Chapter 631: Human cruelty

Mime private 631
In the bright laboratory, the surroundings illuminated by the lights on the operating table are visible. 【..】
Tiantongmu lay on the operating table with her eyes closed. After several days of persuasion, she finally accepted the reality that the gastroentervirus is a good thing, and the improved gastroentervirus can be more powerful.
The dna of humans and animals are fused with protoenteric virus and eventually mutated into animal bugs.
This is because human DNA has become weaker and weaker during countless years of evolution, and the DNA of organisms that cannot compete with animals, insects, etc. can only be swallowed. If, in turn, human DNA is always stronger than the fused gene, it will become innocent. The cursed son of intestinal bioification.
There is no harm in strength alone. Protoenterovirus is simply the door to human potential.
This can be seen only by looking at the left eye, right hand and right foot regenerated from the Lantern Festival in the past few days. Tiantong Mugen’s kidney was attacked and damaged by the original intestine creatures. If it can regenerate, she will become very strong.
"The operation will be successful."
Muroto Sumire comforted. She thought that Lantern Festival was worried about Tendo's safety.
"Well, I'm waiting outside."
Lantern nodded.
When the woman wakes up after the operation, she believes it will become a very useful tool for him. With her kidneys damaged and weak all the year round, this woman, as an ordinary person, can still slash faster than the speed of sound with a long knife in her hand.
If the kidneys are restored and the physique strengthened by the enterovirus, the strength of this woman will definitely increase to a terrifying level.
In a sense, this woman's talent is not familiar to Mikasa.
"Wait outside, don't you really stay?"
Muroto Sumire licked his lips and said, "She won't wake up until the end of the operation. She was in a coma all day long..."
"let's go!"
Yuan Xiao's face turned dark and pulled Lan Yuan Tingzhu out of the operating room.
During the whole day, he had made up his mind to go to the outskirts of the city to adopt the abandoned children of the cursed. The rich woman Muroto Sumire has enough property to support the children of the cursed, and they will also be the best weapons.
Transform their bloodline and at the same time solve the side effects of the enterovirus on their bodies.
In the end, they are taught their fighting skills in the virtual world through a thousand times faster consciousness. I believe they will soon become super fighters. The primitive gut creatures that killed the entire world must not rely on him alone. As a reward, they can get a new life after the world becomes a world tree.
Now that it's so decided, it's okay to bring some gifts when you go.
Money can make ghosts grind, and enough food for tens of thousands of people to eat for a month will be quickly transported to the rented warehouse. It is a good explanation for how the food disappeared in the hands. Anyway, if you push it to the gastroentervirus, Tingzhu will not doubt it.
This kind of unconditional trust is really a very precious feeling.
The outermost part of the city in Tokyo, this is the place closest to the stone monument, and it is also the place where the gastrointestinal organisms are the most frequent. The 錵's magnetic field can drive away the gastrointestinal organisms, but if the gastrointestinal organisms fall directly from the sky, the effect of the monument is very limited.
Crossing the river surrounding the city, the ruins of the city across the river are the gathering place for the children of the curse.
There is no food source here, and a group of little girls don’t know how to build houses, so many of them are starved to death, and more of them wear shabby clothes and live in leaky houses and sewers. It is hard to imagine that they were abandoned since birth. How to live till now.
At this moment, huge garbage trucks drove from the highway to the ruins on the outermost periphery of the city.
Lan Yuan Tingzhu lowered his head and said.
Lantern Festival frowned slightly, and the cars smelled of swill. It should be the food swill left by the restaurants in the city. I want to come here. This is the life-saving food that the children of the curse depend on. If it is not for the regenerative ability brought by the gastrointestinal virus, they will not survive.
"They won't eat these anymore."
Lantern Festival promised.
Following the garbage trucks transporting swill, it didn’t take long for the Lantern Festival to see some young figures eagerly waiting on the other side of the river, a few abandoned pools that looked like a swimming pool, and the garbage trucks turned on the tap and poured all the swill into the pool .
The young girls who were waiting early happily scooped up "food" in their hands.
They seem to be very happy when they eat. They are not pretending to be happily eating. I am afraid that in their perception, swill is delicious food, and they don't know what they are eating. Some even expressed gratitude to the drivers who were full of abuse.
"Tingzhu, will you be obedient, right?"
Yuan Xiao asked suddenly.
Lan Yuan Tingzhu nodded subconsciously.
"Kick these people off their bones and throw them into the swill pool, and let them taste the smell of swill."
Yuanxiao said heavily.
Lan Yuan Tingzhu bit her lip and nodded, her eyes gradually turning red, and her feet stomped directly towards him. These unarmed ordinary people were kicked into the pool one by one with broken tendons and fractures. The fractured fractures made them unable to climb into the sump and could only struggle and howl in the water until they died.
The real realm spread out, and Yuanxiao threw out the package in his hand.
The mind-powered package can contain as many things as possible. The mountain of food falls on the clearing, but the little girls recede in fear. In their perception, if they eat this kind of food, they will be killed. Beaten to death.
Lan Yuan Tingzhu wiped her tears. I rushed forward in two steps, tore open the food packaging bag and took a bite.
While eating, grabbing the food and sending it to the hands of other cursed children, the smell of the real food is imprinted in the most basic taste of people. Some bold cursed children took a few bites and carefully put them in their pockets with bright eyes.
"Rentaro is right..."
Lan Yuan Tingzhu foolishly said, "This world has no hope at all. Those people are not worth protecting at all. Only people like Rintaro and our cursed son are eligible to survive. Others who are protected by us but tortured us. All humans are dead."
It’s so easy to take away these cursed children. Food and a promise can be Their hope is that they sit by the river every day and look at the opposite city, waiting for the police to choose them as partners. Even if they died, they were accustomed to them. Almost all the cursed sons of Yuanxiao left with him.
The gate of crossing the boundary was opened, and the children of curses entered the artificial kingdom of the primitive world.
Instruct Lan Yuan Tingzhu to take care of these little girls. Naturally, the man-made gods will have Sanli and Dong Xiang set up for them. Taking advantage of lunch at noon, you should be able to find most of the cursed children as long as you rush to the swill dumping points at this time.
An hour later, the Lantern Festival went around the city several times and finally gave up.
The children of the curse outside the city have been wiped out. A small part of the city believes that the camera monitoring of the entire city can find out in one afternoon. As for the turbulence that this will bring to the city, it is not something he needs to be curious about. .
When all the children of the curse disappear, without these cheap tools to protect them, those who hide in the city and enjoy safety but hate the children of the curse, their fear and twisted faces must be wonderful. (To be continued.)
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