Chapter 980: Spatiotemporal mirroring

Chapter 980
"Master, I really can't do it anymore."
Gu Xiner begged, but didn't dare to push the Lantern Festival away.
Yuanxiao hesitated for a while, and decided to let her go. Since the shadows dominate the avatar completely, I don’t know if it’s the nature of snakes. In some respects, his needs have increased a lot. Fortunately, he has three followers at any time. Around.
Looking at the sleeping Gu Xin'er, the Lantern Festival opened her wrist and sprinkled a drop of blood.
The radiation of extraordinary mana will gradually transform Gu Xiner's physique.
Mikasa’s profession is a branded swordsman, while Dong Xiang’s profession is an armed knight, but Gu Xin'er. Various followers of the wizard cannot find a profession suitable for her. Thinking about it, the entire universe has the talent of a prophet. More than a palm.
The number is small, and it is destined to have no suitable follower profession.
"Super brain, leave it to you."
Lantern Festival said lightly.
Without a suitable profession, he can create one on his own.
The legendary pinnacle wizard is qualified to create a new profession, not to mention he is a silver second-tier wizard god.
"The task is accepted, please confirm the specific needs of the new profession..."
"let me see."
Yuanxiao was silent for a moment and confirmed, "The new profession is based on the soul, and there is no extravagance in the body. Even if the system is weak, as long as the body can be reshaped at any time, it must match the talent of the prophet in terms of soul and true spirit."
"The mission is accepted. It is estimated that there will be fifty-one days, seven hours, six minutes and three seconds in 171 years."
Ultrain finally confirmed.
"Such a long time."
Yuan Xiao frowned, but he also knew that developing a new career was not easy.
After all, whether it is the time dragon bloodline, or the talent of the prophet, or the strength of the soul, it is not an ordinary existence.
The left hand swept across the soft body of Gu Xin'er, and a layer of light blue ice of time was covered, since the time is still so short. Can't waste time taking wrong detours, fortunately, he has the ice of time to seal and suspend everything.
Gu Xiner disappeared and was sent to the Infinite Kingdom of God.
"come in!"
The sound of Lantern Festival came out of the house.
The ancient soul priest waiting outside the door carefully opened the door and took a look before he came to the bed.
"Do you know why I am here."
Lantern Festival said lightly.
"Old slave doesn't know."
The ancient soul priest replied in fear.
"do not be afraid."
Yuanxiao smiled. "The ancient golden possesses five supreme gods, and these five supreme gods are very important. The golden ancient combines gods and avatars to create a super ancient that is half-step beyond gold. Do you have this? News."
"This... No, the old slave is so stupid and unable to disappoint the adults."
The ancient soul priest shook his head in astonishment and admiration.
He has been investigating for so many years, but he didn't expect that what he knew was not as good as the Lantern Festival master who came here for decades. The adults are worthy of being adults, and they should be their masters by nature, just as their inferior wisdom is only worthy of surrendering to the master.
"Super ancient gods. It is the root of the ancient gods."
The Lantern Festival said seriously, "Unless the power of the gods and evil is integrated into the true spirit, if it is only integrated into the body of the royal family they are going to seize, it will at most only cause problems in their resurrection and not hurt their roots.
Once they know it, the three thousand golden ancient gods will turn their faces with us. "
"However, this is a task set by the master."
The ancient soul priest hesitated and said, the adult is an adult, but it is lower than the master's command.
"Shen Si, he didn't know that there were super ancient gods."
Yuanxiao snorted coldly, "If he knows. It will not allow you to continue to make mistakes. I ask you, the blood of the origin of the spirit you spread. How sure are you to infiltrate the true spirit of gold? We are the enemy."
"This... if the owner personally took the shot, these weak gold..."
The ancient soul priest couldn't say halfway through.
He understood that if the master made the shot himself, of course the Three Thousand Golden Ancient God would not escape.
But if he changed his shot, not only could he not control the ancient golden god, but also forced them to the opposite side. Fortunately, Lord Yuanxiao discovered his mistake in time, thinking of this ancient soul worship and looked towards Yuanxiao.
The Lantern Festival has goose bumps all over, and the control methods of wisdom and evil are really powerful.
Especially mind. The Nie slaves made by himself were even enslaved.
"I want you to do one thing..."
The Lantern Festival whispered.
The ancient soul priest listened, and the more he listened, the brighter his eyes became. The more I listen to Hitomi, the more I worship.
The ancient soul priest was sent away, and the Lantern Festival put on the bone armor and left the manor in the corner of the dungeon.
Space saints. Even if it's difficult this time, he will bite it down. Next, he will have to face the ancient golden as a wisdom god. He doesn't have the energy to continue playing hide and seek with these slaves.
It's really anxious, the golden jersey is not vegetarian.
With his current system and soul strength, even if the golden battle suit is desperate for his life, he can drive for about ten seconds.
I'm afraid no one would have thought that he would attack the city forcibly this time.
Extraordinary magic-time and space mirroring!
The time passed, and an identical self appeared beside the Lantern Festival.
Said it is a mirror image, it is actually using the power of time to summon the future self. Of course, this summoning cannot be long, but it is really no different from the body, even if it is gold, there is no abnormality.
In fact, before, the hunting squad was played by his golden shadow clone several times.
After several times, ordinary mirrors could not fool them.
Outside Beiyu City!
The Lantern Festival time and space mirror image appeared out of thin air, and extraordinary mana radiated to the surroundings.
However, all the bone beasts and plants that were touched by extraordinary mana radiation were transformed into activated life by the activation technique. In a flash, they had been activated to create as many as tens of thousands of activated puppets to assist in the battle, and the Lantern Festival body began to transform into the shadow dominates.
The gigantic snake with a length of one million li in its mouth engulfed the black hole with a shadow in its mouth.
Hundreds of layers of space barriers outside Beiyu City shattered.
But there were more space barriers that were not crushed, and the entire Beiyu City began to blur.
When subjected to irresistible damage, Bei Yucheng will immediately carry out space transfer.
Amid the dull chime, the vibration of the Eastern Emperor Bell blocked the space.
Extraordinary Spells Super Dimensional Space firmly nails Beiyu City and freezes the teleportation that has already started.
With a triple blow, Bei Yucheng couldn't resist the snake kiss swallowed by the shadow.
"Magic snake, we have been waiting for you for a long time."
The void was torn apart, and several pieces of spatial skeletal artifacts forced the space blockade of the Eastern Bell to tear open the wormhole.
Space blockade and space tearing are the relationship between spear and shield.
For the Eastern Emperor Bell that had been used several times, the Space Saints really prepared a high-level bone tool that could tear open the space blockade.
"You are lucky."
Yuanxiao put down a cruel sentence, the snake body turned and opened the long-distance space door and went straight in.
"Don't want to run!"
The desperate six teams chased and killed the team and got out of the wormhole to pursue them. (To be continued.)
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