Chapter 45: Painful flogging

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"This is where!"
   Lantern Festival feels like a vegetative person cannot move.
   Every pore of the body has intense energy radiation penetrated into the body, forcibly smashing every cell in the body and then recombining. The only good news is that Ultrain can be used to actively cut off the pain nerve of the whole body.
   "You are too much."
   The Iron Tower instructor stood beside the wooden barrel sleeping on the Lantern Festival and shouted angrily.
   The new apprentice wizard has only transformed Ultrain, but this degree of transformation is far from enough.
   The perfect strengthening of the body is the basic condition for the apprenticeship of the second-order wizard.
Today’s test is not only to observe the apprentices of wizards, but also to let them experience the fear of powerlessness like ants. Otherwise, these rookies, most of these rookies from major cities, can experience power if they have not suffered. The importance of.
   Only power can control fate and protect oneself.
   There is no power, no matter how great the power behind it is, it will die like a strong man who wants to kill you.
   don't even understand this, how it is worth wasting resources to cultivate in Wizarding Academy.
   Of course, the more important point is to use concussion magic to smash every cell in their whole body except for the brain, and complete a body strengthening completely.
   To strengthen the need, it is naturally the energy radiation liquid carefully formulated by these pharmacists.
   It’s just that everything has an amount, and the energy radiation liquid in the Lantern Festival barrel is more than ten times that of others.
   "That's the special physique you didn't find him." The enchanting beauty said solemnly.
   "Special physique?" The tower instructor frowned.
   "His physique is basically immune to illegal and ice-like injuries, but I can't detect how much he is immune."
   The enchanting beautiful woman was full of distress, staring at the Lantern Festival as if looking at a piece of the most beautiful artwork. If it weren't for the iron tower next to her, she would have liked to take this weird boy back to the Wizard Tower and study it.
   The Iron Tower instructor did not continue to question, he was startled by the changes in the barrel.
   The original azure blue energy radiant fluid is rapidly turning into clear water. This is simply a posture of insufficient energy.
   Six times the potion was added, a total of sixty times that of the average wizard apprentice.
   "Special physique, plus his vitality is six times that of ordinary people."
   The enchanting beautiful woman's cheeks are flushed and drunk.
   "Come on, please sleep for a while."
   The enchanting beauty suddenly turned her head, and a purple stream of energy enveloped the iron tower instructor between her fingers.
   The tower instructor's eyes widened, he didn't expect this mad woman to plot against him.
   With his strength, it is not difficult to forcefully suppress the energy potions in the body, but once the force is suppressed, terrifying destructive power will erupt, and all the wizard apprentices present will face the risk of failure in enhancement.
   This crazy woman came to do this only when he saw that he didn't dare to explode all the power.
   In a daze, Yuanxiao felt a touch of warmth with a fragrance on his lips.
   There was heavy suction from Wenrun, the whole tongue was sucked out of the mouth, and the whole person was completely unconscious with a sudden pain.
   The iron tower instructor widened his eyes, staring blankly at the enchanting beautiful woman kissing the Lantern Festival.
   Kiss is not the key, the key is that this is a rare inheritance.
The enchanting beauty is the top three supermagic pharmacists in Hogwarts, and her greatest achievement in pharmacy is the transformation of the tongue. As long as any medicine is tasted by them, the deepest level of medicinal properties can be analyzed. .
   The two words "they" explain everything, this line has always been passed on from female to male.
   An apprentice wizard, even if the physique is a little special, why should this crazy woman change the ancient tradition at all costs, not only choose a man as the next generation successor, but even so impatient to start first.
   "You are mine, and finally found this physique..."
   The enchanting beautiful woman let go of her red and swollen lips, licked the body fluid at the corner of her mouth and smiled low.
   When Lantern Festival woke up again, the first thing I saw was the bald iron tower instructor with a bad face.
   Lantern Festival retreated subconsciously.
   The whole barrel was shattered directly, and Yuanxiao looked at her palm in horror.
   The strength of the entire body has increased more than ten times. The cultivation base of the national skill jumped directly to the peak of Huajin. Even the body's absorption speed of surrounding energy particles has been increased several times, and the mana that can be stored in the body has suddenly increased several times.
   Break and stand!
Rise from the ashes!
   Lantern Festival is full of such words constantly flashing.
   "Get up quickly."
   The tower instructor roared.
   One by one, the wizards climbed out of the barrel, staggering to adapt to the new power under the transformation of the body.
   "Now let’s start with one sentence per person, starting with you to summarize today’s gains."
   The iron tower instructor walked to the outermost barrel and pointed at the wizard apprentice who had just climbed out and shouted.
   "Physique has been strengthened." The wizard apprentice said excitedly.
   The tower instructor's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to ask one by one in order.
   With the first person's answer, everyone thought it was the correct answer, and the answers were the same one by one.
   "Who has a different answer?"
   In the end, the tower instructor opened his eyes and asked everyone by shouting.
   "Weak and small."
   Lantern Festival walked out of the crowd calmly.
   "Weak, interesting, come on."
   Tower instructor hehe sneered.
   "First of all, forbidden magic!"
   Yuanxiao answered in earnest, "Once demons are banned, the magic profession is like a waste. The only thing that can be used at this time is the talent ability, but the talent ability is a person's final card, and not all talents are suitable for combat.
   At this time, all you can rely on is the strength of the Chinese martial arts through physical exercise.
   This is the power derived from blood, and the rejection of the wizard itself is very small. There is even a vague situation in the biography I remember. Almost every wizard has its own melee spell and is not afraid of forbidden magic. "
"Congratulations, you got it."
   The iron tower instructor detective grabbed an extra metal whip in his hand, which not only had barbs, but also flashed with electric sparks, and it made a dense explosion when it was gently shaken in the air.
   Lantern Festival took a breath, the whole person stepped back subconsciously.
   This long whip is a demonized item, and he has seen records of such a demonized item in the library.
  The whip of pain, a kind of existence that is like a nightmare for magic civilization.
   The magic civilization was almost destroyed because of the super chip. Countless professionals of the magic civilization were captured as slaves by hostile civilizations. Those civilizations used the whip of pain to enslave and punish these slaves.
   One whip down hurts the skin but does not hurt the flesh, the muscles do not move the bones, and the curse of high fear and pain is added.
   The whip of pain flicked through the air, directly flying a wizard apprentice into the sky.
   The second... The third...
   In the end, except for the Lantern Festival, all the apprentice wizards were taken to the sky.
Like a spinning top in the sky, every time it is about to fall, they are flew into the sky by the whip of pain. Many apprentices of wizards cried and screamed that they did not want to be wizards. They only saw the highest status of wizards in the magic civilization~www. But I never knew that any wizard grew up step by step on his own blood, sweat and the corpses of enemies. .
"Since you have not remembered the lesson, I will give you additional lessons. I want you to keep the lesson in your bones. Our ancestors of the magic civilization did not understand this, and countless magic civilizations were reduced to slaves in civilized wars. You must understand so that you will not take the wrong path of your ancestors."
   The tower instructor grinned and swung his whip across the air.
   Heartbreaking wailing resounded through the sky, but no matter how many apprentice wizards pleaded with the tower instructor, they were not merciful.
   If you think about the Lantern Festival, it is no wonder that wizards will become the strongest profession in the law system.
   This is not only because of the wizard's mature power system, but also because of their cruel training methods.
   does not reason with you, directly uses violence to make you engrave the truth in your bones.
   After today, all wizard apprentices will explode with 200% enthusiasm, and they will do everything possible to increase their strength. They have no power to end after being banned. The suffering they have endured today has been enough for them to remember for life.
This is not an ordinary school of magic, but the only school that trains wizards, the king of destruction. There are tens of billions of people on the half-plane of three thousand dark iron cities. The concentration of all resources produces less than a hundred wizards every year. Among them, there is no one who can break through the bronze, but every wizard of the bronze rank is the mainstay of the wizard civilization.
   Talent, character, will, wisdom, lack of any one will only be expelled from the Wizarding Academy.
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