Chapter 92: True and false Lantern Festival

  PS: Thank you for stepping on for healthier, polite and polite. 1. Master Tinkerbell, Sahara Ocean rewards.
   Chapter 92
   "Listen to me, we can try to pass through the strange forest from the ground or the sky."
   "Impossible, let me tell you that we can use cannibalization tactics to wipe out the monsters inside."
   "You can't do this. We need to kill tens of thousands of Horror Birds for several years. There is not so much time at all. Moreover, Horror Birds are not very intelligent, but their instincts will prevent them from being fooled many times..."
   The fierce controversy is endless. This situation has been going on for half a month.
Within half a month, the wizard apprentices had already broken through the space mazes. Even Voldemort and Dumbledore and their subordinates broke through with luck. There were 1,296 changes in the space mazes, and one of them was just a change. You can send people directly.
   Lantern Festival glanced not far away, Nana and Hermione talked and laughed and stuck together.
As for Harry Potter, he was silent under Dumbledore’s wings like a quail. Obviously he couldn’t face Hermione. He couldn’t even explain it. Under extreme hunger, he did something unforgivable. .
  After half a month, everyone was trapped in this area.
   Fortunately, there is grass all around. The green grass is transformed by magic to form unflavored dry bread. Although there is no nutrition, people are immortal. Dumbledore and others tried to leave in the middle, but it was impossible to break through the trap of space.
   In desperation, they can only study together the method of safely entering the wizard tower through the dense forest.
Of course, they could not see the words on the stele, they would only think that they had broken into Nicolae May’s alchemy island, and the only way to leave was to enter the tower in front of them. Dumbledore and the professors found them for the first time. Knowledge is not as good as the offspring of these dark wizards.
   Lightly pressed the armrest of the seat, Yuanxiao jumped up and fell to the ground.
   A pair of eyes looked over, and they were also looking forward to seeing something after so many days in the Lantern Festival.
   But soon, some of the wizard apprentices changed their colors.
   Because of the angle, some apprentice wizards and Dumbledore could clearly see that the eyes of Lantern Festival were a bit dull, as if they had lost their minds and were manipulated, and they had rushed into the weird dense forest a few steps faster.
   The cry of the frightened bird flashed, and the Lantern Festival spirit was frozen.
When a piece of shadow fell on the hood, one could vaguely see the spiders moving quickly in the shadow. They rushed on the Lantern Festival. After a few bites, they got into the body, eating the whole person into a human skin in just two seconds. On the edge of the strange forest.
   Everyone was shocked by the sudden change.
   "Fake...must be false..."
   The girl Nana lost her eyes and said, "How could this be? How could he die here..."
The wizard apprentice Gass came to the edge of the strange forest thoughtfully, and observed the human skin on the screaming stone slab and a few pieces of equipment dropped from the line of life and death five meters in front of the strange forest, whether it was a water sandalwood staff or a death winding ring. Identify through experience.
   "It's true, he really died."
  Gas slowly backed away and whispered in disbelief, "This can't be suspended animation. The human skin density is solid. No one except us will have it. In addition to two pieces of golden equipment, what is the benefit of suspended animation at this time."
  Gas's explanation made everyone unable to refute, so who on earth killed Yuanxiao.
   Although he didn't want to admit that the strongest among them must be Yuanxiao. This was undoubtedly revealed in the battle with the Evil Prisoner. Many of them were not even qualified to shoot, and Yuanxiao nearly killed the official wizard.
   For a time, the edge of the strange forest, which was already suppressed, was covered with a shadow of death.
   A misty area in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
   The sea at night is full of squally wind and rain, but there is a huge steel ship breaking through the waves.
  The cabin of the giant ship was full of imprisoned men, women, children, and children, but these people had one thing in common. They all wore cloaks and gowns that belonged to wizards. At this time, one by one was imprisoned in the cabin by magic.
   The bow of the steel giant ship, the waves brought by the fast sailing washed up the deck from time to time.
   But a group of people standing on the deck, ignoring the storm, silently observe the surrounding sea and sky.
   Thunder blasted in the rain cloud, and the thunder light illuminated the deck.
   There were eleven figures standing on the deck. In addition to the evil prisoner Burst Bear, there were six elemental summoners and three enchantment summoners. As for the last one, it was the Lantern Festival who had died under the tower of the wizard Nicholas.
   "My shadow clone is dead."
   Lantern Festival shouted loudly in the strong wind.
   "Hmph! I hope his death is worthwhile."
   Explosive bear coldly snorted, they originally survived eleven people, but in the end he chose to kill one, peeled off the skins and gave them to the shadow clone of Lantern Festival, so that Lantern Festival can fool those shrewd apprentice wizards.
   There is no disguise except this method for the human skin density of the professional practice.
   The moment he thinks of the deal between the two sides, Bursting Bear feels humiliated.
   But he had to agree. All the wizard apprentices ran to the alchemy island of Nicole May, and he couldn't find the island at all. Once the time was up, they would be imprisoned again in the prison without seeing the sun.
  Only by killing enough wizard apprentices, can they be exempted from a certain sentence in accordance with the prior agreement.
   It's just that being threatened by the apprentice wizard who caused them heavy casualties is really not a refreshing thing.
   The steel giant ship rides the wind and waves, and the last mile of the voyage will soon arrive.
   At this moment, the wave hitting the alchemy island and returning to the steel giant ship collided, and the entire deck was covered with waves. When the waves dispersed, the Lantern Festival had disappeared, and the bear only vaguely saw the Lantern Festival jump into the water.
   Bursting bear is not reconciled, but he has already tried not to kill Yuanxiao by himself.
   The water energy shield surrounding the Lantern Festival is as tough as the first-order wizard's body protection spell. Even if he wants to break it, it takes a few seconds, and this time is enough for the Lantern Festival to easily jump into the sea and escape.
   Since he couldn't kill him in the sea, he really didn't want to entangle this cunning Lantern Festival too much.
  The dark seabed, the current constantly changing, caused the refraction to make Yuanxiao’s dark vision invisible. Fortunately, he can also restore the three-dimensional map under the sea by Ultrain through the vibration of the water pattern.
   He is looking for the underground water system leading to the center of the island, from which the underground water system can directly reach the strange forest.
   In this way, he can cross the space fascination and directly enter the periphery of the strange forest. Only in this way, the captured wizards and witches can pass through the space fascination on a large scale through the underground water vein.
   As early as the first time I came, the shadow clone did not try to break the space maze.
   Because it will consume a lot of time.
   On the contrary, the shadow clone directly found the underground water vein and entered the periphery of the strange forest directly from the underground river.
   saw the stone monument, analyzed the strange forest, and then immediately returned.
   Because it was not a normal method to come in, he was afraid that he had missed some points and would fail his work. This time he sent a shadow clone to pass through the level normally.
   Wandering all the way, in the crevice at the bottom of the island, the Lantern Festival from time to time gets bigger and smaller and quickly passes, until it comes to a straight up shaft, sticking to the boulder above the shaft, and listening to the movement outside.
   The Wizard Tower is round, and the surrounding strange forest is naturally a circle.
Because of Nicolae May’s stele, everyone gathered on the side of the stele. As for the back of the wizard tower, it was abandoned after several trials and there was no difference from the front. Who knows if you can enter the wizard tower from the back. Main entrance.
   If Nicholas Lemay really leaves a lucky road, then this underground waterway is the only way through the strange forest, and only this road is the precondition for passing the strange forest.
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