Chapter 1465: Prisoner in the Giant Flame Tree

   Chapter 1465
"Wish ya'll good luck."
Behind the window, the Lantern Festival put away the great investigative magic skills and disappeared into the room.
Teaming up with the six star thief kings to forcibly break into the forbidden area of ​​the star thief city, there is no doubt that this will force the golden will. In this case, the golden will will definitely guard this channel connected to the golden universe unless the golden will is destroyed. It is impossible to force it through.
The avatar Gemini Tianzun who destroyed the golden will, with his current power, if he is willing to pay a sufficient price, it is not impossible.
But what he has to do is to get close to the giant flame tree, instead of violently encountering the golden will head-on under the flame giant tree, and not to lose both sides with the golden will. The result is cheap wisdom and evil, unwilling to lose both. This is the commonality between him and the golden will. Concerns.
So from the beginning, Tianzun Skeleton and the others were just pawns to tune the tiger away from the mountain.
The six immortal peaks, although not comparable to the first apostle and others, but the Gemini Tianzun here is only a clone.
Skeleton Tianzun, this person has been in direct contact with him and has caused cause and effect.
With the help of the real realm, he can secretly grasp the specific situation of the skeleton Tianzun. If he has not touched the giant flame tree within a limited time, he can also retreat completely with the help of the great time and space magic and the time and space gate.
The body is blurred, and the space coordinates are locked and teleported to the universe of Bone Bao Tianzun.
The real body rushed into the black hole of energy, and as expected, 90% of the will of the Gemini Tianzun had been taken away, and the remaining 10% wanted to find that it was impossible for him to bless thousands of concealment laws, and follow the energy channel upstream And Shang soon came to the center of Star Thieves King City.
From here, you can see that the eight energy channels are scattered.
As for this place itself, it is an incomparably huge melting pot composed of the Origin Flame.
The furnace itself swallows the river of violent time.
After the Origin Sacred Fire is transformed into various energy, the will staying here is not weakened at all. Therefore, as soon as the Lantern Festival comes in, it transforms itself into a pure energy, with the aid of the great source divine art practiced by the Hongmeng water eye and the great unified divine art. Played a big role.
But as a piece of energy, he can't move casually, otherwise the golden will will find the problem.
Fortunately, this is not an energy channel. Energy is not unilaterally transmitted toward the assembly point of the universe. As long as he moves carefully with the flow, he will always be sucked into a black hole at the bottom of the flame furnace along with the largest energy in the flame furnace.
This black hole should lead to the origin of the universe.
A few minutes later, the opportunity appeared.
Most of the will in the flame furnace has been withdrawn. Obviously the Gemini Tianzun has done his best to suppress the six star thief kings, but taking out more than half of the will does not mean that there will be loopholes in the defense here, because the scattered will in the eight energy channels Shrink here.
Grasping this gap, Yuanxiao moved itself to a position near the black hole at the bottom of the flame furnace.
The energy black hole swallows, and endless energy rushes into a flame channel.
This kind of passage, Lantern Festival suddenly recognized that it is the same material as the giant flame tree. If there is any difference, all he has seen before are only some hollow branches, and the one he is passing through now is the most flame giant tree. The main roots.
A few days later, the violent flow of energy finally passed through the root channel.
The other energies around have been assimilated into the Origin Sacred Fire in this process. The only heresy is the Lantern Festival, which has turned into the origin of Hongmeng, and is struggling to persist. This passage is more dangerous than he thought, but fortunately, it has reached the end of the passage.
Not surprisingly, he will appear inside the flame giant tree.
Yuanxiao's eyes widened.
It was indeed inside the giant flame tree, the origin of the billowing liquid sacred cremation turned into a flood of energy that destroys everything.
There is no golden will at all in this energy torrent. Obviously, the golden will cannot touch the flame giant tree or even the will resident in his body. What shocked him is that at the end of this energy torrent, the big soul divine technique actually perceives a powerful true spirit. .
This true spirit is a powerful true spirit he has never seen before.
Even compared to the destiny Tianmen, this person may not feel inferior to him. There is such an existence in the flame giant tree. The instinctive Lantern Festival wants to leave, but the law of destiny is not in the slightest danger, so I dare to hide in the Lantern Festival. The magic furnace is advancing with the torrent of the Origin Sacred Fire.
In case of a fatal danger, even if it is transcendence and immortality, don't easily destroy the magic furnace of good fortune.
The gate of time and space, this is the immortal artifact he personally refined.
Refining by hand is very important, which means he can explode this immortal artifact.
If he is really pressing, he will never reluctant, although it is very risky to do so, but the giant flame tree is worth the risk.
A few days later, when he couldn't teleport in space and could only drift with the flow, Yuanxiao finally approached the real spirit he felt. This made him feel that the trembling real spirit was an illusory red light and shadow, and he was being bound by a branch at this time. On a black tree.
"It turned out to be Can Nian..."
Yuanxiao exclaimed.
This true spirit has been completely shattered at all. Only a little bit of remnant thought is not enough to continue to call it life.
But it is this kind of remnant that is not dead and even makes him mistakenly think it is the true spirit. This completely breaks all his cognition. In his opinion, if a person's true spirit is destroyed to such an extent, it is impossible to have the slightest in the world. Traces of life.
Yuan Xiao’s exclaim unexpectedly awakened Can Nian, who was neither life nor death, and opened his eyes to look at Yuan Xiao.
It was a pair of desperate, lonely, painful, and confused eyes, but the moment I saw Yuanxiao flashed surprise hope and softness, Can Nian stretched out a hand and moved towards Yuanxiao as if to move closer. But the branches that bound the whole body burst out with brilliant light.
Can Nian's eyes screamed in pain, and it lasted for a full cup of tea before he recovered.
"who are you?"
Yuan Xiao asked carefully, this person didn't know why he gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.
"who am I?"
Can Nian smiled bitterly is just a prisoner imprisoned here because of an obsession. If you must call me, you can call me Fire God. I believe this name should be no stranger to you. "
"No stranger, I used to kill a Vulcan."
Lantern Festival said lightly.
"Vulcan, this person has the same name as me?"
Vulcan frowned.
"Not as good as you, just a main god."
Lantern Festival replied.
"Unexpectedly, I was even compared with a main god."
Vulcan laughed.
"This is funny?"
The Lantern Festival wondered. This person said that he was the of fire, the creator of the golden universe, the of fire. He believed it a little bit. The black tree that trapped this person had seen the battle where the original ancestral land was destroyed. It was this tree that destroyed the incarnation of the man who believed in Tianmen.
"Do you know your life experience?"
Vulcan sneered.
"Know a little bit, but I only saw it in other people's memory."
Yuanxiao nodded silently.
This Vulcan seems to know a lot of things that he doesn't know. For the time being, follow this person to set out more of what he wants to know. It is not easy to deal with it when there is no use value. This is just a matter of impossibility and actually weak nature. Prisoner. (To be continued.) u
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