Chapter 1481: Mysterious ashes

   Chapter 1481
"Are you still awake?"
Through the tomb, the Lantern Festival transmits the sound into the tomb made of the eternal stone.
"Who are you? What about the Golden Will?"
After a long time, a question came from the grave.
"I... just cleaned up the golden will here."
Yuan Xiao secretly said with a message, "Who are you? Why are you locked up here? This is a place guarded by the golden will. If you want to come, you are not an ordinary person. If you can satisfy my curiosity, you might not be able to let you out."
"Are you a of wisdom?"
Jiuyou Evil God did not answer but continued to ask.
Lantern Festival frowned, how should he answer to get more information from the mouth of Jiuyou Evil God.
Vulcan's sealing of the Nine Nether Gods is definitely not for no reason.
The golden will to seize the Nine Nether Gods is not just for surpassing the immortal combat power. You must know that no matter how good it is, it is only someone else's. The Golden Will that has the ambition to control the destiny should not be reconciled to just reach the Nine Nethers. That degree.
Seizing the Nine Nether Gods must have a special purpose.
Eighty percent of this purpose is related to dealing with wisdom and evil. It should be said that the power of Jiuyou Evil God has the possibility of restraining wisdom and evil, so he was sealed by the Vulcan God and was targeted by the Golden Will at any cost.
%■Long%■Wind%■Wen%■Learn, w√ww.cfw⊕x.n▲et  "You hesitate, it seems that you are a wicked evildoer."
Jiuyou Evil God sneered.
The tomb made by the Eternal God Stone trembled slightly, and it turned out to be strengthening the seal from the inside. Obviously, Jiuyou Evil God believed that wisdom and evil would harm him, and would rather hide in the tortoise shell made by the Eternal God Stone to protect himself.
"Primitive Ancestral Land... Immortal Protozoa... Nine Nether Evil God... Fire God... Golden Will... Evil God Soul Puppet..."
One name after another, flashed in the heart of Lantern Festival.
Between these existences, there must be a line connecting them together.
He faintly felt that if he could untie this line, he might be able to figure out why the Vulcan and the Wisdom Gods are immortal. The multiverse of the Vulcans is the top horror existence. Why did the Wisdom and the Gods kill him? .
Putting aside the doubts for the time being, Yuanxiao began to check the formation of the evil spirit puppet.
Each formation node is a coffin, which can extract the power of the Nine Nether Evil God, which is transformed into a special kind of ashes through the formation. This ashes is the core of the Evil God Soul Puppet, and there is no small interest in this kind of ashes Lantern Festival.
Soon, Yuanxiao found these ashes.
There are not many black ashes, and enough materials may be able to make a few evil spirit puppets.
But this kind of ashes, mastering the Great Devouring Divine Art, could obviously perceive that these ashes are constantly multiplying, assimilating everything into themselves like viruses and bacteria, but this transformation seems to consume a strange power in the ashes.
When this power is exhausted, the ashes will stop proliferating.
Until slowly recovered, the next round of proliferation will begin. The storm formed by the evil spirit soul puppets blew out and turned a piece of heaven and earth into black ashes. This mysterious power was used, and this power gave him a kind of natural enemy. The same feeling.
Not hostile to him, but hostile to the Vulcan battle robe that has been refined by him.
After a little hesitation, the Lantern Festival took out a branch of the sacred tree of origin.
The branches burned spontaneously, facing these ashes, they turned into the origin of a sacred fire of origin. Even the branches themselves burned to the black ashes like a natural enemy, and the two were constantly entangled. Finally all the ashes were burned. The origin of the sacred flame swallowed its origin.
In this way, it seems that the origin of the flame has won.
However, with the help of the Great Detective Magic Technique, Lantern Festival saw that the black ashes were just lurking like a virus. The origin of the sacred flame that seemed to be the victory had actually been eroded and transformed in the dark. This black ash was basically the natural enemy nemesis of the sacred tree of origin.
The fire gradually dissipated and once again turned into a twig of the sacred tree of origin that had dried up a lot.
Time accelerates!
Pushing the gate of time and space, the Lantern Festival will accelerate in a large proportion of the local time.
However, after a few years, the whole branch has become black as if it was infected, and it can even rub down the black ashes with a gentle rub. The original origin of the flame in the branch has only a small amount of origin.
Staring at the black ashes, Yuanxiao felt a touch of familiarity.
Because of the growth of the mysterious power within, the power of the gods in his body actually resonated. The mysterious power contained in this black ashes is actually related to the power of the gods, and even the power of the gods that suppresses him is as high as the upper one. The same.
"Could it be..."
A terrible guess flashed in Yuanxiao's heart.
Opening the gate of time and space, leaving the of wisdom clone guarded, the Yuanxiao deity passed through the gate of time and space and returned to the Star Thieves City. Regarding his guess, he couldn't wait to verify it. If he wanted to verify, he had to find someone first.
According to calculations, the Gemini Tianzun who did not have the Vulcan shirt to open the way would take half a year to return to Star Thieves City at the earliest.
This half a year is the last chance, after half a year, we must find a way to solve the Gemini Tianzun.
Killing the clone of Cthulhu Cemetery has already used his hole cards once.
This trump card is not used casually. To some extent, it borrows the projection channel opened by the Tianmen of Truth in the original ancestral land, so that it can cross the space blockade and connect the two spaces in an infinitely distant space. Excessive use will definitely be found abnormal by the Tianmen of Truth.
Therefore, to solve the Gemini Tianzun, it is no longer possible to use the power of the original ancestral gate of time and space opens, and the Lantern Festival locks the position of the golden universe and starts to shuttle. When it comes, there is no space coordinate and only a short distance. The space coordinate is not difficult to complete ultra-long-distance teleportation with the help of the immortal artifact of Time and Space Gate.
After only half a day, the Lantern Festival can already see the golden universe.
At the same time, he also found the phantom fog giant lying in the river and stuck in the gap of the disappearing universe crystal wall in the golden universe.
Within the body of the phantom fog giant, the fog oscillated from time to time. You don't need to look at it to know that this is the unwilling struggle of the fifth apostle who is driving the immortal giant ship, but the phantom fog giant transformed by the savage is obviously not a vegetarian.
The gate of time and space opened, and the Lantern Festival began to teleport again.
The teleportation quickly moved away from the golden universe to the upper reaches of the long river of time. The wisdom gods and evil clan have teleportation stations in the major transit places of the time long river, but now the city of Destiny is trapped in the golden continent and cannot be transmitted there.
Fortunately, the space coordinates are all recorded, as long as there is enough immortal divine power, the speed of the time-space gate will only be faster.
Half a month later, the Lantern Festival crossed a trillion light years and successfully approached the destination.
Hundreds of millions of light-years away, a dam across the river is faintly visible on the Long River, but a closer look shows that this dam is riddled with holes and does not really block the Long River, at best it is floating on the river. A pontoon dam with gentle water flow.
Even so, such a vast project in the entire multiverse is an unimaginable miracle. (To be continued.) 
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