Chapter 101: Blood transplant

  PS: Thank you book friends 150802182235100, Sahara Ocean, sunark, and only water for your rewards. The network is ready for codewords.
   Chapter 101
   "Ultra Brain is finishing up..."
   Yuanxiao sitting in the meditation room of the Wizard Tower frowned.
   After really sorting out the advanced information of the official wizard, he knew why the first-order blast bear was so powerful.
   Generally speaking, there are only two advanced wizards.
   The first type is a melee wizard, and the second type is a wizard who can be both near and far, but is inferior in near-strategy.
   There are many classifications of melee wizards. Generally speaking, at this time, they will have the advantages of warlocks. They will extract the blood of beasts or magical creatures for a bloodline transformation ceremony, and then take the route of transforming into battle. Various spells serve to enhance this.
  -Like spells are a talented spell of magic creatures.
The combination of this kind of spell and the major magic of the melee wizard not only greatly increases its power, but also can ignore the general low-level forbidden magic methods. This will greatly increase the survivability in the dangerous golden continent, but the achievement of this melee wizard Limited by blood.
   The second type of wizard advancement also requires the bloodline transformation ceremony.
   just doesn't take the route of transformation, but integrates the advantages of the bloodline into the bloodline of the human wizard. This aspect will be stronger in the power of spell-like, and even some characteristics of the bloodline creature itself can be inherited.
   This kind of advanced, the blood in the body can be replaced, but the strength will be greatly reduced after a replacement.
   transformed into a fierce beast, and Yuanxiao rejected this road without even thinking about it.
   Unless it is a bloodline with the potential above silver, taking this path is almost destined to be the end of bronze. It is convenient to enjoy in advance. In the case of bronze, it is necessary to spend more money to have a very low chance of changing the bloodline.
   But even if he takes the second one, he needs a bloodline.
   "Master, the former master sealed a special bloodline."
   The small crystal tree projected out, and the mana shook the air with a anthropomorphic sound.
   "What special bloodline, Nicollett didn't say anything?"
   Lantern Festival was surprised.
"This is an experiment by the former owner. In fact, the former owner has been preparing to break through the demigod. He has prepared a replacement bloodline, but it hasn't had time to use it in the end. Therefore, this bloodline has been sealed and no one knows until now." Taring explained. Tao.
   Lantern Festival understands that Nicholas has never been the real master of Taring.
Strictly speaking, Nicolae Mae, who was the former owner of Taring, has an inescapable responsibility. Although Taring analyzed and judged that Nicolae Mae was not intentional, his higher intelligence prevented him from saying everything like Nicolae Mae. secret.
   "What bloodline?" Yuanxiao said solemnly.
   "The Shadow Spider..."
  Taling projected an image of a black spider lurking in the shadow the size of a thumb.
   "Are you sure you are right?"
To be careful, Yuan Xiao asked suspiciously, "Although the Shadow Spider Monster has strong talents, its potential is too low. I remember this bloodline is the first choice for assassins among many warlocks, but this bloodline has become a bronze capital. impossible."
   The entire meditation room is covered by projection, and shadow spiders are everywhere.
   This kind of shadow life has 5,000, and spider webs are woven into the tower spirit body, absorbing the energy of the tower spirit to maintain its survival. After partial magnification, the tower spirit marked a red dot on one of the shadow monsters in the center.
   "This is just different."
  Taling explained,
This one is a mutant species for the nine generations up. In order to cultivate it, the former owner even consumed more than 10% of the wealth, and even invested a little golden skill point to make it mutate again.

   "Golden skill points." Lantern Festival was surprised.
Ta Ling said indifferently, "Golden skill points are the purest source of energy, and even contain some bizarre fragments of laws, so they can strengthen the talents of professionals and even break the potential limit of certain skills. They are the most precious for professionals. One of the resources."
   "How to extract golden skill points for the shadow spider to absorb."
   Yuanxiao asked in silence for a moment.
The mutation of    shadow clone has brought him too many benefits over the years. If it weren't for this mutation skill, he wouldn't want to absorb so much experience easily. Whether it was super magic pharmacy or alchemy puppet science, he had the best foundation.
   But the problem of blood is more critical, this is one of the foundations of a wizard.
   "Mind control."
  Taling directly replied, if it has feelings, it would be surprised.
   "Bring this shadow spider to see me."
   Yuanxiao stared at the little spider in the projection and said seriously.
   Close observation, Yuanxiao discovered the abnormality of this shadow spider monster. This is an idiot. To put it simply, there is no instinctive wisdom. Using Taring’s explanation, this little guy’s blood is too strong and his soul is weak.
   A drop of golden substance condenses from scratch at the fingertips of Lantern Festival.
   This is the realization of golden skill points. Just one point is enough to shake Yuanxiao's mind, and even almost swallowed his fingers in his mouth. Reluctantly, he could only enter the mechanical mind and point his fingers on the shadow spider monster.
   A golden light flashed, and a hint of agility flashed in the eyes of the shadow spider.
   "Taling, help me with the transplantation of a living organism."
   Lantern Festival said without hesitation.
"Master, you have not prepared the corresponding advanced potions and bloodline assimilation arrays. If you directly transplant it, the bloodline of the shadow spider will have a terrible rejection with the bloodline of the owner, and the owner may die in 90%." Tao.
"Excuting an order."
   Yuanxiao said categorically that he still has the support of Xuanming body refining technique and terrifying vitality.
Only this kind of self-collision and fusion bloodline is a perfect fit. Those who rely on external force to forcibly assimilate the two will themselves erase some bloodline genes that cause bloodline rejection. He wants to keep his bloodline in the most perfect fusion state~www.mtlnovel .com~ Understood. "
   Taling waved his roots and grew continuously.
   Lantern Festival took off his clothes and lay on the roots of Tallinn. The tips of the two roots of Taring became sharp. They directly attached to Lantern’s spine near the heart and cut the flesh on the back. In just two seconds, the spine was cut open to expose the bone marrow.
   The shadow spider monster that mutated again was directly stunned by the energy and stuffed into the spinal cord.
   The intense pain made Yuanxiao gritted his teeth, but he had to control the ultimate meditation to explode the most terrifying mana radiation concentrated on the spine. The wizard's mana contained terrifying radiation energy and the wizard's spiritual will.
   Whether it can swallow the spiritual will of the Shadow Spider Monster is the first step in fusion.
   After half an hour, the Lantern Festival was relieved.
  The shadow spider idiot has the benefits of idiots. Its soul is ignorant and ignorant, and it is directly crushed and swallowed by the meditation thoughts. In the meditation three-dimensional model, it reshapes the soul of a shadow spider idiot, a soul that has been integrated with the spirit of the wizard.
   At this point, the soul kept moving along the nerve plexus, and quickly returned to the main body of the spinal cord.
   Only at this time, a super brain cell carried by the soul itself began to merge with the shadow spider monster body.
   Five minutes later, every pore on the surface of the shadow monster gushes out silk.
These spider silks are connected to the superbrain through the nerves of the spinal cord and become the second artificial organ in the wizard body besides the wizard's eye. It is equivalent to a small superbrain. It specializes in processing the transformation of spells and blood vessels during the wizard's battle, and at the same time bears the blood vessels in the body. Fusion evolution.
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