Chapter 359: Devil Auction

Chapter 359:
Early the next morning, the Lantern Festival walked into the Devil Auction House in an upright manner. ....,
As a disciple of the Demon Hunter King, it would be weird not to participate in this kind of auction and have a long experience.
The huge auction hall, like an arena, has dozens of layers and tens of thousands of seats stacked on top of each other. Those who can come in to participate in the auction are either with a net worth of more than one million yuan, or they provide franchised tickets that can be obtained from the auction items.
As soon as the Lantern Festival entered the stage, I found that a layer of black mist was still around me.
Take a closer look, except for the boxes on the top floor, each of the tens of thousands of people who appear randomly on the seats is hidden in the dark fog. Obviously, this is a guarantee for safety and prevents some people from buying valuable things from being watched. .
If there is no such measure, the group of villains in Devil City will never let go of the fat they see.
As the seats gradually filled with black shadows, rows of exciting girl succubuses were sent from the middle of the auction hall. The demons who charmed all living beings in could be arranged as auctioneers here. Only the demonic cities in the surrounding civilization have this method.
"Hello everyone, I am Di Jiali, I am very happy to see you all here."
The cold voice of a succubus headed by the magic shock spread to everyone's ears in the auction room. This control alone shows that this person absolutely has a strength level above bronze, which fully shocked many people who looked at the charm. Demon's greedy eyes.
The succubus Di Jiali clapped her hands, and a girl succubus with a tray behind her stepped forward and lifted the black cloth on it.
The moment the black cloth was opened, the black mist around the Lantern Festival suddenly split into a wisp, and a change in the sky formed a smooth light curtain. The above shows a detailed introduction of the various auction items on the tray in the hands of the succubus of the auction table.
A small tray. All the auction items in the interior have been placed on top of the shrinking curse.
Depending on the quality. If there are many similar items in an auction, these items will be auctioned in batches at the same time, and everyone can auction at the same time according to their value and needs. Otherwise, the individual auctions will not end within a few months.
"The first set of auction items are enchanted gems from the gem sand sea. Please check the details for yourself."
Succubus Di Jiali said calmly.
"The gem sand sea."
The Lantern Festival can’t wait to take a closer look.
This is a desert that is well-known throughout the Golden Continent. It randomly appears in any place on the Golden Continent every year, and each occurrence is a sensational event for the surrounding civilization. Because the gem sand sea is rich in enchanting gems.
A variety of enchanted gems can be attached to various attributes when inlaid on equipment props.
The most common gems can be used by ordinary professionals with a little attribute damage, and the top gems can be inlaid to increase the level of equipment items, so that even the gods will launch wars for this gem.
Among all kinds of gems, Yuanxiao saw one of the lucky gems at a glance.
Lucky gems, as the name suggests, can increase luck. This is the first time he has seen something that can increase luck. The Island of Greed specifies several manufacturing materials for cards, among which there is a lucky gem.
Yuan Xiao stretched out her hand and tried to operate the light curtain to start bidding, but she was helplessly retracting before she could click down. In just a few seconds, the price has soared to 10 million, and the origin point is still growing wildly.
I looked at the other gems, and they were all expensive. The cheap ones are not needed at all.
Taking advantage of the other people's looting, the follow-up list of auction items opened at Lantern Festival was swept away by Super Brain. All of them have been memorized, and they will soon be selected to participate in this auction. The things that must be photographed, the rest is watching Long insight is enough.
"In the first auction, the most valuable lucky gemstone has reached the origin point of 21 million planes. This is a lucky gemstone. You only need one in your hand to increase luck. According to statistics, all lucky gemstone holders can reach the worst. bronze."
On the auction stage, the succubus Di Jiali bewitched loudly.
I have to say that this sentence played a role. The lucky gems that had reached their peak were eventually sold for 22 million.
"It's really expensive."
Yuan Xiao muttered regretfully, although he couldn't afford lucky gems, the name of the gem Shahai really came into his heart, and he rushed there to produce such treasures as lucky gems. If you have a chance, you must go in and try your luck.
"The second auction item, biochemical civilization number kea-510, a highly toxic potion."
Succubus Di Jiali gently lifted the second tray covered with black cloth and said in a trembled voice. It was clear that the syringe containing the medicine could not be broken by ordinary bronze, but she was careful not to break the medicine by herself. .
Seeing the real thing with my own eyes, even if it was the Lantern Festival, I couldn't help feeling a chill in my heart.
Don’t look at the potion that only has a serial number or even a name, but the above effect is enough to chill the legend below. Only a single injection can kill most of the strong below the legend. The corresponding starting price is 10 million yuan. Point above.
Just from this injection, the Lantern Festival fully realized the true meaning of not being a legend.
The next auction lasted for two days. Various artifacts and props of bronze and above appeared endlessly, the mecha battleship space fortress of scientific and technological civilization, the genetic medicine of biochemical civilization, the biochemical transformation beast, and the various magic tools of wizard civilization. Endlessly.
Among them, the Green Dragon Dragon Egg was sold at a high price of 2 million yuan, which is believed to be enough for him to buy what he needs.
After the two-day auction, the first thing Yuanxiao understood was that she was still very poor.
These people have more wealth than him, and the corresponding strength is naturally stronger than him. Professionals have a long life span and accumulate wealth of hundreds of thousands of years. How come they are less than 30 years old than him and their cultivation time is less than a dozen years. The little wizard is too rich.
The only way to catch up with this time gap is to enter the Miracle Academy.
On the third day of the auction Lantern Festival finally waited for the special auction which was waiting hard.
This time, the auction is not for things, but orders for high-level assistant professionals. As long as the corresponding orders are taken, the professionals behind the orders can be contacted to make reasonable requests to customize various equipment or props.
The three major civilizations are not peaceful. What if a legal professional needs equipment customized by technological civilization?
This professional of the legal system went directly to other civilizations, that is a 100% fatal approach.
If legal professionals can't buy the equipment they want in Devil City, they can choose to take a photo of an order sold by a technologically civilized deputy professional, and then Devil City will act as an intermediary to ensure that buyers can finally get their own customized Scientific and technological civilization equipment.
After exhausting two million plane source points, the Lantern Festival bought enough sub-professional orders.
ps: The fourth is over. Thank you Xinghe, re2010, Sun Devourer, and Extremely Lonely Dream for your rewards. Tomorrow’s update will be in the afternoon. It’s been seven times since the stomach trouble last night. Bottle, I'm afraid I can't write much today. (To be continued...)
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