Chapter 563: Body and soul

Mime private 563
Above the high-altitude clouds of the artificial kingdom of God, the Lantern Festival hung in the air and confronted several mechas on the opposite side. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)
Having obtained the special talent of Jinnu, he finally remembered the true purpose of this time. At the moment, he summoned a team of 100-man Tier 10 slave transformation fighters, each of whom was a professional with technological civilization.
If it weren't for their mechas in the inventory, I'm afraid Jin Xier would have already taken it away.
The only pity is that even in Golden Hill City, there are no war slaves of Tier 10 or higher. I heard that those were digested by goblins and gnomes, and they were specifically used to transform war weapons in their respective races.
"Come and attack me alone."
Yuanxiao ordered.
A lavender bronze mecha flashed by, a high-frequency vibrating ship-cutting knife flashing with thunder light, and the sharp tip of the knife cut to the right arm of the Lantern Festival. No defensive spells were deployed, and it was simply relying on the body to hit the knife. .
The instant the tip of the sword sword touched, the lightning on it had already rushed into the body.
But the Lantern Festival did not feel the slightest numbness. Numerous cells in the whole body seemed to be connected in series to form a special overall structure. As soon as the lightning invaded, it was dispersed throughout the body by this special structure, and then escaped from the pores of the body.
The lightning was ineffective, and the high-frequency vibration of the Zhanjian knife began to tear the Lantern Festival's right arm.
Unless it encounters special metal that restrains high-frequency vibration, or encounters a spell to counter high-frequency vibration, the ship-cutting knife of Tier 10 mecha has the theoretically indestructible sharp cutting effect on the purely physical level.
It is naturally impossible for a purely fleshy arm to resist this slash.
However, it was not an instant that the ship-cutting knife cut an arm, but it took a long time of nearly two seconds. The process of every inch of flesh and blood being cut was first scattered by the special cell structure and part of the high-frequency vibration. Then it was as difficult as cutting rubber with a blunt knife.
"Super brain, count the data."
Yuan Xiao grasped the broken arm with her left hand, and every drop of blood on it was contracted in the blood vessel without flowing out.
The broken arm was pressed directly on the wound, and the broken cells started to heal on their own, and they had recovered in less than a few seconds. The most important thing is that the recovery process is covered by the talent of earthly reincarnation, and the loss of vitality is almost minimal.
This is more than that, the Lantern Festival thought turned into a stream of water.
This is water elementalization, but different from the previous water elementalization, the mana consumption is very serious. At the same time, there is the longest duration. This time the elementalization can continue in his senses, and at the same time, it does not consume mana but gets supplemented by the outside world.
This level of elementalization usually only belongs to legendary professions and certain professionals with elemental talent skills.
"The main body's strength has been increased, and the resilience of the current pure physique is not lost to the half-step legendary Wuxian..."
"Among them, Xuanming's body refining supernatural powers. Give the subject full immunity to physical and energy damage below the seventh level, and at the same time, the external energy and physical impact can be dispersed throughout the body and repelled out of the body. The comprehensive defense is comparable to the tenth level professional..."
"The enhancement of Xuanming's body refining technique leads to the advancement of water elementalization..."
"According to the analysis and testing, there is a large amount of pure and pure blood energy of the ten thousand races hidden in the main body cells..."
"Analyzing and judging, the main body's soul power is not enough to control an overly powerful body, so the bloodline weapon has absorbed most of the true blood of the ten thousand races. Please increase the soul strength as soon as possible. The recommended plan is as follows..."
"The first plan is to use the shadow to kill and kill the ghosts and other natural spirit life, and there is a very small probability to extract special soul crystals. This plan has long-term effective suggestions for the subject to make a plan, and a powerful soul is the basis for controlling the body."
"The second option is to use soul dust, a special product of the orc clan, which can directly strengthen the soul of the subject, but this material is not as free of side effects as soul crystals. Large amounts of soul dust will cause the soul to be not solid enough, and it will take time to settle to offset the side effects.
This plan is recommended, but the amount used per unit time must be strictly controlled. "
"The third plan is to accelerate the unrestricted absorption of knowledge through a thousandfold consciousness. Knowledge is power. Infinite knowledge can stimulate the wizard's soul to evolve itself, but if it absorbs too much knowledge in a short period of time, Ultrain may not be able to digest it."
"Plan four, the light of the soul of the legendary medicine, can evolve the soul at once..."
"Plan Ninety. The heart of the Hellsucker Soulworm can directly stimulate the soul to produce mutations and greatly strengthen..."
"The plan is 13,500, the soul artifact, which can increase the strength of the soul, nourish the soul and continue to evolve..."
There are tens of thousands of schemes, including medicine, secret treasures, special formation rituals, sacrifices and cultivation of special souls, rare plants, and countless ways to strengthen the soul. He must choose the most suitable and most qualified ones from them.
The first three options are preferred. The remaining plans are all alternatives, and the conditions cannot be met immediately.
Strengthening the soul is dozens of times more troublesome than strengthening the body. The most important thing is that it can't leave any hidden dangers and side effects, but as long as the dual strengthening of soul and physique can be solved, there are hardly many bottlenecks for him before the legend.
Yuanxiao thought about it and wanted to summon a card book, put in two copies of the same soul dust for synthesis.
The soul dust that is truly the best, the orcs will never sell it. If this thing is divided into low-grade middle-grade and top-grade, the highest quality directly sold by the orcs is the most low-grade.
The synthesis is successful, and there is an extra card in Yuanxiao's hand.
It didn't take long for more than 5,000 copies to have been reduced by half. They were combined again, and then reduced by half again. Moreover, because it was a secondary combination, the success rate dropped pitifully. If it weren't for the penalty of failure to be combined with vitality, it would not be able to be combined.
In the last synthesis, more than 5,000 copies of soul dust were left with only 650 copies.
Although things are eight times less, the comprehensive value has doubled more than several times. Of course, this requires calculating the vitality he consumes, and at the same time, it also includes supplementing the energy lost inside the Horadric Cube, and excluding these losses, the value added is more than doubled.
The Lantern Festival spread out his palms and sprinkled a small amount of soul dust.
With a strong inhalation, the translucent dust of UU Reading www.uukā has flowed straight into the spirit sea along the nostrils. The whole spirit sea feels numb when it is stimulated, and the condensed mind image of soul and meditation is even more so. The son is solid.
After a long while, Yuanxiao frowned suspiciously.
The growth of the soul is not as much as imagined. This is not even the soul dust of the following grade, and even the soul phantom that is already quite small is shrinking a little bit. For a wizard, it is equivalent to not advancing and retreating in strength.
After half a day, Yuanxiao finally let go of the hanging heart.
Although the virtual image of the soul is shrinking, the solidity of the soul is increasing. At the same time, the soul power strengthened by meditation will be increased for a long time. If you can continue to consume the best soul dust, his soul strength of the same level is enough to be the number of others. More than doubled.
For wizards, physique is the support and soul is the foundation.
ps: Thank you Skywrath woman complaining about re2010 Buxi's reward.
...To be continued.
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