Chapter 1149: Ancient fairyland

Reference 1149
The face was calm, but Yuanxiao was surprised in secret.
He and the four great ancient immortals hadn't started a battle yet, and the gaze that suddenly stared at him just now would not be anyone else except the imaginary Tianzun. No matter how bad he is, he is also the inheritor of the imaginary Tianzun, but there are two possibilities that he still prefers the imaginary Tianzun himself.
Because of this kind of evil spirits, even the wisdom and evil can not be sure whether they have the means of resurrection.
"Why don't you start the defense?"
On the battlefield of the astral void, the ancient immortal Judge shouted and asked at the other end of the void.
"I'm ready."
Lantern Festival said lightly.
The voice fell, and the Four Principles of God's Domain had been crushed.
Five special professions, among which wizards have the strongest destructive power, Wuxian has the strongest battlefield ability to fight, the biochemical tyrant has the strongest ability to exterminate creatures, and the energy transformation man has the strongest ability to survive.
But the last ancient immortal is the single-body lethality that has the most limit.
Every ancient immortal would simultaneously dabble with various laws and supernatural powers before the demigod, but once they crossed the demigod line, they would practice a single law, and this law would have 129,600 variations. It is so extreme that there is only one kind of cultivation.
Speaking of this, we have to say that gold, the supreme law, and the main are different at the law level.
Because in essence, special occupations are an imitation of gold.
A master has reached perfection at the level of law.
The difference between ordinary gold and the main lies in the will and the tree of laws that are incorporated into the nerves in the body.
But the supreme law gold is different. They completely merged 129,600 changes into one, choosing one of them to swallow other changes, such as the law of flame. If you choose to explode, the law itself will be In this regard, the fusion will swallow other changes and strengthen to the limit.
At this point, even the tree of laws inside the body will change, so all the branches assimilate into the explosion.
With a single law, the power of the law itself will be dispersed in 129,600 changes.
And the integration, although it will not increase the destructive power of 129,600 times, but the increase of several times is not an exaggeration.
It is precisely because of this extremely strengthened power that the Supreme Law can easily kill ordinary gold. At the same time, only the Supreme Law can go to extremes. The ordinary laws do not yet have this qualification, but the ancient immortals can evolve to the extreme with the common laws. the power of.
The extreme power of the main god-level ancient immortal is at least simulated to the level of the golden seven points of the highest law, so the four ancient immortals will not hesitate to agree to his gambling fight, because they are very confident that they will never lose.
The five gods collided, and the final result was both defeats.
Whether it was the Lantern Festival or the four ancient immortals, they couldn't accept this result for a while.
The rule of the extreme realm of law, because of its singularity can even be compared to the golden domain of will, the four ancient immortals have never defeated in the collision of the law of the realm, not to mention the fact that the law of the four jointly shattered together.
The Lantern Festival was also shocked, knowing that he did his best this time.
Except for the Supreme Law, the rest of the laws are all integrated into the Law God Realm, which is at least thousands of laws to reach the Consummation of the Lord God. Theoretically, when encountering gold, the Will Realm will win the game without losing both.
"I underestimated him..."
Judge Guxian exclaimed.
They only have a chance to strike. Fortunately, the Rule of God Realm made them really pay attention to the Lantern Festival. You must know that at first they thought that this was just a step for the Lantern Festival. They did not expect this mirrored clone to be so powerful.
"How to do it?"
Tidal Ancient Immortal asked.
"Xingchen Ancient Immortal was the first to take the shot."
Judging the ancient immortal hesitated and said categorically, "You are the second to take the shot, I am the third, and the king and ba ancient immortal are the last to take the shot. The strength of the Lantern Festival is beyond imagination. There is no need to keep our respective natal fairy weapons."
Combine a blow, but not simultaneously attack.
Unless it is an excellent fusion law, the collision of the law of multiple people to kill one person together will weaken their respective strengths.
"The ancient immortals of stars, the ancient immortals of tides, the ancient immortals of trial, and the ancient immortals of King Tyrant..."
At the same time, Yuanxiaoye saw the order in which the four great ancient immortals attacked him. In the future he saw, the four great ancient immortals would be defeated in one blow, but since he has seen the future, if it cannot be changed, it is not him. Up.
The ancient immortal of the stars, this person masters the gravitational force of the black hole in the polar realm of the branch of the law of stars.
This person’s defensive ability is well-known that the universe does not lose to the unbreakable golden among the wizard gods, but his offensive method does not rely on the golden god’s counter-shock, but the endless black hole gravity restrains himself and the enemy. The energy is used to kill the enemy.
As for the ancient tidal immortal, this woman masters the law of tides, and the extreme power is the superposition of tides.
This person focuses on compression. If the preparation time is sufficient, even gold can be killed in one shot, but her weakness is that it takes time. However, she married the ancient immortal in the early years, and the two have always been inseparable enough to make up for this. weakness.
Next, the ancient immortal will be judged. The extreme power that this person is good at is the branch of the law of thunder and evil judgment.
The last king and overlord ancient immortal, this person masters the very rare branch of the emperor's law, the only melee ancient immortal among the four ancient immortals. The instant destructive power is violent enough to make the supreme law gold severely damaged, but the weakness is one Can't kill the enemy for a short time without a second phone meeting.
This kind of restriction seems to be the key to his amazingly destructive explosion of the rule of king and hegemony.
I have to say The order of attack arranged by the trial ancient immortal is very correct.
But since he had known it in advance, targeting these four methods might not be able to stop them from joining forces.
"The Star Ancient Immortal..."
While thinking about the Lantern Festival, Xingchen Guxian had already taken action.
The ancient immortal of the main level does not use any other main artifacts, but simply uses the only natal immortal artifact, not to look at a single one, but the purely destructive power is not lost to the golden artifact with the destruction attribute.
In the blink of an eye, Old Immortal Xingchen had already locked him with a natal immortal weapon.
Nothing else, it is a black hole in the palm of the right hand. It is rumored that the ancient star of the stars practiced the magical powers of the immortal kingdom in a small universe that is on the verge of destruction, but eventually shattered his own magical powers and turned the small universe into a black hole to refine the natal fairy weapon black star.
Pressing the void, the surrounding Lantern Festival has been locked by the black hole gravity.
At the critical moment, the Lantern Festival does not advance and retreat, the bloodline is armed with blessings, and the law of time accelerates towards the black hole of the palm of the ancient immortal of the stars, forcing a drop of original bloodline to bless the big brand magical technique to imprint the power of the destiny contract on the black star of the destiny fairy.
The destiny contract can bind oneself to a star.
This is just an imaginary battle space, but he can unscrupulously use this talent that can only be displayed once in reality. Once the natal fairy weapon of the ancient star, the black star, is contracted by him, the threat of the ancient star will disappear instantly, and even other The three ancient immortals hurting him is equivalent to hurting Black Star.
Lantern Festival crashed into the Black Star Black Hole, but he was unharmed.
Because of the Fate Star Contract, the Black Star has already been contracted first. As the owner of Black Star, Xing Chen Guxian naturally discovered this at the first time. If it is a real battle, he can of course explode Black Star and severely damage the Lantern Festival, but this gambling fight is good. They can only make one shot. (To be continued.) Novel. Darkness Unlimited Latest Chapter Chapter 1149 Ancient Fairy Realm Website:
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