Chapter 1021: Castle construction

Chapter 1021
As the core of the castle merged, the war fortress began to expand dramatically.
In the entire war castle, the first-order evolutionary size can be expanded tenfold or small, and the internal space has expanded a hundredfold to a terrifying level. At the same time, a full 71825 subsidiary planes began to manifest in the castle.
A subsidiary plane is just a small bubble of the membrane.
The lives in it, without even knowing that their level of has been transferred to the world of the war fortress, at the same time, this also lets Yuanxiao know that the original war castle fell without leaving the corresponding plane in the first time, and they will be teleported to the war fortress together. internal.
These subsidiary planes, the corresponding planes are very weak.
However, the accumulation of less, all the origins of the planes at the same time brought the power of Nana, the lord of hell, increased by hundreds of times. It is hard to imagine what kind of amazing it would be if the three thousand origins of were concentrated in the same war fort. Variety.
"Yuanxiao, you come..."
Hearing Nana's call, the Lantern Festival teleported to the eastern corner of the war fort.
There is a huge well here. The head of the well is a mile in size and the inside is not bottomed. This is the road in the six reincarnations. It took a full 10,000 to build a miraculous building that can give birth to life.
Numerous points of true spiritual light flashed out of thin air and were sucked in by the well.
But for a moment, several devil babies floated in the well. They instinctively drank the well water and began to grow rapidly, until the adult body was blown out by the six reincarnation wells and landed by the well. Opened blank and pure eyes that didn't know anything.
Blank, the representative can modify at will.
"This is the Supreme Law of Reincarnation..."
Lantern Festival thoughtfully.
"What is left to build?"
Nana looked to Yuanxiao for his advice.
"Hell Worm Lair!"
Yuanxiao said without hesitation.
Nana nodded. A total of 20,000 castle cores were used to construct this six-way reincarnation well annex.
The entire nest is located next to the six wells of reincarnation.
However, a few worms have been produced in a moment, which are ten feet long like earthworms, but they have a mouth that blooms back and forth, regardless of their size, but this thing has very high-end blur and space capabilities.
Several worms left the war fortress under the control of Nana.
With the help of blur, the worm came to the battlefield. A wave of beasts. The one in front died and immediately followed, there was no complete body but a pile of mud, but the worm opened its mouthparts in the blur.
The space in the mouthpart was swallowed, and all the blood mud and the soul of the dead beast were taken away.
By the time he returned, his stomach had carried tons of blood mud and countless souls.
The worm opened its mouth and vomited, some pure flesh crystals and soul crystals were spit out, they actually compressed these in the body, an average of a thousand tons of the blood of the same rank fierce beast can form a corresponding blood crystal of the same rank.
As for the soul crystal, it is also a thousand souls of the same level compressed into a crystal of the same level.
Clean the battlefield. This is a side use of the worm.
As for the real function, it is used to collect resources from the resource points that appear around the war castle.
Having this in advance will surely speed up the evolution of the war castle.
"The remaining half improve mobility, and half strengthen the offense and defense of the war fortress."
Yuanxiao thought for a while and said.
No matter how strong the attack is. It's finally untouchable.
No matter how strong the defense is, it will eventually be unable to resist.
At this time, running fast is undoubtedly the best, safest and most promising choice.
Nana nodded, leaving only a few spare parts of the remaining castle core, and building all three special buildings for the rest.
Increase the speed, and a lot of space inscriptions on the war castle.
To improve the defense, the material of the city wall has undergone a fundamental evolution. At the same time, it has the characteristics of rapid self-repair.
Increase the destructive power, and there are more triangular towers on the wall.
These energy towers, pre-stored in the magic arts, can be used by the entire war castle to provide the power source to release the magic arts without limitation. Of course, the corresponding consumption is very powerful, and one use must consume a huge amount of energy.
After building these, the entire war castle has 150,000 subsidiary planes.
The increased combat power of the war castle means that representatives can withstand more pressure.
After accurate calculations, Yuanxiao again began to attack the lords below silver.
In the end, the subsidiary plane of the entire war castle was maintained at 200,000 to reach a balance. If you continue to plunder, if the beast tide's fierce beasts and sea beasts appear silver sea beasts, they will not be able to clean up in time.
The Hell War Castle of Ten Thousand Beasts is not in the islands in the sea but in the mountains of the mainland.
The overwhelming terrestrial fierce beasts and flying fierce beasts turned into two camps near the war fortress and constantly collided with each other, and countless beasts on the city wall released long-range strikes and countless beasts died in battle every second.
The same beast tide pressure, the same two hundred thousand subsidiary planes.
The difference is that, except for the six wells of reincarnation and the lair of worms, the defense and space movement capabilities are simply strengthened here, and the remaining castle cores that were originally used to strengthen attacks have all made a transformation device.
Through this, flesh and soul crystals can be transformed again.
The transformed product can be quickly absorbed by the beasts, and both the injury and the growth rate will be amazingly increased. At the same time, the devil bloodline of Rina Nakiri also contracts a large number of potential beasts.
With beasts, this place is much safer than Nana's side.
In the end, the ghost side has more than 250,000 subsidiary planes than the other two.
The Ghost Corps of the Ghost Clan, its mass killing ability is terrifying, and one trick is eaten all over the sky. Just the death howling of the Ghost Corps to smash the soul, one chorus can tear up a wave of beasts without any effort.
This war castle also did not build an energy tower.
The castle core of more than 100,000 has built the splitting ability of the war castle, that is, it can split into weaker subsidiary castles, which can allow the ghost family to stably rule the largest territory in the shortest time.
All three places were finished, almost exhausting the original space in Yuanxiao's hands.
But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a new situation occurred on the side of Ten Thousand Beasts Hell and had to take a trip.
"What happened?"
On Lantern Festival, I found Erina Nagiri under the sign in front of the small castle in the war here..."
Nagiri Erina pointed to a place on the map around the war castle.
Lantern Festival said puzzled.
"I have killed tens of thousands of summoned beasts here."
Nagiri Erina solemnly said, "When a large number of fierce beasts counterattack, as long as they pass by here, they must die and no news will come back. In the end, the worm discovered that this place was occupied by a silver seventh-order beast, and from the beginning In the end, he did not leave this place.
As for more details, the wisdom of the worm is very low to explain. "
"Will it be a resource point..."
Yuanxiao's eyes lit up thoughtfully. (To be continued.)
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