Chapter 1027: Supreme Sacred Stone

Chapter 1027
"Send me in..."
The Lantern Festival pondered for a moment and finally confirmed.
Although the acknowledgment of Gem Wanlong's Nest seems to be a little surprised now, he has enough confidence in himself, even if it is the highest law of gold, he has no room to escape with Yuguangjing.
The gold and gem melting pot could not scare him to give up a golden artifact.
The Time Gem Dragon Puppet no longer discouraged, and opened his mouth to spit out a ball of light to wrap the Lantern Festival and disappeared.
In the raging fire, the Lantern Festival turned into a ten-zhang high diamond gemstone dragon.
Except for the silver eyes, it means that he has a mutated bloodline of time attribute. The rest of him is almost the same as a normal diamond gemstone dragon. The flames around him did not hurt the bloodline of the diamond gemstone dragon.
In the depths of the flames, there was an inexplicable sense of intimacy.
The Lantern Festival felt that the problem was the King Kong Dragon Nest in his hand, which was the key to entering and exiting the Gem Wanlong Nest. Following the feeling of the Lantern Festival, he broke through the layers of flames and went all the way into the core of the gold and gem furnace.
Can't teleport in space, can only fly faster than light.
Fortunately, although the road is boring, the surrounding flames are of great benefit to him. The diamond veins in the body are purified by the flames every minute and every second, and at the same time it brings extremely hidden damage to the soul.
"Sure enough, there is a problem."
If it weren't for the great soul magic to guard the soul, Yuanxiao knew that he would not be able to spot the abnormality.
If he does not have a great soul magic, if he is not a soul turned into a royal ghost. When he reaches the core of the gold and gem furnace, I am afraid that the whole person is just a shell. Moreover, it is the body with extraordinary aptitude after being refined.
"Taking home?"
Yuan Xiao instantly rejected this speculation.
If it is really a powerful divine power, you must know this kind of thing. The lower the strength of the target, the lower the potential damage to the target. The result of a powerful divine power is that it will not be used for life. Go further.
Like the death knell mage. Their seizures cannot break this law.
So either the lower the target cultivation base, the better, or even start from the mother's womb. Either a person with a high level of cultivation can only change a body after a few years, otherwise it will be easy for someone to discover his identity if he hasn't made an inch of cultivation for a long time.
Since it's not seizing the house, could it be that kind of special blood sacrifice.
The Lantern Festival's unfolding time accelerates, and it looks like he is speeding up after being impatient for a long time. The rapid increase in speed can arrive early, and the secret existence will not doubt how his soul has not been destroyed.
Half a year later, it spanned hundreds of light years to reach the core of the gold and gem furnace.
In the distance, I saw a golden gem that exudes golden light like a diamond. It continuously swayed the light and spread to the surroundings. The light converged and condensed, finally condensed into a golden-clothed youth in front of the mysterious gem.
"You... shouldn't be so smart."
The young man in Jinyi said bitterly with disappointment.
"How to say?"
Yuan Xiao asked cautiously.
"Introduce myself. I am the sinner puppet of the gem dragon clan."
The young man in gold sighed.
Puppet gem dragon?
The Lantern Festival was stunned for a moment, and the gem dragon puppet was a puppet made into a gem dragon, but it was a gem dragon. But it was a rare branch of the gem dragon clan at the time, a gem dragon that has long been extinct in the legend.
"Interested in hearing a story?"
The young man in Jin Yi said bitterly, "Back then, the gem dragon clan was getting weaker and weaker. I thought that Tianzong could lead the gem dragon clan to rise. I thought I had found a way to use the highest sacred stone, but I didn’t know how to bring it to the gem dragon clan. The scourge of genocide.
I don't know when my mind was manipulated by the Supreme Sacred Stone.
Sometimes sober. Sometimes sinking, and less and less when waking up over time.
I could stop it, but I didn't because I was too conceited.
The Supreme Sacred Stone manipulates me, and I am also groping for the secret of the Supreme Sacred Stone. I think I have enough certainty to finally defeat the Supreme Sacred Stone. The manufacture of the gem Wanlong’s Nest is nothing more than I pretend to be unable to do anything.
But I was wrong, I underestimated the Supreme Sacred Stone.
He acted first, and led the clansmen to destroy the plot world on a large scale. When I woke up, the crime of extermination could not be eliminated. The punishment of the golden will had come to death. I misjudged the true intention of the Supreme Sacred Stone. "
"What's the intention?"
Yuanxiao couldn't help asking.
"It turns out that the Supreme Sacred Stone no longer needs live pigs."
The young man in the golden clothes said with a painful expression, "The Supreme Sacred Stone makes the gem dragon clan, which is to reproduce the gem dragon clan by self-reproduction, bred a new gem dragon and let the blood evolve, and finally all blood power and dragon soul return to the highest level after death. Holy stone.
It's like raising pigs, when they are fattened up, they start a round of slaughter.
I thought that I could recreate a large number of gem dragon clan with the help of the supreme sacred stone, and then use the new and powerful gem dragon clan to find a way to get rid of the supreme sacred stone, but I did not expect that the supreme sacred stone no longer needs the dragon soul.
The dragon soul is saturated, it only needs enough gemstone dragon blood.
Therefore, he no longer needs a living gem dragon. The gem dragon puppet, which has an empty dragon body and no dragon soul, can not only be manufactured in large quantities, but also need not worry about having two hearts. This is the true purpose of the existence of the gem Wanlong Nest.
When I knew this, it turned out to be too late.
I can only lay down some back hands. You are one of my biggest back hands. I use a secret technique to make the Highest Sacred Stone fall asleep, and then wait for you to use the secret technique to steal part of the High Sacred Stone into your body.
But unexpectedly, your soul did not enter the state of suspended animation.
Not only not, but also full of hostility. You should have found something wrong from the clues. Fate is so unfavorable for our gem dragon clan. Your hostile soul stimulated the sleeping supreme sacred stone, and it is about to break free from my secret technique and regain its consciousness. Up. "
"Then should I run as far and far away immediately?"
The Lantern Festival frowned.
"I will hold the Highest Sacred Stone. UU Reading"
The Jinyi Youth solemnly promised.
"Hold it, it's right to hold me to buy time for yourself..."
Yuan Xiao mocked, "You think the nine true and one false can deceive me, the destruction of the gem dragon clan should be true, but then it is purely a lie, don't you need my blood to complete the last step of the resurrection of the blood sacrifice?"
"Blood sacrifice, how could you know this is a blood sacrifice?"
The face of the young man in Jin Yi changed drastically and his expression changed.
The Lantern Festival was squirming around and turned into a state of wisdom and evil with the genetic recombination talent.
"Haha! It turned out to be my own."
The young man in golden clothes was slightly surprised and exclaimed, "You are a new-born wisdom god, you should be a parasitic incarnation. I didn't expect you to parasite the key to my early resurrection. I will compensate for the loss of this incarnation a hundredfold. You." (To be continued.)
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