Chapter 567: 86 years

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"Arcane Origin Seed..."
The Lantern Festival is carefully collected into the spirit sea.
According to the guidance of the white-haired girl, this is an arcane condensate that every Tier 3 arcanist must have, and it is also an important thing necessary for legal professionals to open up the plane. Without this, it can only be developed. Only room for growth.
This small seed can form a world composed entirely of arcane knowledge.
You only need to fill it with enough energy and material to generate a growthable demiplane. Of course, more often arcanists are willing to choose a ready-made demiplane, and then use the Olympus seed to transform it to suit them, which is more convenient.
"Okay, I'm leaving, looking forward to our next meeting."
The white-haired girl bent over, bowed and turned to leave.
"What's your name?"
Yuanxiao asked quickly.
"Name... I've always been alone without a name at all!"
The white-haired girl bit her pale lips and said.
"Bingxue, how about this name?"
Yuan Xiao smiled cordially. If she accepts the name, the two sides will be one step closer. How powerful was her sister to dominate the magic net back then. As the spirit of the secret tower, she is definitely not as simple as it seems.
"Bingxue, I have a name."
The white-haired girl's eyes flashed with joy, her hands clasped the magic book in her hands because of excitement, she smiled madly for a while, opened the magic book in her hands, carefully tore off a page from the back and handed it to Yuanxiao .
"This is for you. If you want to chat with me, just write on it. You are the favorite of a wizard. You must be the same as me. If you don’t understand anything, just write it and ask me. Ice and snow are the smartest in the world. Lovely girl."
Bingxue said happily.
Yuan Xiao took the page and looked down. The blank on it was as delicate and soft as silk. When he raised his head, the ice and snow had disappeared, and the surrounding void began to repel him back to the surface world of the Secret Tower.
The page disappears!
It turned out to be the Void God's armed forces that hadn't moved for a long time, swallowing this page as the seventh page.
According to the feedback of the analysis process of the Void God Armed, this page is completely condensed by pure unknown laws. Moreover, it is not a single law but a variety of compound laws, and the specific forming principles are not at all understood by him now.
Returning to the first floor of the Secret Tower, Yuanxiao saw the bookshelves around.
Each bookshelf has a label, on which are the relevant knowledge of the first-level formal occupations in the six-series occupations. Each bookshelf is broken down to include different categories such as spells, magic principles, magic circles, magic runes, meditations and miscellaneous items.
Just walk to the bookshelf of fire spells and take out one hundred thousand usages of fireball on the Lantern Festival.
The author of this book is a legendary mage, who has played a small fireball to the point of superb experience. Don't look at this book only in the scope of first-order spells, but it faintly points out how terrifying a fireball is to play a legend.
Split the golden shadow clone. Yuan Xiao was surprised to find that he could not let it go.
Except for a thousand-fold acceleration of consciousness, there is no ability to release here. Fortunately, he still has a solution, that is, to record the contents of a magic book with Ultrain once, and then in the dream world in his mind Master them all at the fastest speed.
After reading a magic book, it disappeared out of thin air before putting it back on the shelf.
A new magic book appeared on the bookshelf. It seems that unless one day all the bookshelves no longer appear new magic books, he can be regarded as completely mastering all the first-order magic knowledge of the Secret Tower and go to the second floor.
Three years later, the Lantern Festival stared at the empty bookshelves for a moment.
He had planned to read all the magic books on the first floor in ten years, but he didn't expect that it would only take three years. After thinking about it carefully, he understands why it is so fast, because his apprentice level foundation is too strong, and the first level is at best the sublimation of the apprentice level.
Follow the spiral staircase to the second floor, and open a new magic book on Lantern Festival.
Five years later, the Lantern Festival stepped onto the third floor without hesitation.
Seven years later, stepped onto the fourth floor...
Ten years later, stepped onto the fifth floor...
Fifteen years later, step onto the sixth floor...
Seventeen years later, stepped onto the seventh floor...
Ten years later, stepped onto the eighth floor...
Five years later. Step onto the ninth floor...
Three years later, on the tenth floor...
And after ten years, finally set foot on the tenth floor of the Secret Tower...
The Lantern Festival was like a madman, unconsciously picking up a magic book. This is a magic book for more than tenth-order wizards to reach the primary level of secret magical wizards. The above explains the cultivation method of an eleventh-order space spell.
After three days, the Lantern Festival spurted blood on the bookshelf and passed out.
"Warning! Warning!"
"The subject's soul is on the verge of collapse, and the Ultrain Soul database is filled with magical knowledge to its limit..."
"Forcibly wake up the subject..."
After a long time, Yuanxiao opened his eyes.
In eighty-six years, the total time he spent practicing before. It was only half of the time it took to come to the Tower of Secret Magic this time. In 86 years, all the minds of the whole person were immersed in the ocean of wisdom, and all the magic books from apprentices to tenth-order wizards were read.
This kind of horrible reading, no one in all the legal system legends can achieve this.
From the weakest Tier 3 arcanist eighty-six years ago, now he can confidently say that he is the strongest Tier 3 arcanist purely in arcane. The only difference is that he is not qualified enough now. The law of contact.
Only by mastering the laws can he be called a great arcanist.
Only by reaching the level of the secret magic wizard can he truly master the laws by virtue of the gradually condensed illusory realm. Even if he can go beyond the ranks, he cannot master the laws in advance. The evolution of the soul is necessary to support the fusion of the laws.
Yuanxiao sighed.
The previous knowledge of the secret wizard is at best some magic data formulas and principles, etc., and once it reaches the secret method level, it involves the illusory things like the law ~ ~ I am afraid that this book in hand will take a few years to read. .
You can watch the tenth order in 86 years, but after the tenth order it is impossible for hundreds of millions of years.
"Eleventh-order spells, jumps in different dimensions..."
Yuanxiao put down the magic book in his hand, and jumped down from the eleventh floor of the Secret Tower.
The whole person was hung upside down by a willow tree.
At this moment, in the ordinary botanical gardens and the sea of ​​flowers, the Lantern Festival saw one of the white flowers constantly magnified in vision. Buddhism said that there is one flower, one world, but here one flower represents the truth of a kind of magic.
Every ordinary flower, its essence may be a spell, magic principle or even a law.
They are all gathered here by arcanists to correspond to a magic book. If someone can't understand the knowledge of a magic book, he will have a chance to blend his consciousness into it if he can't understand the knowledge of the magic book. If he can't understand it, he will be greedy. The original sin is not forgiven. (To be continued.)
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