Chapter 194: All off

Chapter 194:
The big sword and the spear collided, and even the air shook with a shock wave.
They don't have subtle moves, and they don't have the flexible combination of ordinary Kazuko, just a sword and a shot with the simplest power and ultimate speed, but this kind of confrontation can be divided into death and every blow.
Kazuko didn't choose change because they all chose the strongest hardness in concentration.
Once the Kagura weapon of one party was destroyed, it was too late to resist the next fatal blow.
Neither side of the battle noticed. The white-haired boy walking step by step on the street not far away, the police around the blockade shouted out warnings loudly, but it didn't work at all in the environment where the whole city was full of blasting.
Several police officers walked over with submachine guns, intending to warn the troublesome kid.
Whoosh! Whoosh!
The long tail composed of several huge scales stabbed like lightning.
Any policeman who is stabbed and picked up in the air is as if he was drained of flesh and blood. Only skin and skeleton are left. They can plunder rc cells without directly eating them. At the same time, the torture of the gecko on him has caused his special love. .
A series of machine guns fired.
Jin Muyan stopped, braving a puff of steam to expand.
The 15-meter-high upright giant can vaguely see the face of Jin Muyan, stepping on the street and cracking a large circular pit. The whole body is wrapped in a layer of red Hezi armor and rushes to the battlefield in front of the antique coffee shop.
Neither bullets, even grenade nor rocket launcher can penetrate that layer of Kazuko armor.
Jin Muyan made a jump. It fell on an armored vehicle that blocked the streets.
The armored car was trampled into a discus. The tentacles on the edge of Kazuko's armor passed by every policeman precisely. Sora left the ruins and skeletons supporting human skins on the ground, and once again jumped over hundreds of meters and fell in front of the antique coffee shop.
Kozen Yoshimura and Takasho Arima had not yet decided the winner, and they were startled by the giant who had jumped over.
"You all are going to die."
Jin Muyan roared, Kazuko concentrated on her legs and jumped up like springs.
Hundreds of meters high in the sky, terrible acceleration of gravity, coupled with the Hezi ball that has expanded to hundreds of meters in diameter and wrapped into a circle, with a cone-shaped sonic boom cloud directly hitting the ground, leaving a radius of hundreds of meters. The earth collapsed. Wrap everything in Kazuko and squeeze forcibly.
No one can escape, and the most persistent Fangcun Gongshan only persisted for three seconds.
Swallowing a large number of high-level Ghoul species and the investigator holding Kuink at one time, the overcondensation of rc cells allows Jin Muyan to start a new round of evolution. As a Ghoul species favored by the plane, his evolution will only succeed. failure.
Cang Dang!
An underground manhole cover at the edge of the Jinmu Research Institute Huahezi group was opened.
The petite girl with long brown hair looked at the scene of destruction in front of her in horror. What made her even more terrified was the familiar atmosphere in the Kazuzu group in front of her. She had always liked and trusted the big brother Jin Muyan, how could she kill everyone by herself .
"Flute mouth young real..."
Jin Muyan watched silently as the girl who saw him as his brother fled in horror.
It wasn't him who was wrong, it was just this world.
As long as this world is destroyed. When everything reincarnates, follow the agreement between him and Yuanxiao. In the next life he will only be an ordinary high school student, or a Ghoul from the beginning, no one will die or be sad.
As for this wrong reincarnation, let him personally end this world that shouldn't exist.
Kirishima Dong Xiang slammed the Lantern Festival with a fist.
The fist is still halfway, and has become weak and weak under the forced control of Super Brain.
"Why?" Kirishima Dongxiang trembled.
"They must die of value."
Yuanxiao said indifferently, "Only Jinmuyan can let me end this world with the least cost. You have already known my purpose, how can I become fragile now? Anyway, the people in the antique coffee shop will be resurrected in a few years. "
"Your heart is so cruel..."
Kirishima Dongxiang trembled.
"That's actually because you haven't experienced what I have experienced."
The Lantern Festival said calmly, "I have been frozen underground for three million years. I can’t hear, see, or feel the infinite darkness and loneliness. People who have never experienced it will never understand. I want to control. Destiny, instead of letting destiny control me."
"I request to fight." Kirishima Touka said bitterly.
"Yes, but if you accidentally die, they will have no value in the next cycle."
Yuanxiao thought for a while and nodded in agreement.
"Will you force her to be too tight."
Mikasa sighed faintly, she was also forced to come over by the Lantern Festival back then.
"I don't need my weapon to have emotional weakness."
Yuan Xiao said categorically that as his weapon, he doesn't need friends, cares, or weaknesses. The only thing he needs is to listen to his orders. If Kirishima Dongxiang can't do this, he just keeps a plaything.
"You really are not afraid of her in danger."
Mikasa lightly hummed, unconsciously pitying the same disease made her a little worried about Dong Xiang.
"The infinite snake is on her."
The Lantern Festival said indifferently and went straight back to the underground refuge of the manor. He chose this manor specifically because the former rich man built an underground refuge against the end of the world at a depth of 80 meters close to the manor.
In the war room of the refuge, the large screen full of the room is showing images of satellite transmission.
City after city fell under the invasion of giant ghouls. It only takes a few giant ghouls to forcibly eat up an entire city of human beings, and then make the Ghoul bloodline more powerful and ultimately unmatched.
According to this progress, there will be no more humans left in the entire world for at most six months.
But this speed is far from enough. What the Lantern Festival needs is the extermination of all life. Even if a human being hides in a refuge at a critical time, it will lead to failure in destroying the world and ultimately nothing.
You know that for this ultimate goal, he doesn't even have time to fight a treasure chest.
"Voldemort, start the second phase of the plan."
The Lantern Festival rubbed the crown ring solemnly ~ The connection between the crown ring body and the instrument spirit allowed Voldemort, who was far abroad, to direct the next move.
Under the dual control of coercion and bewitching, a large number of ghouls with bombs implanted in their brains took some diluted giant serum to attract brainless giant ghouls to follow them, and the targets of the attack were all nuclear power plants without exception.
Nuclear power plants exploded everywhere, bringing an endless stream of dissipated nuclear radiation.
The sunlight absorbed by the giant itself is the electromagnetic wave emitted by the nuclear explosion on the sun that passes through the universe and passes through the atmosphere. At this time, the giant ghoul directly absorbs these, and the rc cells that cannot fuse after swallowing a large number of humans begin to mutate wildly.
Out of control, the few military bases that can activate missiles, and even the desperate discovery of these three-time mutated giant ghouls that even missiles can’t kill, the huge Kazuza behind these things will take away everything hiding on the ground and underground. Life form.
ps: Thank you Xinghe 688 for your rewards, thank you Fengying, Reading Big Dipper, Tenstone, and Wuxian Shen for your rewards, please subscribe, you will drop a lot after updating, tangled! (To be continued...)
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