Chapter 923: Cursed treasure

Chapter 923
"It's all baby..."
The Lantern Festival carefully put away all the 10,000-year cold jade boxes, or the jade boxes that have been eroded by the curse of calamity for countless years, and turned into black jade. These jade boxes with special array patterns are all sealed disasters. Cursed treasure.
These jade boxes, combined with the melting of the upper calamity magic iron, are enough to strengthen his calamity blood pool.
As for the grass man inside, it would be wasteful to curse one person directly.
Pirate Xianzongwu’s hatred, he didn’t need to avenge him. These straw men were dismantled and reorganized, enough to become three thousand top cursed artifacts in suits, and it is definitely the top cursed artifact with the new disaster blood pool.
After receiving the jade box, the Lantern Festival put away Jinshan.
The whole cave was suddenly empty, leaving only shelves of glittering gold coins.
"Ura, scan these shelves."
Lantern Festival thoughtfully.
Shining gold coins cannot be absorbed by the gods as divine power.
But for some special formations, flash gold coins can be arranged instead of divine power.
Even a large number of flash gold coins can make it easier for professionals to perceive the law and absorb energy more easily.
Finally, flash gold coins are the best supplement to the power of origin.
Using flash gold coins, it only takes a single thought to melt into attributeless fantasy power and origin power with a trace of gold origin, but if you want to melt flash gold coins and recast them together, the entire universe can do this. Few of them.
In the Golden Continent, currently only two people can do it.
One is the Golden Powerful Ancient God, whose laws of good fortune can achieve this level.
The other is the goddess of wealth, one of the main gods of the Nine Heavens. He is the first who has lived for more than two million years. In this era of reincarnation, he is considered a veteran. It is impossible to let this one melt flash gold coins for him. These shelves.
Unless, these are made by himself.
With this analysis, Pirate Xianzong Wu is indeed a hidden blasphemy priest.
In this way, it is possible to steal the divine power to accomplish this.
"The scanning analysis is over..."
"There are a total of ten shelves, the weight is one gram less than the volume. Excluding dust and other factors, each of these ten shelves has an internal space of only one gram of material, and this space must be very fragile."
"What a Pirate Xianzong without..."
The Lantern Festival frowned.
Ten one gram of space hidden in the shelf can only be opened if the shelf is destroyed.
But forcibly destroyed. It is equal to the space inside shattered together.
The only way is for the goddess of wealth to melt the shelf without damaging the space in it.
Since flash gold coins contain a trace of gold origin, even if it is very weak, the laws of time reverse flow will have very surprising resistance when used, and the confidence of retaining the next ten spaces will be less than 10%.
Pirate Xianzong is not so secretive. The contents must be precious.
Put away the shelves, searched for the Lantern Festival several times and prepared to leave.
"Something's wrong..."
Yuanxiao walked to the entrance of the cave and turned back again.
Pirate Xianzong Wu, learned from the memory of the Nine Infant Basilisk, that nine treasures were buried in the Nine Heavens.
But he does not believe that every treasure can be hidden in such a place. If this forbidden area of ​​the Thunder Beast clan is promoted, even if it is placed in the Nine Heavens Realm, it will not be taken away unless the gold of the law of disaster is mastered. mountain.
Such a heavy place, if it were for him, he would never just bury a treasure.
Because of other places. It is far from here.
Although there is only a problem with intuition, Yuan Xiao is very confident in his intuition.
Starting from the inside of the cave, then to the outside of the cave and the entire calamity magic iron mountain, and even the entire forbidden area, the Lantern Festival sat on the ground and fell into a deep sleep, and began to integrate the real gods' realm to cover the thunder beast forbidden area to integrate the laws of dreams.
The fusion ended, and all the time in the Dreamland God Realm began to look back.
Ten thousand years... Twenty thousand years...
Until fifty thousand years, two Thunder Beasts appeared in the forbidden area with a few small Thunder Beasts covered in scars.
They lived here and had the best time.
Until one day, they found the evil magic iron here. Then they discovered that the reason why they were not affected by the disaster was because the children in their abdomen had absorbed all the power of the disaster, so they could survive here without being affected by the curse.
The Demon Race of Thunder Beast's blood left, and returned again after decades.
He brought back the cultivation method of the calamity monster. At the same time, the two began to find a way for the children in the middle school attached to the mother thunder beast to practice calamity monsters. They succeeded, but the mother thunder beast was killed by the calamity power at the moment of birth.
At this time, the disaster star already initially possessed a disaster monster.
This physique sealed the fate of the Eternal Calamity, which no longer absorbed the power of calamity to evolve, and lived in the forbidden land full of calamity magic iron. The Thunder Beast family will naturally have to die, so they can only leave the Thunder Beast Forbidden Land.
Then, leaving the Thunder Beast Forbidden Land, it was impossible to see back in time.
However, looking at the hatred of the Thunder Scourge towards the Thunder Beast clan, it is obvious that they have faced many pursuits after leaving.
As time went on, a few Thunder Beasts broke into the forbidden area.
But without exception, these Thunder Beasts all died.
Going back, until 220,000 years ago, Pirate Xianzongwu finally appeared. Pirate Xianzongwu found the Thunder Beast Forbidden Land as if he was a treasure. Relying on dozens of fate mud pieces, Pirate Xianzong was not successful. Resist the damage of the power of disaster under no one's control.
"It turns out that Pirate Xianzong Wu also has fate tablets."
The Lantern Festival suddenly said, no wonder Pirate Xianzong will not choose here as a treasure spot.
At the same time, he also found the second treasure spot in the Thunder Beast Forbidden Land. The treasures in the cave were just the raw materials that the Pirate Xianzong had buried and prepared to be made into a cursed artifact. The real treasure spot was in the core of the mountain.
Looking back in time we can see that the iron mountain of calamity magic iron has grown for hundreds of thousands of years.
There is only one explanation. There is an iron mother of calamity magic iron in the belly of the mountain, so it can absorb the power of calamity in the universe, and a large amount of calamity magic iron can be bred over time.
The calamity magic iron scattered in the forbidden land was dug up from the stolen Xianzong Wuchu Mountain.
After digging the channel, countless years later, this channel leading to the mountainside has been filled with new calamity magic iron, so even if he did not discover the secret hidden in this mountain, if it weren’t for the time in his dream, it’s true. Just ignore it.
The question now is how to dig a passage leading to the hillside.
According to the original plan, I only prepared to wait for the entire iron mountain to be collected one day, and then refine a powerful artifact while keeping it intact. Otherwise, if it is divided, it will cause a few inches of disaster in the mountain to be affected. weaken.
But now there is an iron mother, even if the entire mountain is destroyed, it doesn't matter.
Because compared to the priceless iron mother, these ordinary calamity magic irons are a bit despised by him. (To be continued.)
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