Chapter 557: 9th Shinjin

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One year is insignificant, but the entire demihuman race has undergone earth-shattering changes.
The entire Golden Hill knew that a ninth deity appeared in the demihuman race. This one monopolized the dark ordinary world when he was born, and the persecuted eight old gods had to withdraw from the ordinary world and lose face.
The name Yuanxiao resounded through Jinhill in the shortest time.
But no one thinks of the Lantern Festival at the School of Miracles. Firstly, Jinsill is too far away from there. Secondly, the whole Golden Continent is called Yuanxiao. If you look for it, there is no one billion but 800 million. The huge population brings about Infinite repetition of names.
"Stealing chicken won't lose rice..."
The Lantern Festival was hiding in Lu Gaoyin's palace more than once.
Faith is exclusive to the gods, and it is also recognized as the most poisonous substance in the world. The beliefs of sentient beings are too messy and messy. This is also an important reason why many gods are divided into different camps under the influence of believers.
To bear the addition of faith without a is not a good but a curse of sin.
Except for a special profession that can steal the beliefs of gods, only demigods can initially bear the beliefs. Otherwise, even the special professions at the pinnacle of the legend, even the virtual gods of wizards cannot bear too much belief.
The end result is that the mind is distorted into a false god, and even the whole person becomes a slave to the believer.
In the entire human race, killing people by faith is expressly prohibited.
But in the underground world alien race, there is no such taboo, so the eight dark gods did a crazy thing, secretly pushing him to the altar of the ninth god, trying to force him to finally give in a little bit and beg for mercy.
The idea is naturally good, but it's cheap for him.
The beliefs of the demihumans are not as pure as the beliefs of flesh and blood puppets, but the Lantern Festival is not an ordinary existence. The shadows bred by the virtual gods dominate the real body, which is the darkest, evil, and negative ultimate condensate in the universe.
Faith can poison others, but it is only a tonic to the Lord of Shadows.
When the eight gods reacted, the Lantern Festival had become a reality, and they dared not stop it.
usually. Professionals are not suitable to become believers, because their power does not come from gods, and it is difficult for them to have pure faith. Therefore, there are no gods in the human race to choose professionals to be believers. They are all cultivating non-professional human beings to establish belief civilization.
The dark demihumans, of course, do not have the confidence of humans, and the impure beliefs of game professionals can only be used.
This level of faith, naturally, can't talk about how pious it is.
It is not surprising that a demihuman believes in several gods, and it is even possible to convert every day. But as one year passed, the church under the Lantern Festival swept the entire demihuman race in terms of the number and quality of believers.
The reason is simple. Believing in Lantern Festival has tangible benefits.
They can enter a place called a neural network that resembles a virtual world, through which they can directly obtain various spells and magical arts bestowed by Yuanxiao. God-given spells are common but magical arts are extraordinary.
Synthetic magic, a shocking magic that can synthesize equipment, materials, and gems.
According to the statement announced by the church, the Lantern Festival found the broken Horadic cube, combined with the origin of the broken artifact to obtain a synthetic priesthood, and this was able to give the believers the corresponding magic.
Even the eight gods believed this explanation.
Because of the magic given by the gods. It must be the fundamental ability mastered by the gods themselves. It is not that the power of the gods can be given to the believers as a magical technique by just taking a divine tool. No one can think that Yuanxiao can break this exception.
This is due to the particularity of the soul tree and the ability of the infinite snake to achieve this level.
The soul tree itself is equivalent to an alternative god. After the infinite snake fusion, in addition to the function of uploading and downloading memories, it also inherits the function of the magic net, which can freely upload and download the skills of the Lantern Festival.
Any believer who uses synthetic magic arts is actually just a transit point.
The real use of synthesis ability has always been only Yuanxiao alone.
In the neural network of the soul tree, there are countless golden shadow clones stored inside.
Every time there is a demihuman disciple performing divine magic. These golden shadow clones are contacted by the parasitic soul tree in the body, and then the skill cooling time is instantly cooled by the real domain, and then the skills of the real card making technique are used through the neural network.
In a sense, this is a magic net that can be bestowed with magic in a variant version.
As long as the believers do not leave Golden Hill. This magical technique will not be invalidated because of the distance being too far, and even after the soul tree is fused with the dark plane origin, the Lantern Festival will be enough to obtain a clone that is equivalent to a true in Jinshiel.
The body of the soul tree will not hesitate to plant it here, and even not hesitate to disclose the ability of synthesis.
It is believed that all the big alien races of Jinhill will soon come here to synthesize piles and piles of things, and he naturally wants to secretly extract a reasonable loss of the synthesis process. Only in this way can he earn enough money to train his Metal Beamon Mage Legion.
Yunzhong Xianjie, this is the inner world of the Demon Refining Pot.
This world has a special imprisoning effect on the spirit body, even if the soul of the true enters in it, don't want to leave it easily, let alone the power of the entire artifact is used to imprison the soul of the nine infant basilisk.
There are ten suspended mountains in the sky, and nine of them are chained to bind the heads of the nine baby basilisks.
The last and largest suspended mountain, half of the soul body of the Nine Baby Basilisk is buried in it, and these ten suspended mountains are burning day and night with the real fire of the sun, constantly burning the soul of the Nine Baby Basilisk, torture and torture. .
An ordinary ancient tomb viper, how could it mutate into a legendary nine-baby basilisk.
Even if Pirate Xianzong did not leave a group of Nine Infant's blood origins back then, nothing can integrate this group of blood. The mutant Nine Infant Basilisk created by Pirate Xianzong is definitely not simple.
If anyone knows the whereabouts of Pirate Xianzong No Treasure, Yuan Xiao thinks that this loyal Nine Infant Basilisk is none other than Of course, even if the whereabouts of the treasure are tortured, Yuan Xiao does not think that she can go with her current strength. Take it, not to mention whether it's just a legend. What he really tortured the Nine Baby Basilisk wanted to know how to refine that green wind.
The green strange wind that formed the sealing circle, the Lantern Festival guess is a very rare innate wind in the legend.
The eight gods can’t help him, but they have blocked the entire ordinary world. As long as he goes out, he will definitely be in disaster. The only way to leave is to open the gate to enter another plot world, and then go to the nearest plane shuttle guild when he returns. .
Of course it is impossible for Yuanxiao to do this. He is now holding a lot of wealth and waiting to spend it in Jinhill.
Therefore, he must find a second way to avoid the blockade. According to the results of his divination and prediction, the innate divine wind that Pirate Xianzong had not mastered in the past is the best choice. The whole year of refining soul to torture this one The Nine Infant Basilisk finally couldn't help but speak.
PS: Thank you Xinghe, Skywrath Woman, Bingbing is so bad, re2010, the wind and rain of Bauhinia, VSB, read a book and smile, half-indulged, Dragon DE Soul for your rewards, thank you everyone! (To be continued.)
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