Chapter 317: Sun elf

Chapter 317:
For the fifth time in the mind world, the time was reset, and the Lantern Festival eyes were red and rushed towards the misty skeleton like a madman.
The infinite snake on his wrist became very anxious, biting the Yuanxiao’s artery and began to inject fire attribute mana. The blazing flame burned in the body, and there was a burst of pain, and Yuanxiao was awake with his forehead.
"Super Brain, what's the matter?"
Lantern Festival solemnly said.
"The reason is unknown... Ultrain cannot receive the subject's body data."
Yuanxiao was shocked in his heart. He should be just a mental body now, so the Super Brain that monitors the whole body can't find the slightest abnormality. This is a means specially designed for wizards, and it will give a fatal blow in the place where he is most confident.
If you continue to spend time here, you will probably slowly lose your mind and sink here forever.
Yuan Xiao lowered his head, and the Infinite Snake gently rubbed his wrist with a pet acting like a baby.
"I didn't expect you to save me."
Yuan Xiao said in surprise that the infinite snake has been in contact with the ring of the sun five times after resetting the time, and each time he knows a little more about the ring of the sun, this time he actively awakened him because the infinite snake is already confident that it will truly grab Come to the ring of the sun.
"Combination spell... Spiral Ice Rain."
The Lantern Festival said in a cold voice that he would not keep his hands at the most critical opportunity.
The frost mirage unfolded, snowflakes fell in a radius of one kilometer around it, and ice particles fell from the sky.
But a closer look reveals that this space is covered with layers of viscous and elastic mana-radiating threads. A huge water ball with a diameter of 100 meters winds around the bottom of these threads and jets high-pressure gas into the sky.
As the height of the spiral water ball rises, the mana thread is directly stretched and the elastic thread becomes thinner and thinner.
When the spiral water ball rises to a height of two hundred meters, the entire shrinking spiral water ball is more than one-half smaller to form a spiral bomb under the control of spell shaping. The inner shadow gap continuously releases water flow and electrolyzes into gas under the control of the cell.
The inside of the spiral bomb was pressurized to the limit and exploded.
After two years of uninterrupted attempts, the spiral bomb at this time has long since exploded.
Every bit of the shards exploded by the spiral bomb is transformed into a rice-sized rotating crystal knife wheel under the control of spell shaping. There is a tension mana thread in the middle of each crystal knife wheel to pull the crystal knife wheel with the stretched elastic force. To the ground.
At the same time, the gravity technique enveloped all the falling crystal blade wheels.
A total of triple downward momentum. Explosion is the first weight, gravity is the second weight, and finally the elasticity of the mana thread is the third weight.
These rotating crystal knife wheels start a rain of swords in a radius of one kilometer at twice the speed of sound. All the misty skeletons within the range of the spell suffered Ling Chi's end, and their bodies were mixed with bone meal and crystal powder.
"Want to absorb my energy, I will let you eat enough."
For the first time, Yuanxiao actively canceled the energy confinement in the body.
The energy in the body was unblocked, and layers of black mana radiation waves spread wildly, releasing all their mana radiation like a mobile nuclear reactor. The only special thing is that these radiations did not dissipate but seemed to be solid condensed in the air.
Mana possesses the viscous nature of thought power, and the radiation produced by mana is naturally no exception.
The invisible mana sticks to the tangible space, and it looks like it has dyed the entire world of thoughts. The fog in the air constantly swallows the mana of the wizards that are sent to the door, but this time they seem to be a little indigestible.
The originally scattered mana mist swallowed invisible and invisible, but at this time the mana was stuck together by thought power. Although the white mist was swallowed, it could not be digested immediately. Instead, it was mixed with these mana and was also stuck.
"Sure enough, these humble white mists are the root."
The Lantern Festival grabbed a mass of white mist that had been mixed with mana and became a mass of white mist, and it had been reproduced by using the Phantom Brigade Kuwa's ability to replicate. As the mind continues to infuse, more and more copies are copied.
These mists can make the legendary Taling unable to distinguish the source, and it can be seen that it is definitely a very special thing.
"It's the sixth time, I didn't expect you to wake up."
The green-clothed female ghost looked at the Lantern Festival flying over and said coldly. Although it is one thing that she will not die after resetting the time, it is definitely not a happy thing to be killed five times in a row. Every death brings her The pain is not a lot.
"You better pray not to be caught by me."
Yuanxiao threatened.
"The ring of the sun is in my hand, give it to you if you want me."
The green female ghost mocked.
The Lantern Festival didn't say anything, but just lost the Infinite Snake like the previous five times, and used the tail to catch the ring of the sun, but this time the ring of the sun has undergone different changes. It turned into a thumb-sized ring of fire and was firmly attached to the tail of the infinite snake.
"This is impossible……"
The green female ghost screamed.
The ring of the sun provides energy for the entire thought world, and once it loses control, the time is reset and cannot be activated.
The ring of the sun suddenly exploded with a ring of fire, and the Lantern Festival and the infinite snake wrapped in it had disappeared.
"damn it."
The green-robed ghost said coldly, the time reset did not work this time.
The time fog in the air seems to have lost the role of time reset. If it weren't for the last protection from the ring of the sun, I am afraid that this magic device would have been taken away and disappeared, and even she herself would die here.
"It really is here!"
Yuanxiao looked at the huge flame valley below her feet and whispered.
From the Demon Hunter King, he knew for a long time that there was a flame space inside the Ring of the Sun.
Behind is a continuous sea of ​​fire, and in front is a huge valley with a diameter of more than a hundred miles, all sides are blocked by cliffs and the sea of ​​fire behind. There is only a blue water cloud in the sky, and on the water cloud lies a billowing sun The entire magic device, which only extracts the power of the legendary seal pillar.
The one who really uses this power is the sun elf on the water cloud.
The sun elves are one of the rarest elemental elves. The birth conditions are extremely harsh. Legend has it that only when stars explode in the tree of life of the elves can the sun elves be born with extremely low power to absorb the destruction of the tree of life.
This kind of little thing can control the fire of the sun from birth.
For any plane or space debris, the ability to obtain a sun elf as the sun in the plane can increase the value of the plane tenfold, which is far from the projection of the artificial sun and the golden continent sun in the plane can be compared.
Even that piece of water and clouds, Lantern Festival looked carefully and couldn't help being greedy.
It can be transformed into water clouds to withstand the burning of the sun elves. These water clouds are all composed of the water of the moonflower. For professionals of the legal system, one drop can replenish all the mana, even if it is handed to the plant unless it is Otherwise, there is no such thing as a god. (To be continued.)
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