Chapter 91: Tower Front Forest

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   Chapter 91
   The ten-story black wizard tower, the tip of the tower emits black lightning falling into the clouds.
Around the Wizard Tower, neat rows of marble slabs form a two-hundred-meter-wide circular square, and this square is full of weird trees that have roots but will not take root in the soil. It is floating in mid-air and constantly squirming.
  The dense forest formed by strange trees, from time to time, there are a few sensational weird screams.
   On the open space outside the stone slab, a few apprentice wizards who had come a step earlier were frowning, staring at the dense forest formed by the strange trees and gesturing in the air. When they encountered confusion and inexplicable places, they wished to burn the dense forest clean.
The first time    was transmitted, Yuanxiao first noticed that he had come to the wizard apprentice one step ahead.
   "Gas, Lei Jun, Hogg, and Kim Elly are all apprentice wizards who are good at alchemy."
The Lantern Festival glanced at it for a moment. In addition to these four apprentice wizards, there were Harry Potter and Ron in the corner. Fortunately, Ron was pretending to be a certain apprentice wizard. What kind of luck is Harry Potter. Can come here first.
   In addition to making Harry scream, his arrival didn't even make the wizard apprentice look back.
   Behind it is the space puzzle, and in front is the Wizard Tower. The Lantern Festival walks towards the edge of the dense forest. An inscription written in English is written on it. The strange dense forest brings him a fatal crisis of death, and this inscription may be the key.
   In the year 821 of the golden 295th era, my master, the great legendary wizard Jerome Hebrew, fell.
   He is so great that he opened up Hogwarts Wizarding Academy, and even led his followers to open up a civilization. He is only one step away from the demigod, and he is recognized as the most likely to become the great existence of the silver powerhouse.
   Such a great existence, but died in his own hands overnight.
   is not dying in battle, let alone dying in some dangerous environment, just break through the demigod in his own wizard tower retreat, and then blow himself to death because of the mana riot, this is how impossible and sad.
   I, Nicholas Lemay, traced my master’s footsteps for hundreds of years to find the truth.
The master’s death turned out to be due to the fact that he offended a silver powerhouse and fought head-on. The legendary wizard possessed the power to kill the gods, not to mention that the master was a powerhouse among the legendary wizards, but the silver hand held a tower of destiny. Luo card.
   The power of fate, even if it is my great master, will eventually die in his own hands under the control of fate.
   Want my inheritance, first prove that you have enough luck.
   There is no luck, unless you stand at the top of the Golden Continent, if you have bad luck, you will die.
   Nicholas Maier was erected in 1569 in the 295th era of the Golden Age.
A short inscription made the Lantern Festival sigh. This was the first time in his life that he had truly heard of the power of someone other than him in controlling fate. The first dean of the Wizarding Academy died by fate, and even made Nicolae May give up. The master takes revenge.
  Because revenge is just worthless death, leaving the inheritance is probably only hope for the emptiness.
   Since it is a test of luck, the key to entering the wizard tower through the weird jungle must be related to this.
  Magic trick creation!
   A clay recliner made of clay fell on the ground, and Lantern Festival lay on it silently observing the strange dense forest.
The sound from inside, to every swing of the roots of weird trees, to the smooth ashlar are in his observation range, trying to find the key points, possessing the talent of death and destiny, he believes that he has a better chance of inheritance. Bigger.
   One day later, Yuanxiao waited for Ultrain to analyze it again, and once again verified his guess.
   "The slate is a screaming slate, with the curse of soul tearing and the curse of higher fear attached."
   "The sound from the dense forest is preliminarily calculated to be the Fright Bird, the Cursed Crow, and the Shadow Spider Monster."
   "As a spirit life, the horror bird can see through invisible units, and at the same time lock the life and soul breath, and even its excrement will produce a smell rooted in the soul that cannot be dissipated in a short time. The current resources in hand cannot form a countermeasure against this."
  "Cursing the crow, is good at curse of weakness and curse of doom. The curse of doom is not true doom, but weakens the enemy's spirit, which leads to the inability to exert all strength, resulting in the result of failure no matter what you do. There is currently no means to counteract it.
"Shadow spiders, the woven webs are in a state of shadowing, and at the same time they can shuttle shadows in the webs and are extremely poisonous. Once the analysis subject is bitten, it will be paralyzed and dragged into the webs after five seconds and turned into shadows. ghost."
   "Finally, the special strange tree does not only give a preliminary analysis in the Ultrain database."
   "Weird trees have the ability to confine space. Floating in the air is not an application of anti-gravity but space abilities. It is also the main source of power for space obsession. It is speculated that weird trees will produce substitute food for the above three monsters."
   "This means that going hard is a dead end."
   Lantern Festival muttered.
   "The subject analysis is correct, and the success rate of entering the wizard tower below the third-order wizard is zero."
The Lantern Festival is silent, and Ultrain will not be wrong in this aspect. So, can it really only rely on luck? He has the fate of death instead of real luck. Harry Potter's luck is enough to throw him off the street, just hope The back road he laid out works.
   Wizard apprentice Gas suddenly cried out strangely.
After watching the Lantern Festival, Gass modified his throat, imitating the sound of the horror bird and tried to draw a horrified if Gas can succeed, he might be able to grasp more clues. .
   The sound like a bee shook the eardrum pain.
   The wings of the horror bird incite very fast, the sound is similar to the flight of a bee but the sound is very small, so how many horror birds are flying with such a loud sound, just look at the blue sea of ​​light rising above the dense forest.
   The size of a horror bird's thumb, let alone here are tens of thousands of horror birds.
   With such a huge number, I am afraid that even the seventh-order great wizard can't break through this dense forest.
   The Fright Bird began to speed up out of the dense forest.
   Before he could think about it, Yuan Xiao jumped up and rushed into the space fascination behind her. The sound of the horror bird was within a hundred meters of lethality. Once these horror birds were close to a 100-meter range, ten lives would not be enough for him to die here.
   Amidst the successive curses, everyone fled in embarrassment and escaped to the lock of space.
Sixteen hours later, the Lantern Festival passed the first two trials and returned to the safety zone on the edge of the dense forest. This time he was the first to return. After finding a way, multiple shadow clones cooperated, allowing him to gather materials and refine the puppets at a significant speed. .
   Lantern Festival hesitate to put on the invisible cloak of Deathly Hallows.
   It is almost impossible to see through the vulnerabilities of the weird jungle by simply observing. At this time, it is best to wait for those plot characters to appear. Since Harry Potter can come, they can also come. It is best for these people to go recklessly and do cannon fodder to test out precious information.
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