Chapter 709: Age of Magic

Mime private 709
A barren hill stands with iron towers ten meters high. Le-wen
At the top of the iron tower, there is a one-meter-diameter artificial mana spar suspended in it. The energy of the ground veins is drawn away and stored in it. The magnitude of this extraction is exactly the intensity of the energy dissipated by the ground veins.
No wonder the energy elements in the space are scarce and pitiful along the way.
It turns out that energy has been sucked away by these energy towers, so it appears that there is very little energy in the space. If this entire main plane is full of such energy towers, I am afraid it is even more powerful than the golden continent in terms of magic applications.
"Super brain... analyze it!"
Yuanxiao ordered.
"Start capturing data..."
Every inch of the energy tower split, every big and small part, every rune carved on it, all these were captured by the wizard’s eye and analyzed by Ultrain. He always felt that this energy tower should not just absorb energy. effect.
"The analysis is over, it is speculated that this energy tower has five functions..."
"First, completely gather energy and reduce the energy density in the space to a minimum, so that beings such as fierce beasts and beasts will not absorb enough energy in the human kingdom, and control their growth rate so that they cannot threaten the human city-state."
"Secondly, these energy towers act as gas stations and can charge various magical machinery passing by."
"Third, these energy towers are equivalent to a network transfer. If there is no analysis wrong, this world has a giant magic net covering the entire world. The multiverse arcane magic dominates the control center of the magic net. It is very likely that the main body is in this world."
"Fourth, these energy towers play a monitoring role. At the same time, they can release some spells that improve the environment. Through these energy towers, the surrounding natural environment can be freely manipulated.
"Fifth, these energy towers can suppress the energy of the ground veins, and subtly make the energy of the ground veins that cannot be used by the violent be used. It can almost completely eliminate natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes."
Yuanxiao exclaimed.
This kind of technology also has the golden continent. There are almost all kinds of magic civilizations, but they can only arrange similar energy towers inside human cities, and they can't put down energy towers in the wild jungle full of fierce beasts.
And the most important point is that the multiverse arcane arts dominate the whereabouts of the control center of the magic web.
The master of the magic net is the sister of Bingxue. Back then, the war of extermination was destroyed by various civilizations. He did not expect her main body to hide in the magic universe, but he always remembered that he wanted to perfect the supreme law in the body and the arcane law must have this one. s help.
"Unknown space abnormality detected, apply for the wizard's eye perspective space..."
Super brain suddenly reminded.
Lantern Festival releases the eyes of the wizard, wanting to directly penetrate the space to see the subspace in the positive space. Even though it is not easy for the wizard's eye to integrate the three pupil skills, the longer the viewing time, the more pupil power will be lost.
"Found the orbit of the artificial solidified star celestial body, whether to start interception..."
Yuanxiao shook his head.
Space orbit is a special positioning device arranged in subspace.
These things can find a route without space storms in the subspace. In this way, even if it is a less advanced magic machine, as long as it can enter the subspace, it can navigate safely along the guidance of the space orbit.
As for the positioning of stars and celestial bodies, it is a positioning technology of man-made space vortices.
After more than ten breaths, a space vortex suddenly cracked in the sky two hundred meters above the ground three miles away. A silver-white train with three carriages flew out of it, and began to move from the surrounding energy towers under the anti-gravity traction. Extract energy.
Looking through the train window, I saw many ordinary people inside.
From this point of view. This kind of magic train is a kind of conventional transportation in today's magic universe.
After a while, the magical train drove to the front.
There was a Tier 3 mage in the front of the car. His gaze seemed to look specifically on the Lantern Festival robe, and finally picked up a communicator and said a few words. After a while, a lunch box blessed with Yuluoshu flew towards from the car window. Yuanxiao.
The magic train turned and left, entering the subspace again from the original spatial vortex.
Yuanxiao looked at the lunch box in front of her in a daze.
After thinking about it carefully, he found that the people on the train seemed to be wearing short clothes and trousers, and none of them wore a mage robe like him. The mage robe seemed to have some special meaning in the current world. The food box sent seemed to be A kind gift.
The magic trick turned into a big hand grabbing the food box on the ground, and Yuanxiao held it in his hand to open the lid.
Inside are a few exquisite side dishes, nothing else.
Just a glance, the food ingredients, the production process, the energy contained and other data appeared in an instant. The knowledge and priesthood gave him unimaginable analytical power, which allowed the branch skills of the real field to see through the essence of a large number of things. .
The left eye, the eye of time flickered, and the entire food box began to flash an illusion of time backwards.
Including the train conductor notifying the conductor to meet a respected ascetic, including the order to deliver an exquisite food, including the conversation of people around the food making process, and finally even including the food box and the source of the food materials.
This magical train is the Silver Star, which comes from the Star City five thousand miles away.
And their destination is the mechanical city five hundred miles away from here. The Silver Light itself is a magic train between the two cities. As for the ascetics, it is a kind of arcanist of the magic universe. nickname.
Ordinary people, including low-level mages, are now inseparable from the magical machinery products.
These people have limited talents, and they are almost impossible to become strong, so they don't study the progress of magic at all, but try to develop and use magical machinery to apply to life as much as possible, and it is not just to believe in a to get the magical gift.
High-level wizards, on the other hand, do not use magic machines much and prefer to use They delve into primitive magic and arcane arts. They are the builders of human magical civilization controlling high-end power. They are not opposed Magic machines, but think that relying too much on these will cause them to stagnate on the arcane road.
After all, leaving the main plane, the Arcanist can rely more on his own combat power.
Therefore, unless they are fighting, they rarely use magic products in their daily lives and are respected as penances.
"Mechanical City..."
The Lantern Festival flew thoughtfully to the Mechanical City along this vein.
Primitive flight has primitive benefits. One less ride on the magic train will release one more flight technique, and the corresponding understanding of this spell will increase by one point. A truly powerful arcanist is created like this bit by bit.
Anyway, for arcanists, arcane is omnipotent and can do anything. (To be continued.) () "Darkness Unlimited" only represents the author's view of Tudou on the tree. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!
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