Chapter 239: Gluttony Elixir

Chapter 239:
The second hand moves every second, and every professional stares at the clock on the wall. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】
With their extraordinary memory, there is a route that Lantern Festival showed to everyone through white-eyed investigation. Many people looked at the Lantern Festival with a little mockery and jealousy. They wanted to see the road map with the tunnel. The two failed the exam at the first level.
The second hand moved until the last second, and the minute hand jittered slightly.
Just like the signal, the ten people at the forefront started sprinting at the same time. What surprised everyone was that the third-order wizard, codenamed Mask, turned directly into the wall with the shadow of his followers. Obviously, he wanted to take a shortcut and not a tunnel.
Three figures in the earth kept walking through, and all the spiral tunnels along the way couldn't stop them.
The straight shuttle only took less than ten minutes. As the light on the surface appeared, the Lantern Festival had already lifted the shadow transformation and drilled directly from the ground. It was even faster than the hunter-inspector Satz and his party with ordinary candidates in the tunnel.
"Really there are twelve people who failed?"
Mikasa looked at the wetland with dense fog outside the tunnel and asked in confusion.
"of course it's true!"
Yuanxiao smiled and said, "Although my Xuanming divination is not at this level, I can control those ordinary candidates with death and fate, as long as they attack 12 professionals and be killed. Who wants them to treat me? Hostility is their bad luck at best."
"You are really bad enough."
Mikasa and Dong Xiangqi stunned and scolded in unison.
The Lantern Festival suddenly smiled and stood at the exit of the tunnel. The magic tricks formed palms to dig in the swamp, wrapped in the real realm and sent directly into the primitive world. In a flash, they had been burnt into smooth stone beads by the flames of the Hell Master.
One greasy technique was thrown into the tunnel, and countless greasy kept flowing down the stairs of the tunnel.
Smooth stone beads were scattered in the tunnel. During the Lantern Festival, five third-order spells of earth element summons were successively displayed. The five formed earth elements directly penetrated into the tunnel wall. The load-bearing load of the tunnel was destroyed in three or two, resulting in section after section. The tunnel collapsed.
"Are you drawing people's hearts or attracting hatred." Dong Xiang said in surprise.
"It can't be said to win people's hearts. I must do everything I can to attract hatred."
Yuanxiao shook his head and said, "At the same time, I'm testing the Hunter's Guild's attitude towards those of us who are unidentified. If they don't plan to let any professional get a hunter license in the first place, then the hunter exam is a time-wasting trap."
Mikasa exclaimed, "You are worried that killing the hunter and obtaining the license is the correct way to complete the main task. The number of people who get the license will be very small."
"It's possible. So I need to try."
Lantern nodded and continued to release the greasy technique to flow down the crevices of the collapsed tunnel.
It was not until the mana was exhausted that the Lantern Festival stopped using the greasy technique simulated by magic tricks, took out a seat and sat down while recovering mana, while using magic tricks to roll up some flowers and plants into the book in hand.
The surface of the book is inscribed with a relief of a flashing card, and the card slots on the left and right are full.
The real card seal technique has been used continuously for many years. By now, this skill finally showed signs of satisfying the improvement of proficiency to the second level, and how much life force release skill each shadow clone had spent was really countless.
Yuan Xiao is staring at the slow-growing proficiency, and in one week he will be able to upgrade this difficult secondary professional skill.
LV1's true card manufacturing technique can seal dark iron-level items. As long as it is inanimate dead objects, it can almost be sealed, and even some equipment with simple effects can be synthesized according to the materials. In recent years, he has almost continuously synthesized various super magic potions.
Once this skill was upgraded to LV2, he had a hunch that even his life could be sealed into a card.
If those troops can be sealed into cards and brought into the story world, in the future, he will no longer be a person with two followers in the story world, but he will have many troops who can be managed by Voldemort.
The danger of professionals in the story world. A large part of the level comes from being alone.
"Mikasa... investigation."
Yuan Xiao said suddenly.
Mikasa closed her eyes and spread the domineering look, and the heart network ability spread directly to cover a circle 30 miles in diameter.
Under the blessing of the five senses, each life body shrouded in this range, the strength of their own life aura can not hide the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, and quickly sorted out a map according to the strength of life under Mikasa's perception.
The wizard's eyes vacated, and his white eyes opened to penetrate the mist covering three hundred miles.
With the cooperation of the heart net and the white eyes, Yuanxiao quickly built a complete three-dimensional model of the surrounding 30 miles in Ultrain, and projected on the retina as if looking down at the sand table from a high altitude, looking at all the dead and living things within these 30 miles.
"There is no life above the third level in this wetland."
The Lantern Festival regretfully took out a crystal dropper, a condensed water flow wrapped the dropper and shredded it, a gust of wind and a flame, the water fused with the medicine fluidized into steam and dispersed. Toward the monsters in the wetlands swept away with the wind.
Dong Xiang's face flushed, and her stomach became extremely hungry when she smelled the scent.
"This is a potion for gluttony..."
Yuanxiao smiled and explained, "There is nothing more terrifying than a hungry stomach, especially a beast driven by instinct. But this time you can only be hungry. Think about why Mikasa was not affected at all."
Dong Xiang blushed and looked at Mikasa, and Mikasa smiled slightly and opened her face.
"My water spirit will envelop me from beginning to end. Unless it is in the primitive world, no matter where I am, I will be enveloped in a weak water spirit that is invisible to the naked eye. Try it more and you can develop this. Kind of instinct." Mikasa explained.
Dong Xiang nodded seriously. Sure enough, her fighting talent was not as good as Mikasa, who needed more advice.
Mikasa wiped a ring between her fingers, and Erina Nakiri, who lived in the Gourmet Ring, flashed directly into a spiritual body. Under the repeated insistence of this arrogant woman, she finally chose to become a weapon spirit like Voldemort. .
It only needs to be bronze, even if she is Qi Ling, she has a chance to reshape her body.
This is far more convenient than borrowing Mikasa's body, otherwise she would be driven out by Mikasa within a short period of time every time she stayed. The feeling of loss and recovery really made her collapse. It was far better than using the power of a gourmet summoner to materialize her soul.
The earth kept shaking, UU Reading rushed out all kinds of monsters from the thick fog like ten thousand beasts.
The first thing that rushed over on the ground was the misty man-eating turtle with a huge strawberry growing on its back, hidden in the mist, which could easily eat a person with one bite. The beautiful pink hypnotic butterfly danced in the air continuously emitting special phosphorous powder. A material butterfly that can easily hypnotize people.
Secondly, what flew up from the sky was a sound-simulating crow that simulated human voices, and could use your partner's voice to lead you into the trap.
Finally, the slow-moving ambush frog, with a tongue sticking out, looks exactly the same as the grass. As long as someone passes by and jumps up, it can easily eat a person into the stomach.
Even during the Lantern Festival, a few rare apes rushed up drooling.
For a while, Nagiri Erina's eyes were red, and the girl excitedly held the kitchen knife in her hand, staring at the monsters that rushed eagerly. Any kind of new life she hadn't seen could be for the gourmet summoner. New ingredients. (To be continued.) xh211
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