Chapter 437: Tier 6 Wizard

In a flash of half a month, the Lantern Festival has experienced tens of thousands of fights on different battlefields in the Tianwu Fantasy Realm. ∈↗,
A wizard of magic civilization, Lantern Festival has experienced the super destructive power of wizards.
The ancient immortal of the immortal civilization, the Lantern Festival realized how terrifying the ancient immortal without obvious weakness.
Wuxian of martial arts civilization, Yuanxiao experienced the strongest melee career under thousands of supernatural powers.
The energy of technological civilization transforms people, and the Lantern Festival realizes their survivability and war potential beyond terror.
The biochemical tyrant of biochemical civilization, the Lantern Festival understands what a real war is, then the enemy will fight you with a group of people who are not afraid of death, and you do not know where your opponent is until you die.
And these powerful civilizations are just the most mainstream special professions among the five civilizations.
Those innumerable subsidiary civilizations, their unique special occupations may not be much weaker, but the selection of special occupations is more difficult, and such special occupations have at least more than 100 out of the 500 freshmen, and every one of them fights. There are extraordinary means.
Even though it was 1,500 different battles, Yuanxiao only encountered no more than ten special occupations.
Once half a month came, the Lantern Festival walked out of the meditation room and returned to the villa dormitory on time.
The space barrier here is very powerful. Only through the underground special magic circle can the alien creatures be summoned. For the remaining half a month, Gelbin, the devil wizard, must summon enough demons. Only in this way can he reach the peak of Tier 5 Step into the critical point of breakthrough.
"Ura, temporarily take over the authority of Arcane Elf."
Yuanxiao ordered.
"The authority takes over successfully, whether to inject space attribute energy..."
The Lantern Festival was slightly overjoyed and confirmed that the magic circle in this dormitory still has such benefits.
"The space law is open, please inject the space coordinates into the subject..."
Behind the Lantern Festival, the gate opened, acting like a puppet, but Gelbin, whose eyes were full of fear but could not say a word, appeared in the basement. As soon as he came out, a drop of blood was poured into the space circle.
The space law circle turned, and a dark vortex opened in the middle.
A hint of came out, Gelbin began to summon uncontrollably, and the blood of the devil in his body possessed super attractiveness to ordinary demons. Just like fishing, you can easily summon the devil from hell.
The first demon came out, and was suppressed by the energy cage before he could react.
The first devil was imprisoned, and the spatial fluctuation flashed past the prison that had been sent to the second floor underground, and at this time there was a steady stream of demons coming out of it. It's just that every Gelbin who walks out must drip some blood from the demon god.
Generally speaking, as a Tier 6 wizard, this kind of summoning is at most six times in a short time.
After this number of times, the blood of the demon in the body will be damaged before it can recover. Fortunately, the Lantern Festival itself has the sage stone to accelerate the recovery. In addition, the loss is too heavy to replenish a little blood essence, which is enough to force Gelbin to summon unlimited amounts in a short time.
In just one night, more than a thousand Tier 6 demons have been imprisoned in the dungeon and in the man-made kingdom.
So many Tier 6 demons from are now lined up in a row and are suppressed motionless. Once in hell, he dare not face the terrifying powerhouse directly, but now it is just a kind of lined up and let the Lantern Festival kill and swallow. Food.
All the other crystals were left, and the Lantern Festival only swallowed the spiritual crystals in it and continued to digest.
Once his mental power swelled to the limit of digestion, he immediately speeded up the world to adapt to the new power. It was just a mere morning that swallowed the Lantern Festival of more than 600 Tier 6 demons. Spiritual power has been promoted to the peak of Tier 5.
As for the transformation of the bloodline, it has already reached the promotion requirements after the use of Fengmai Xueyudao.
"Super Brain, begin to transform..."
Yuanxiao ordered.
"The subject's mental power has reached a critical point, and the bloodline has reached a critical point...The shadow dominates the mind began to move, and the subject's sixth-order bloodline talent spells have begun to solidify. Please choose from the following bloodline talent spells..."
"Extraordinary nerves, mind paralysis, shadow affinity, dragon scorpion scale, dark dragon, touch of corrosion, shadow mirroring, shadow spidering, shadow stealth, muscle demonization, melee weapon mastery, ghost assimilation, ghost stealth, ghost demon Ability, Thousand Eye Eye Technique, Star Body..."
"The shadow is spidered..."
Yuanxiao said flatly.
The bloodline transformation talent is a must-selected curing talent for every legal profession. He didn't choose this talent before. He thought it would be better to directly choose the final shadow dominator transformation, and there is no need to waste it on the shadow spider monster.
But now there are several bloodlines. But there is always only the shadow spider monster a transformation talent.
This shows one thing, this is probably his only transformation talent, and the specific effects of this transformation talent can evolve continuously with the transformation of blood. In this way, he has no reason not to choose this talent.
"The shadow dominates the mind of the mind talent spells are beginning to be imprinted, please choose the sixth-level talent spell to solidify..."
"Advanced Enhanced Transformation..."
Yuanxiao confirmed.
Now that the transformation technique of Shadow Spider Transformation was selected, it was necessary to make this a hole card.
"The Tier 5 talent spell was successfully engraved, and the soul armed spell began to change..."
"The transformation is over. Congratulations to the subject for advancing to the rank 6 wizard profession!"
"Open my properties."
Yuanxiao said.
"Summary of the attribute list, start projection."
Lantern Festival: 29 years old
Occupation: Sixth-order wizard (Dark Iron lv9)
Meditation: The ultimate meditation is dominated by shadows.
Bloodline: Shadow Spider Monster, Surgical Fruit, Crystal Giant Bloodline, Ghoul Bloodline, Ghost Mantis, Thousand-Eyed Star Beast.
Talent skills: real field, real destiny. Fusion of blood.
Curing Talent Spells: The spells that are used to improve the class level of contemplation.
(Water Elemental Activation, Flesh Regeneration, Split Flesh, Space Affinity, Water Elemental Affinity, Advanced Enhanced Transformation.)
Bloodline Talent Spells: Bloodline upgrade solidification spell
(Shadow spider, shadow transformation, shadow space, shadow killing, shadow affinity, shadow spidering.)
Talent Spells: Instant cast spells of the Spirit Sea Brand.
(Preferred water system: spiral water drop, spiral cut, spiral heavy water technique, spiral bomb, frost mirage, vacuum burst.)
(Preferred to the shadow system: life manipulation, shadow fog, curse of flesh, shadow gap, spiritual fear, death ruling.)
Sorcerer's Eye Curing Spell: Spirit Sea strengthens the spell model of Wizard's Eye.
(Invisibility, blur, dark vision, infrared vision, invisibility detection, crystal positioning, extraordinary vision, transformation, mental resistance, magic resistance, the first four are before apprenticeship, and the last six are Tier 6 wizards Six enhancements.)
"These can already form a new secret magic."
Lantern Festival whispered.
Once in a battle with Gabriel, he used a secret spell once.
In the battle after that, it was impossible to find enough time to cast spells. At most, I used it in the primitive world a few times occasionally. This time, the five new civilizations competed for the strongest. His secret magic can definitely change the situation of the battle. Effect For the remaining ten days, in addition to upgrading to the sixth peak as soon as possible, it is to study new mysterious spells.
As for the sixth-order water and shadow spells, the Lantern Festival’s spirit sea has already begun to form spell models. If you don’t become a seventh-order professional, you must pass the elementalization mark. A large number of devouring demons is even short enough for him to break this way. Hom.
Before noon, Gelbin the Devil Wizard felt pain and was happy.
A large number of life force crystals, memory crystals, magic crystals, fighting energy crystals, and devil blood crystals, they swallowed constantly and almost didn't make Gelbin alive, and then there was a new round of summoning the devil.
This process only took three days, and no devil in was willing to be fooled.
This is the will of that has pulled Gelbin into the blacklist. If he chooses to enter at this time, he will even be hunted down as an intruder. At this time, Gelbin's only role is to use shadow killing to transform into various crystals.
Easily swallowed, Yuanxiao had already plundered Gelbin's blood and 1% of his strength to get the ability to teleport. (To be continued.)
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