Chapter 650: Catcher

(Chapter 650)
Iron country, here is the only strongest neutral country in the ninja world that is led by samurai without ninjas. n∈n∈,
Although these samurai are still using chakras, because of the neutral policy here, they have avoided several ninja wars, and the prosperity and peace of today's ninja can be imagined.
Sunny Sky City, here is one of the most prosperous cities in the Iron Country.
This place is on the edge of the Iron Country, and many rebels who have nowhere to go will gather here. The Iron Country does not allow them to go deep into the country, but allows them to be protected in this city. Of course, they will be determined if they leave the city. .
A white-haired child stepping on the instant technique appeared at the gate of the city.
Although he is a child, the warrior who guards the gates is not underestimated. Age in the ninja world is never a criterion for evaluating strength. He can walk the ninja world at the age of seven or eight. Leftover.
"It should be here."
The pupils of the Lantern Festival faintly looked at the clear sky city.
"found it."
After the entrance fee at the gate, the Lantern Festival went straight to the casino on the commercial street.
It has been a month since he left Konoha Village. This month, he caught a large number of bandits and wandering ninjas, but even if these people distilled the Chakra original energy contained in their bodies, they would not be enough to make the body reach the Bronze Shadow level.
Through various rewards, I finally found the clue that Senjutsu Tsunade, one of Konoha Sannin, was here.
As the granddaughter of Konoha’s first generation of Naruto Senjuma, the only remaining descendant of the Senate clan, and also a disciple of the third generation of Naruto, this woman who lost her only brother and lover in the war so that she suffered from panicemia is now Just a gambler.
At the entrance of the casino, two women rushed out for their lives.
At the moment there was a big "gambling" on the back of a blond hair. The girl behind was dragging a suitcase with her left hand and a pink piggy with a pearl necklace in her right hand, chasing after the former in a panic. Out of the casino.
You don't need to look at it to know that this must be Tsunade's escape from gambling debts with his small attendant Mute.
"Don't run. Catch her back, but she sold herself..."
The contract-wielding casino player chased out of the casino with a machete.
"It seems to come at the right time."
The Lantern Festival grabbed with his right hand, a gravitational force sucked the IOU from the thug's hand, looked at the amount on it, took out the bank note from his arms and threw it over. With money, these casino thugs dare not provoke someone who looks like a ninja.
After fleeing for a long time, Tsunade and Silent hid in an alley.
Silent looked at it cautiously. She wasn't worried that she would not be able to beat ordinary people, but this fact was too embarrassing. If someone knew that Tsunade Rai's gambling debt was being chased by ordinary people, how could she afford this face.
"Mute. Don't look."
Tsunade's eyebrows frowned and he punched back suddenly.
Chakra condensed and compressed on his fist and released it instantly, and the strange force fist shattered the entire wall.
"It shouldn't be this attitude when facing the creditor. According to the IOU, you have already sold to me..."
The sound of Yuanxiao drama abuse sounded in the smoke.
Tsunade gritted her teeth and said, she was careless. She only thought it was an ordinary ninja chased by the casino. She did not expect that there would be an elite ninja behind the wall. While she broke the wall and made chaos trying to continue running, this person approached silently. Mute controls the mute.
"Can I speak well now?"
Yuanxiao put down Silent, and stepped on the pet pigs and dolphin that kept biting his trousers.
Although Chakra was withdrawn from Silent's body through the reincarnated eyes, even acupuncture sealed her veins. However, in the face of Tsunade, such a strong shadow level, he still can't be careless, even if it is a shadow whose strength has declined for many years.
"How can Hyuga have a kid like you?"
Tsunade couldn't help but couldn't find a chance to save someone.
"Boy, you should call me uncle."
The Lantern Festival said proudly, "Introduce myself, I am Datongmusheren, a direct descendant of Otsuki Yumura, the younger brother of the Six Dao Immortals. As for you, Qianju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki are all descendants of the Six Dao Immortals, you should call me according to your generation. A cry for uncle."
"Uncle Cousin..."
Tsunade almost went out of anger, but he was very surprised.
She naturally knew that the Qianshou clan originated from the Six Dao Immortals, but the little devil in front of her claimed to be the offspring of the Liu Dao immortal's younger brother, but she couldn't believe it. After all, I have never heard of them in the Ninja World.
"Don't lie to you, I am the head of this generation of Datongmu clan."
The Lantern Festival said earnestly, "Back then, the Six Dao Immortals voluntarily gave the Patriarch to us. From then on, we have lived on the moon for generations. Only the branch and the Hyuga clan stayed in the Ninja World. Seeing the current Patriarch of Datongmu, you should Call me the patriarch of my uncle."
"I'm not interested in listening to you, what do you want to do..."
Tsunade said shyly.
"I want the pendant left between Senjuzuzu."
Yuanxiao said flatly.
Tsunade was silent. This was the first generation of Hokage's necklace from the family, but he watched the thorn in Yuanxiao's hand pierce Silent neck. Still resigned to take off the necklace on his neck and threw it to the Lantern Festival, which was holding the silence.
The necklace fell to the ground and Yuanxiao didn't pick it up at all.
"You unbehaved cousin."
Yuanxiao shook his head and said, deliberately tossing it to a certain distance from him, hoping that he would let go of Silent to pick up the necklace. Then Tsunade would definitely take the opportunity to counterattack, facing Tsunade's disobedience, he waved his hand at Silent's shoulder. .
A drop of blood splattered out, and Tsunade, who was annoyed by his dilated pupils, sat on the ground.
Fear of blood, don’t talk about hands-on Tsunade at this time. An ordinary person can kill her with a knife. Let go of the Lantern Festival and pick up the necklace of the original Hokage. A few steps forward, he put his blood-stained little hand on the trembling body. In front of Tsunade.
"Do you know the reincarnation of clay?"
Yuan Xiao asked coldly, "I just grabbed this technique from Konoha. I can use this technique to psychic your only brother Senju Rope Tree, and then imprison his soul in a body made of clay to survive. ."
Tsunade held Yuanxiao's hand in horror and pleaded.
"How about another one?"
Lantern chuckles, "I can channel the soul of the Thousand Hands Rope Tree, and then clone a body of a Thousand Hands Clan through cell proliferation, and transfer his soul into the clone through Yin and Yang to resurrect. Two roads are now for you. Pick one."
"I choose the second one."
Tsunade lowered his head and trembled in She herself is the strongest medical ninja in the ninja world, but it is impossible for her to clone a person and put the soul in, but the most important thing is to stabilize This terrifying kid in front of me.
"You can't escape the palm of my hand."
Yuanxiao gently raised Tsunade's chin and stared into her eyes.
Tsunade's eyes widened and her body stiffened. Her first kiss was taken away by a few-year-old kid at this moment. From the time she became a ninja to now, she has gone through several decades and thousands of battles and deaths, but never once. As weak as it is now.
ps: Thank you Xinghe and re2010 for your rewards. Thank you for your subscription and votes. It has been snowing here for a few days, but it can be regarded as making up for the previous years... (To be continued.)
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