Chapter 502: Armed evolution

Mime private 502
"It's impossible, I came back alive..."
Seeing the Lantern Festival return to the hunting ground, the surrounding dozens of teams stared unwillingly.
They have never seen or heard about how powerful the lord-level dragon puppets are. They originally planned to wait for the Lantern Festival to die and divide up the six self-sealed diamond gemstone dragon puppets. Now that the Lantern Festival people come back alive, it means that nothing happened to them. .
The wizard tower fell on the spot, and the Lantern Festival went straight into the meditation room and ignored the outside.
More than 300,000 people deal with more than one million gem puppets. On average, one person will destroy three puppets even if he completes the task. He has already destroyed seven puppets. Even the Hunter's Guild can't say anything about his current rest.
What's more, if he dared to do it again, he might be a king-level puppet.
The Gem Wanlong Nest has only been opened for seven days, and it takes at least five days to clean up the guarded million gem puppets, and now there are three days left. With the time butterfly ten times faster, he still has thirty days to retreat and practice. Before that The infinite snake must complete the second evolution.
Taking advantage of his free time, Yuanxiao wrapped two blood cocoons with spider silk in his hands.
This is the newly suppressed Wang Shu and KUKA. He can't use the energy of the two of them, but the spiritual power crystallization refined by their souls is a great tonic for him. The most important thing is the kind of before the Lantern Festival discovered The methods are too rough.
The shadow killing talent can refine various special crystals.
Once refined people die and there is nothing left, but if these people are planted into a quagmire of flesh and blood, so that they will continue to grow like a dealer, grow and harvest half at a time, then there will be a steady stream of refined objects.
Ten days later, the infinite snake is still evolving, but the quagmire of flesh and blood has been successfully built.
A small level opened up under the artificial kingdom, at this time, half of the kingdom has a circular fleshy quagmire with a diameter of hundreds of miles. The blood water is constantly boiling and spewing like a pot, and a split of the soul tree is planted in the central blood red.
"Quick...Come and see my achievements..."
Tarotao excitedly waved his puppet's arm, dragging the Lantern Festival directly to the soul tree.
Take a closer look. The Lantern Festival only sensed the abnormality of this soul tree. Those above blood water were normal, but huge sarcomas grew on the roots of the trees below blood water. These sarcomas kept beating like the mother's body-giving birth to new lives.
"I transformed the flesh and blood puppet."
Taroto explained excitedly. "Although the original flesh and blood puppets can reproduce themselves, they rely on the power of gods, which brings hidden dangers. I have added new things to these flesh and blood puppets now..."
"You actually used my flesh and blood, those flesh and blood planted in the space of the primitive world?"
Yuanxiao's face changed dramatically.
"Yes, it's your flesh and blood."
Taroto exclaimed excitedly. "You don't know how magical your flesh and blood are. It can almost perfectly integrate all kinds of alien energies. Even the power of gods will be swallowed and assimilated by your flesh and blood. This is simply an incredible miracle..."
"Blood Fusion Talent..."
The Lantern Festival felt cold in my heart.
He has always known that this talent is very powerful, but he did not expect that even the power of the gods can be swallowed and merged, but this is definitely not good news for him. The more extraordinary his bloodline, it means that he has frozen three million. The greater the secret behind the year.
"How about the yield of this quagmire of flesh and blood?"
Yuanxiao asked.
"The output is almost zero."
Taroto smiled awkwardly and said, "The essence of the quagmire of flesh and blood is to swallow life through the power of the gluttonous in it. This swallowed and transformed flesh and blood is sacrificed through the connection with the abyssal blood river, and what is returned is the energetic creature. serum."
"This problem must be solved!"
Yuan Xiao hesitated for a moment and ordered. "I will send a variety of biological specimens as soon as possible. You will inject these creatures with giant serum. Among them, the most high-quality meat produced by exposure to the sun. I will open up a large number of giant flesh planting fields in the primitive world."
"No problem, but there is still another problem."
Taroto thought for a while and said, "Who do you intend to accept the power of faith generated by these flesh and blood puppets must be decided in advance before they make it. Once it is set, there is no room for regret."
"Their faith is the infinite snake."
Yuanxiao said flatly.
Flesh and flesh puppets can generate beliefs, which is good, but he is a wizard and has a very low demand for the power of belief when he becomes a with a special profession. What they pursued is similar to the path that the ancient gods do not need to believe in, and the flesh and blood puppets are only prepared by him for those around him.
Time accelerated and enveloped the quagmire of flesh and blood, and a day later a thousand first flesh and blood puppets were born.
These red fetuses invaded and soaked in the quagmire of flesh and blood, but had reached the first-order strength in adulthood in two days. And at this time, they can already mate with each other to produce the next generation, as long as the high-energy biological serum is enough, there are almost as many as there are.
Half a month later, more than 10,000 flesh and blood puppets have emerged around the quagmire of flesh and blood.
These flesh and blood puppets are all grown-ups. They formed a small village and began to believe in the Infinite Snake. A trace of faith continued to converge to the Lantern Festival through a small temple, and the Infinite Snake in his body began to wake up from sleep for the first time.
The black snake turned red. Pan in the Lantern Festival palm made a cold mechanical sound.
"The fragments of the godhead are detected, the divinity is detected, the power of belief is detected, the infinite snake infinite furnace is activated, the second form of the bloodline weapon begins to evolve, the requirements for evolution are insufficient, please make up for the master..."
"What conditions..."
The Lantern Festival frowned.
"Please choose the basic template of evolutionary form..."
"What are the options?"
Yuan Xiao's eyes lit up and asked.
"The first type of evolution is the first form of evolution, which is similar to the magical mech's ultimate increase in the master's personal combat power..."
"The second evolution is to open the factory mode. The Infinite Snake can devour any target, and correspondingly evolve the corresponding puppet and even the plane war weapon production factory, which can deal with a wide range of plane wars and form a puppet army in a short time... "
"The third evolution is the parasitic mode, the parasitic ability of the snake with the limitless increase..."
"Did you choose one of the others and then you're gone?"
Yuanxiao asked.
"It's not The Infinite Snake has a total of five evolutions."
"Then I choose the first one."
Yuanxiao said without hesitation.
The second and third types are undoubtedly better than the first, but the puppet factory requires too many resources. Without legendary strength, it is impossible to conquer the alien plane, and he still looks down on the profit from working for others.
As for parasitism, this is indeed a very terrifying ability.
It's just that before there was enough strength, once this ability was discovered, it would be a big trouble. Any method that can control living things on a large scale and cheaply is a target that countless people pry into.
In this way, it is better to choose the limit to strengthen personal combat power.
"The master's choice is over, the infinite snake begins the second form of evolution..."
The infinite snake exploded and turned into a mass of red mist, constantly wriggling, but standing next to the Lantern Festival can already feel the billowing evil spirit from inside, as the red mist gradually dissipated, a ten-meter-high black body stood in front of Lantern Festival. . (To be continued.)
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