.
Lu Shiming reached out and took off the towel in her mouth.
Then help her close her mouth.
In the dark night, there seemed to be something surging.
Su Ruanan scratched his arm.
Feel a piece of soft stuff.
She opened her eyes in confusion, and was facing a small piece of tender green vine.
The vine is very fresh and very different from Zheng Shu's vine.
Its head even bears a green, slightly curled green leaf.
Special cute.
The tender green vine tilted its head.
Su Ruanyuan tilted her head.
It shook the leaves on its head.
Su Ruanruan: ...
Su Ruan opened her mouth softly, but before shouting, she was covered by Lu Shiming.
Su Ruanyuan was trembling with her arms hiding in Lu Shiming.
There are monsters here!
Lu Shiming took the axe from the backpack behind him and cut off the vine.
The aggrieved little vine was trembling with pain and disappeared quickly.
Su Ruanyuan held Lu Shiming crying loudly.
The man patted her little head in a soothing manner, and put the other hand on her thin waist.
A little verdant green flashed across your fingertips.
The man's eyes are very dark, thicker in the thick curtain.
He tilted his head slightly and seemed puzzled.
The tender green branches sprang up again, following the man's slender white fingertips like a green snake, trying to drill into Su's soft hair.
Lu Shiming frowned and cut it off.
The bud disappeared again.
Lu Shiming closed his eyes and thought slightly.
He just picked Zheng Shu's seeds.
Seeds can grow in the space, but they must be irrigated.
Not very well controlled and will run out on his own.
Lu Shiming's eyes fell on Su Ruanrou.
And seems to like her very much? Always crawl on her.
Or actually like living people.
Lu Shiming narrowed his eyes, patted Su Ruanyuan softly, and gave her a sip of water.
"Sleep, all right."
Su Ruanyuan closed her eyelids, and fell asleep the next moment of heartlessness.
Su Ruannuan thought that she had slept for a long time, but in fact it was a while.
She lay on her side, slightly opening a slit.
She saw the moonlight falling like frost at the huge window.
The man stood there and raised his axe high.
Su Ruanyuan closed her eyes hard.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo By guying! By the way, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo how great nice saying a good oh sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo then depending also though according to the words: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo how caning me guys and me!
"Slap", the axe fell to the ground and hit Su Ruan's head.
Su Ruanyuan felt her scalp felt numb, and her neck subconsciously shrank.
A soft vine fell off, stuck to Su Ruan's face, and was pulled away by the man with the axe handle.
Su Ruanruan: ...How often do you dislike my face.
Lu Shiming pinched the small vine and threw it out of the window.
Then sit down slowly, wipe off your beloved little axe, apply baby babe cream, and put it in a small backpack.
Looking at the little baby babe frost left on the fingertips, Lu Shiming showed mercy on Su Ruan's face with great compassion.
The forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin were all lightly tapped.
Then he greeted the little white face with the baby's fat face.
Su Ruanyuan, who is sleeping on her neck and pretending to sleep: QAQ is not as good as an axe.
After sleeping for a while, Su rose up softly the next day, holding himself up stiff all night and couldn't move at all, his voice wailing softly.
"My back hurts."
The sight of everyone's impure thought was suddenly launched.
Don’t think we don’t know what you did last night!
Lu Shiming said softly: "Where does the child come from the waist."
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