Chapter 75: Free decoration

  PS: Thank you Dong Yiwei for your reward. The third watch asks for collections, clicks, recommendations, three river tickets, all kinds of rolling requests. Tomorrow the fourth watch is the first watch at 12 o'clock in the evening.
   Chapter 75
   Lantern Festival stood there for a long time, carefully calculating all his advantages and determined.
   "Dare to ask you, how can I get an S-level evaluation." Lan Xiao said respectfully.
   "Actually, you have almost completed the opening conditions."
Nicholas Lemay smiled mysteriously, "You little dolls, one is more greedy, the other is higher than the sky, since the world of Harry Potter is under the control of the Wizarding Academy, it is not just for you to play with. ."
   Lantern Festival still wants to say something, but a flash of light and shadow has been sent away.
   Lantern Festival whispered, he understood that Nicole May no longer intends to tell him more.
   But the simple hint at the end has it all.
   Except for him and Nana, the other apprentice wizards were driven out of the story center of Hogwarts by him.
   In this way, the final task evaluation of these people is destined to be poor.
Anyway, the evaluation has been low, so naturally they are not afraid to be lower, so they may do everything possible to plunder the origin of the plane, and no longer worry about killing the plot characters leading to a lower evaluation of the final mission, and this behavior may attract a lot of attention. misfortune.
  The characters in the plot are now in Hogwarts, so they will definitely start their actions after Halloween.
   "Chaos! The chaos the better."
   Lantern Festival rushed directly to the broken cauldron bar with a sneer.
   "Boy, what did you say to Nicholas Lemay?"
   Voldemort's shrill voice rang in Yuanxiao's ears.
   "I want to know the manufacturing technology of Philosopher's Stone."
   Lantern Festival said lightly.
   Voldemort hummed coldly, and the Philosopher's Stone repaired his soul. At this time, he was no longer mad and eccentric, and truly returned to the wise and calm before the split soul, so even now he was extremely angry and pretended to endure it.
   Only then, Voldemort almost couldn't bear it.
The Lantern Festival actually directly placed the Horcrux he was hosting, and the reduced Ravenclaw crown, directly took it off his fingers, threw it directly into his mouth, and slid down his throat into his stomach and fell into full of acid. in.
   "Boy, I'm going to kill you, you damn..."
   "Stop scolding, I'm going to be imprisoned in Azkaban."
   Lantern Festival said lightly.
Voldemort’s anger came to an abrupt end. Azkaban had his most loyal Death Eaters, and these people would voluntarily accept his parasites. Then he would be able to break away from Horcrux and exert his strength. By then, this little devil would not be a servant. At his disposal.
   Azkaban, an isolation prison on a small island in the North Sea.
The scariest prison in the wizarding world. Dementors serve as guards here. They absorb the hope and happiness of the prisoners as food. The prisoners who are held there will fall into despair for a few weeks. They will either commit suicide or go crazy. Even if they can leave, they will be spirited. Abnormal.
   Small islands in the sea naturally have sufficient water element energy particles.
   A prison full of dementors naturally has very sufficient dark energy particles.
  Meeting these two conditions at the same time, coupled with the dementor as a guardian, there is no safer place to practice genetic closure than here, no matter how much he makes a big noise, it will not attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic.
   "Which one should I choose?"
   Lantern Festival walks while considering the object of the crime.
   Unknowingly, he has reached the end of Diagon Alley, and will enter the Broken Cauldron Bar just before.
   This dirty and tattered bar gave him a very bad impression. Although he does not have a cleanliness, he really can’t understand why many wizards like to drink and party in such a dirty environment.
   "Well! Help you make up your mind to decorate it for free."
   Lantern Festival made up his mind to return the water sandalwood wand to the inventory.
   Flip his hand, a bottle of medicine with billowing green bubbles fell on the palm of his hand.
   rot poisonous incense condensing potion, a destructive potion that multiplies in the process of refining super magic potions.
Just one drop will be accompanied by a terrifying stench that will last for a month. This smell will attract all kinds of insects and rats to gather together, and after a month, the stench will turn into a super strong fragrance. People lose all appetite.
   gently tapped three times on the wall, and the passage to the broken cauldron bar opened.
   crossed the patio and passed the aisle. The Lantern Festival walked to a general stop, and the poisonous condensing potion in the right hand was directly thrown into the broken cauldron bar. In the dark green smoke and explosion, no one in the broken cauldron bar could escape the bad luck.
   Not only that, the smoke from the explosion even spread to the streets of London outside the bar.
   Every Muggle passing by was fainted to the ground in the smoke that looked like poisonous gas.
   "Long live Voldemort, long live Death Eaters..."
   Lantern Festival shouted twice, rushed directly into the patio and fled to Diagon Alley.
At this time, there was a frightened and angry roar from the Broken Cauldron Bar. Under the leadership of the bar owner Tom, several wizards were chasing with their wands. No matter what the attack was, a ghost who was suspected of being a Death Eater could not let go. Over.
   They haven't walked through the patio. A swarm of cockroaches, mice, and flies have rushed to the garbage dump in the corner of the patio.
   The flames are raging!
   Tom pulled out his wand for the first time, and blazing flames rose into the sky in the patio.
Yuanxiao turned his head and showed a smirk. He can be caught, but he cannot be caught by these people, otherwise he will get the stench. If not, he will have to be beaten. He just wants to enter Azkaban. Looking for abuse for nothing.
   Now Tom is dragged by a few people, and he happens to escape into Diagon Alley.
   "Grab him, he is a Death Eater."
  Tom got rid of the entanglement of bugs and mice, carrying his wand and rushing to the streets of Diagon Alley.
   As for Tom, the owner of the broken cauldron bar, almost no one in Diagon Alley does not know. The Ministry of Magic Auror stationed in Diagon Alley, two wizards, a man and a woman, directly apparated in front of the Lantern Festival.
   There are many obstacles!
   One control action, one stun spell and the two cooperated very skillfully.
   "I'm going to kill this Death rushed up in anger.
   There are many obstacles!
   Female Auror shouted, and directly blocked Tom several people from ten meters away.
   Don't say that the stench made her refuse these people to approach, that is to say, the fallen kid is a Death Eater and needs evidence. So many people at the scene must have evidence to arrest people.
   "Tom, calm down, you have to follow the rules."
   Male Auror persuaded.
   Two elite Aurors representing the Ministry of Magic gradually calmed Tom's anger.
   "He attacked my bar! And shouted long live the Dark Lord and Death Eaters."
   Tom gritted his teeth.
   "You come to watch him, I'll see the specific situation."
   The male Auror's face changed, and he said to his partner to leave quickly.
   Soon, the male Auror returned with a sullen expression. It wouldn't be a big deal if he was just making trouble in the Broken Cauldron Bar, but this kind of unknown stench agent left Broken Cauldron Bar and spread to the streets of London.
   There are already many Muggles who cannot bear the stench and fall into a coma, crawling all over with rats and insects.
   This level is not dead, but it has caused very serious consequences.
Because of this kind of riot, it is very easy to be attacked by Muggles as poisonous gas and cause great fear. It also has a great impact on the relationship between Muggles and wizards. If coupled with the possible connection with the Death Eaters, this kid is satisfied to be thrown into it. Conditions of Azkaban.
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