Chapter 1333: Immortal Dragon Tower

Reference 1333
"It's a pity!"
Looking at the obedient Ancient God Dean, Lan Xiao felt regretful.
Unlike the Void God Heavenly Sovereign who has used killings to build prestige within the Human Race Alliance, although he is currently on the same level as the Void God Heavenly Sovereign, but none of the gold in the alliance really convinces him.
At this time, forcibly killing the Dean of the Ancient Gods will definitely cause him to lose heart.
The ancient dean saw this, so he endured the grief and anger in his heart and bowed his head to admit counsel, but I don’t know who instructed the ancient dean to use Minian to force him to appear. Could it be that the ancient dean and Zero each other What else can't be contacted.
As for the Golden Will to come forward in person, although this possibility is also possible, there are not many.
"Who on earth is it?"
The Lantern Festival looked at the many golds present.
A supreme law of gold ranked in front of the Dean of the Ancient Gods caught his attention. This person is obviously the kind of boss who has only recently resurrected. Although the boss alliance has gathered the most bosses in the resurrection in recent years, there is still left. The next five superpowers were unwilling to show weakness and resurrected some bosses.
These dead and resurrected old monsters themselves are the fish that escaped the net deliberately by the golden will.
Among them, if there is some will to take refuge in the golden will or even be controlled by it, the Lantern Festival will not be surprised at all. Now it seems that this person secretly instigated the ancient dean, and the ancient dean was just kept in the dark as a scapegoat That's the poor thing.
"give it to me!"
Lantern Festival spread out.
Xushen Tianzun hesitated for a moment, and then handed the Origin God Stone to Yuanxiao.
With so much gold present, he was not worried about Yuanxiao Juanbao's escape.
The Lantern Festival took over the space to seal the original sacred stone, and the eye of the brow-centered wizard split and observed carefully. Inside the original sacred stone, it was not only the statues that were sealed, but also a large array constructed with three chaotic original sacred stones.
Through these idols, the power of 30% faith in the corresponding gods will be drawn.
After the erosion and transformation of the chaotic origin of the sacred stone, various messy beliefs will be mixed into a chaotic power, and this is the power source of the tower war weapon next to it, and finally turned into five half-step immortal magic arts to launch externally.
Among them, behind each idol are gods who master different laws.
The strongest one is the Void God Tianzun, and the weakest one is even just a demigod who is about to become a god. The remaining laws are obviously too rare to find a demigod. If you can gather all the laws The power of this war weapon will increase by one to two times.
"good stuff."
Yuan Xiao praised sincerely.
Confound as many laws as possible through the formation method, so that the power of the three chaotic origin stones is activated to the limit. In theory, if all the laws gather together, it can even strike an immortal blow, but this way, three chaotic stones It must be scrapped.
The spatial fluctuation flashed, and the idols began to seal in.
Because he mastered too many laws, he split a large number of clones to refine one law.
These clones also need to grow, so whether in the magic universe, the element universe or the primitive universe, he has tens of thousands of identities at the same time and transformed into different gods to receive the prayers of believers. He did not expect to play this role at this time.
The two gods seem to be different, but in fact all of them are his clones.
And once it is integrated, he can get 20% control of this space seal origin stone. Although the key control right cannot compete with the Void God Tianzun, it will not be torn between the Void God Tianzun when the law is fully powerful. Shameless.
Only alliances bound to interests and strengths are relatively strong alliances.
After the seal was over, the Lantern Festival threw the original sacred stone to Xushen Tianzun.
The Void God Tianzun's face remained silent, but his heart was not at all calm, because compared to the 80% rule that he only made up the seal, the last 20% seal of the Austrian Fa Tianzun and the corresponding law were not lower than the main level.
This strength, excluding gold, the rest is probably not much weaker than the human alliance.
Coming to the bottom of the tower, the Void God Tianzun cracked a hole in the base of the tower.
The original sacred stone was inlaid, the cracks closed and the tower body began to light up layer by layer. This war weapon, forged from the crystal of gold faith and immortal power, began to activate with the roar of the five dragon heads at the tip.
"This is the Immortal Dragon Tower."
Xu Shen Tianzun said proudly.
"Don't try it?"
Yuan Xiao asked with a smile.
"It should be."
Xu Shen Tianzun nodded in agreement.
Almost all the gold in the construction was forced to contribute a large amount of gold faith crystallization, but only the purest faith of the Holy Spirit can condense it. If you don't show the corresponding power, how can you convince the gold below.
"This thing should be able to adjust power."
Yuanxiao asked.
"Good foresight, the weakest can hit the golden full blow, the strongest can hit the immortal full blow."
Xu Shen Tianzun said proudly.
"If it's a golden blow we need a target."
The Lantern Festival’s right hand struck the palm of his left hand and said,
It’s better for us to draw lots. We will go out as a target if I get injured. If I am injured, I have a holy pill in hand. Those who are selected as a target can get two holy ones from me. Dan."
"Interesting, then I also have a drop of immortal power."
Xu Shen Tianzun agreed that he naturally couldn't refute the face of Lantern Festival for this matter, and wanted to prove the value of the Immortal Dragon Tower. Indeed, only a real demonstration can prove the correctness of his decision.
Xushen Tianzun and Yuanxiao both spoke, what else can they do?
Moreover, two sacred pills and a drop of immortal divine power, this gold is also an extremely precious treasure, just as a target, at most, the body is shattered and severely injured, so it will not be destroyed in front of everyone.
Therefore, starting from the supreme law of gold, everyone writes their name on a card and gives it to the Void God Tianzun.
All the cards are put in a box at the end.
If someone peeked with will and pupil skills, it would never be possible to hide from so many people present.
"You come to smoke."
Lan Xiao pointed his finger at the supreme law of gold that he suspected was related to the will of gold.
This person took a few steps forward and took the box in the hands of Xu Shen Tianzun.
Xu Shen Tianzun smiled kindly at It was a bit offensive to draw this card. Although he didn't care, he could avoid it.
"I haven't consulted the source yet."
Yuanxiao asked casually.
"Blizzard Tianzun."
The young man exuding chill respectfully replied.
He took the box and started to shake it briefly. After a while, the exit was facing downwards. Cards poured out from the entrance. The first card that fell to the ground was clearly seen by everyone.
"Ancient God Tianzun..."
Everyone looked at the ancient dean together, but there were many envy eyes among them.
Although being a target can obtain precious immortal powers, the ancient dean is beating violently at this time. It is Yuanxiao who proposed the living target, but it is the Blizzard Tianzun who extracted him. No matter how he thinks, there are traps hidden in it. (To be continued.) l3l4
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