Chapter 570: Fracture Mothership

"The distance is a bit far..."
Yuan Xiao looked at the map and calculated the straight-line distance between Nana's current location and him.
Decades have passed, Nana built a small town in an abandoned steel fortress. With her ability to refine the artificial kingdom of God, the exhibition here is very smooth and popular. Few large and small forces around the world dare to find it. She is in trouble.
The magic battleship Sky was released, and the Lantern Festival got in and set the target route.
The voyage of 5.6 million miles, the amount of war debris seen along the way is shocking, this is just a civilized civil war within human beings, if it is a battlefield with foreign races, or even the battlefield at dusk outside the Golden Big 6 I really don’t know if it is. What kind of tragic.
Two days later, the Sky was forced to break through the blockade and reach its destination.
Iron tornadoes, ghost storms, gravity swamps, space traps, etc., left behind by legends and even true gods battles. If the Sky was not modified and strengthened in Jinsill, it would take at least a dozen to break through. year.
"Captain, it's close to the end coordinates."
Yuanxiao wakes up from meditation, puts away the Sky, and looks at the ruins of a battleship in the distance.
A large number of warship wrecks were broken into pieces, and in the center is a huge mothership hundreds of miles long. The central part of the mothership was directly crashed in half by some force. A power furnace was suspended from the damage. The eternal little sun.
"Analyze the goal!"
Yuanxiao ordered.
"According to the database comparison, the target may be the power core of the mothership modified by a stellar nucleus. Although the mothership seems to have been destroyed, in fact, the two halves of the mothership still have a part of the protective system that remains open."
"What a silly girl."
Yuanxiao sighed.
Nana has been saying that she has been living very well these years, but now it seems that she is just lying stupidly. The intention is nothing more than not to cause trouble to him, not to disturb his practice in the Secret Tower. It is 90% that this stupid woman is already Been stuck here for a long time.
According to his judgment, Nana was trapped, but there shouldn't be much danger.
Nana was probably trapped here and got some benefits while she was reluctant to leave, otherwise she could use the Sky Fortune Tower projection to teleport back. No matter how bad, you can use school distribution tasks to rescue her on the school.
Taking out the Tianyun Tower, the Lantern Festival immediately offered a credit assignment.
The death of this mothership is the legendary level. After hundreds of thousands of years, it has been obsolete by scientific and technological civilization, although there are still many technologies that are now very precious. But if it is just a structure diagram that does not involve specific technologies, it is not worth a few dollars.
The task was quickly completed, and the Lantern Festival got a design drawing to carefully compare the wreckage of the mothership in front of him.
"Something is wrong!"
The more you look at the Lantern Festival, the more you feel that something is wrong here. The normal mothership power furnace should be a dark matter engine, but this one uses the stellar nucleus as the power source. Generally speaking, even the demigod mothership rarely uses only stars. Star core.
"Brain. Search the school network for a reward with me in a hundred years."
Yuanxiao ordered.
"The search is over, 69 years ago, there was also a reward for the mothership structure diagram..."
"Sure enough!"
The Lantern Festival whispered, Nana also found something wrong here.
If he were Nana, he would choose what to do at this time.
The basis of the two people's alchemy came from Nicole May. If Nana wanted to explore the mothership at the time, which route would she most likely break through, a black tortoise shell suspended in front of her body without breaking.
According to Xuanming's divination, the Lantern Festival chose the three most likely routes.
The first route is also the easiest one, bypassing the broken mothership from below, as long as it goes deep enough underground. It can avoid the remaining protective system of the mothership, so I chose to escape the first time.
If someone shuttles through the underground around here, it will definitely leave traces in the soil.
Five minutes later, Yuanxiao emerged from the soil.
The underground is a dead end. The mothership was unlucky enough to encounter a legendary gravity trap, which was torn in half by gravity and crashed here. Now that the gravity trap has not disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years, it has mutated even more.
On the second road, the Lantern Festival came to the bridge at the tip of the mothership and the hatch at the rear.
Only these two places are possible, it is impossible from the side, where gravity chaos is the real death zone.
Use time spell time backtracking in two places. Although it only flashed the phantom here 69 years ago, this road can bypass many dangerous areas from the inside of the mothership, but back in time, I did not see Nana taking this route.
There are three routes, and only the last one is left in an instant.
Nana is good at making artificial gods. The stellar nucleus is a very suitable top material. If her initial goal is this, she will definitely take the stellar nucleus as her first goal, so she will choose to break through from the sky.
Hard break will be hit by the mothership's defense system.
But at the same time, this can also see which functions of the mothership still work. Then, the remaining energy channels between the stellar nucleus and the mothership can be deduced, only in this way can she cut off these channels to conquer the stellar nucleus.
"Then go ahead!"
The Lantern Festival began to bless himself with protection.
The gem field and the metallization of Bimeng are just the foundation, and a variety of eighth-order defense spells are enveloped in the outer layer. In particular, the gemstone spells of the Diamond Gem Dragon are superior in defensiveness and energy reflection protection.
With the power of time, the Lantern Festival rushed straight from the front to the star's core.
The mothership, which had been buried in dust, heard the sound of mechanical freeze. Hundreds of red high-temperature rays instantly blocked all the forward and backward directions. There was no second choice to pass unless hard resistance.
Gem refraction!
The jewel mirrors around the Lantern Festival flash out of thin air.
Every flame beam is refracted by gem magic to change its, and the refracted flame beam hits other injection ports hidden in the dust. Hundreds of injection ports destroyed most of them at one time but nothing happened during the Lantern Festival. hurt.
In the next instant, dust was drilled from a muzzle about three feet thick at the top of the mothership.
There was an explosion in the air.
The entire muzzle was like a small black hole, and the surrounding dust and air were all sucked in by an astonishing suction. Even the Lantern Festival passing by from directly above couldn't control the shape and be attracted a little bit.
"Damn it, a legendary gravity capture device. I'm not a cosmic behemoth. I actually use this thing to catch me. Don't let me find your intelligence center..."
Lantern Festival hands together, a large amount of space magnetic steel powder has emerged to block the gravity withdrawal.
This was specially acquired by him in Jinsill, and it was specially used to cooperate with the ability to control the metal. Not only could it be used to disturb the surrounding space so that the enemy could not use its spatial ability, but it could also manipulate magnetism as a means of attack and defense.
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