Chapter 818: Infinite darkness

Mime private 818
The pile of fierce beast corpses crisscrossing thousands of miles, six figures constantly shuttled across it.
During the two days of watching the battle, they knew which of the dead beast corpses were of higher value. At this time, they led the mage legion, robots, and war spirits, and found the high-value dead beast corpses and started collecting.
In the end, two million dead beasts fell into the hands of Lantern Festival.
Collecting the corpse this time is also a condition of their transaction.
"It's all on you."
The Lantern Festival hung in the air and looked at Mori.
"The Thousand-Bone Trees of our Sen family are not joking. Eight million fierce beasts are cultivated. I don't know how many times I can have such opportunities in my life."
Mori sighed.
A huge tree species with a full body as white as jade suddenly fell from the sky.
Just a seed is one mile in size, and its true size can be imagined when it grows up.
The seeds fell into the pile of corpses to take root and germinate, and all the beasts were scattered from one point to the next. All the beasts were drained, fleshed and fused with bones. In just one hour, a huge bone forest with a width of thousands of kilometers was formed around the huge pit of the earth.
"It's a pity, it's a pity."
Mori Zhong said painfully, "This one-time activated Thousand Bone Wood can only exist for a few days, but this Thousand Bone Wood is enough to block the land demigod. If this is for me to cultivate slowly, I am afraid that this Thousand Bone Wood can grow. For the permanent high-end legend."
"Don't call it, you don't have a beast-repellent potion."
Qianshengnan rolled his eyes and said.
"That's different. Where can I find a follower of a beautiful girl who kills thousands of beasts."
Morijo muttered enviously.
"Be careful, the heavens are here."
McCard reminded.
The king beast on the ground has a thousand bones to block it, but the king beast in the sky does not have this limit, and the relatively small number of flying king beasts, it is difficult but not impossible for five people to resist for a few days.
"Nana, you block the three legendary low-level king beasts to the east."
Yuanxiao glanced at it and began to assign tasks.
"Leave it to me!"
Nana glanced at it and nodded and said, one of the three is fire attribute, one is ice attribute, and the other is wood attribute. As long as she transforms into a sun elf, these three king beasts will be restrained by her.
"Mccard you are in charge of the south."
Lantern Festival distribution said.
"no problem."
McCard elementized and rushed to the south, where there are four legendary low-level king beasts. But there are three of them who are good at mid-to-short-range combat in the air. His fleet's long-range strikes are enough to fly a kite and block four king beasts at the same time.
"Chikatsu man, you are responsible for the two ferocious beasts in the west."
Yuanxiao ordered, "You only need to hold on for a while. I will help you after solving the beast on the back."
"No, I can solve it myself."
Qian Sheng Nan shook her head and said, she had enough confidence in herself. Although one of the two king beasts in the west was a legendary intermediate, this battle was difficult but she could not solve it as long as she was willing to pay the price. It is not so easy to kill her.
"Then be careful!"
After Yuanxiao said casually, he exhorted, "Dong Xiang, you are responsible for supporting in the middle. If you see something wrong, use the Void Hunter to rescue."
Dong Xiang nodded.
"I'll leave it to you underground, try to delay as much as possible and don't push too hard."
Yuan Xiao stared at Mori Zhong seriously.
"rest assured."
Sen focused his head. He knew that Thousand Bone Forest could only block the underground king beasts, but it was impossible to kill those underground king beasts. Even if the underground king beasts were forced to be too tight, they wouldn't be able to fly over the thousand bone trees for a short time. .
The Lantern Festival teleported to the north, and the real world shrouded forward.
Three thousand miles to the north. At this point, you can already see three flying king beasts, a legendary low-level king beast six-winged demon snake, a legendary middle-rank king beast wind tooth carving, and the last legendary middle-rank king beast split cloud whale.
There are two legendary mid-levels, which is also a big test for him.
"The super magic legendary spell is dark and infinite!"
With the singing of the spell, Yuanxiao began to release the negative emotions in the spirit sea.
Three million years of freezing, the almost infinite negative emotions did not disappear, but were suppressed by his ice-like will, and the second personality was the negative emotions that escaped from the gap in the seal of his will.
The laws of dreams cooperate with dream building!
The negative power brought by the shadow dominates the blood!
The spirit of the Deathstroke Master wins!
The mind control of the royal ghost!
Finally, coupled with the hypnosis of eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes, he developed the legendary spell of darkness infinity.
He even uses his own negative emotions as the material of the super magic potion. In the dream world, he forged a super magic potion with legendary spells dark infinitely matching, and finally constituted his legendary spell with the strongest power and potential so far.
The spell ended, the Lantern Festival eyebrows split open and the wizard's eyes shot out a black light.
The black light seemed to be slow and fast, and the legendary mid-level king beast Rift Cloud Whale did not even react and was hit. Unless it can break free from the dream, its true spirit will sink into absolute darkness and listen to the long sound of water droplets quietly for thousands of years.
Choosing the Rupture Cloud Whale is because this king beast is very rare and precious.
Otherwise, he can completely impose his three million years of pain and experience directly on the Rift Cloud Whale in a dark and infinite dream. If so, I am afraid that the Rift Cloud Whale will have a mental breakdown in just an instant.
Unfortunately, the legendary spell of Infinite Darkness cannot be cast one after another.
Otherwise even his own. They couldn't continue to seal and suppress the negative emotions deep in the true spirit.
So, he began to prepare the second legendary spell.
Legendary spell death ray!
This is the legendary spell he has the strongest damage to life so far.
"Super brain... ready!"
Yuanxiao ordered.
"Legendary spell death ray, lock the legendary middle-level king beast wind tooth carving, start to calculate the spell trajectory..."
"The death ray begins to be released, and the spell correction begins to calculate..."
Death ray itself is just a mixed energy group of mana, ice element, eight cold winds, time ice, ghost magic energy, blood dragon power, death knell curse and other energies. The real power is Super Brain Calculation.
Ultrain will manipulate a part of the elements to cover the target, forcing the target to respond.
For example, by observing the reaction of the target when it is attacked, adjusting the subsequent elemental strikes, forcing the opponent to open his mouth or revealing the deadly vital parts, and then Ultrain controls the remaining energy groups to seize the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.
This process seems simple but extremely difficult.
Because higher creatures are good at protecting themselves, Ultrain wants to force them to show their weaknesses. In a short period of time, they need to carry out countless simulation calculations through a thousand times of consciousness acceleration and prophetic power, and finally find the weak spots that will kill them and give them a fatal blow.
The black and blue round energy ball condenses in the Lantern Festival palm and flies towards the Fengfang Carving Beast King.
The high-speed rotating energy ball ejects a dense array of billions of energy rays. Each energy ray contains a different power. The forced Windfang Eagle Beastmaster is in a hurry, and finally a beam of light penetrates the brain directly from the nostril to complete a fatal blow. (To be continued.)
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