Vol 2 Chapter 1090: Blame

Chapter 1090
"Terminator? Are you alarmist? We have fought Skynet for so many years, and we have known some of its tricks, so people who enter the city will undergo strict screening, and there are scanning devices everywhere in the city to end. It's impossible for the people to mix in!" Li Zhi's face gloomed.
Even Paul with Eliza was surprised, obviously he didn't know that Eliza would come out like this.
"This is a terminator that appeared for the first time." Eliza said self-confidently. She tapped a few times on her personal terminal and turned the screen to face Li Zhi. The above is a three-view of TX. ! !
"TX, Skynet's super terminator, is covered by advanced liquid metal, and the inside is this metal skeleton. The bone material is carbon-based titanium nanofibers, melting point 4400 degrees Celsius, corrosion resistance, and extremely high hardness. The outer armor is Ultra-high-strength ceramics and crystals, with a melting point above 8000 degrees Celsius, can withstand the frontal bombardment of armor-piercing projectiles with a caliber below 100 mm."
"TX is equipped with a very advanced weapon system and electronic system. The ordinary scanning device is not effective at all, and the liquid metal can also turn it into anyone. That is to say, even if this terminator is fighting directly, it It is easy to annihilate the strength of a regiment. If you sneak into the city, then the city will..." Eliza sneered, but did not continue to speak, but Li Zhi and Paul naturally knew what she meant.
Li Zhi's face became very dignified, he said in a deep voice: "If there is such a powerful terminator, then the war is over and Skynet wins. But why didn't this TX appear on the battlefield? And this The Terminator is so powerful, how did you find it?"
"Two months ago, John Conner attacked a research center in Skynet. This research center was very tightly defended. We paid a lot of damage before we were captured. Inside, we found a mechanical training tank, which was already empty. From We recovered some data from the computer obtained in the research center, and only then knew the existence of TX. There is only one such terminator, and it has been dispatched to perform the task." Eliza said.
"New Lanzhou..." Paul murmured.
"We built a detector based on the data from this research center, but it is not accurate, and the range is very small, so I can't roughly judge the existence of T-X until now."
"So, how are you going to deal with this possible T-X?" Li Zhizhong will look at this very detailed data and have already trusted it for seven or eight points, because there can be no falsification to achieve this level.
"Guard the company's aircraft! If I were to research this aircraft, then I should be able to accurately find the T-X mixed in New Lanzhou through the powerful electronic warfare capabilities of this aircraft!!" Eliza replied.
"I understand... But what is the purpose of this T-X?" Li Zhi thought.
"Did you forget the recent rumors circulating in New Lanzhou City? Most of them are defaming you and the rebels and promoting the benefits of the Guardian Group. You should understand what is going on." Paul has been lurking for a long time. 'S senior spy immediately grabbed this conversation keenly.
"You mean... The Guardian Group, with Skynet, is a gang?! It sneaked in to spread these rumors?!" Li Zhi's eyes suddenly glowed with a sensational light.
"Aren’t you surprised? A force of one or two thousand people can capture Skynet’s manufacturing center? You know that there are more than 30,000 rebel soldiers on the front of the battlefield in New Lanzhou! These 2,000 people can do 30,000 people. What can't be done?" Paul asked back.
"But the Guardian Group did provide us with a lot of weapons and food, as well as engineering robots!" Li Zhi clenched his fists and said fiercely.
"The food is easy to understand, nobody wants to starve his future slaves to death, right? As for the weapons and the engineering robots...Once the TX finds their aircraft, will these weapons and engineering robots stand still? On our side, it is difficult to say." Eliza said lightly.
Boom! ! ! Li Zhizhong will hit the table fiercely, gritting his teeth and saying: "As long as Li Zhi still has a breath, this T-X will not succeed!!"
"So, it's not too late to go to this aircraft to strengthen the defense. Then, let's grab this little tail of T-X again." Eliza gave a cold smile.
Tang Yu’s nanorobot avatar turned into a resistance soldier and came over with a small cloth bag. He very casually dumped the small cloth bag and dropped some small things such as bullets and cigarettes from it. I bought it from Spam.
Kristina tilted her head and asked a little strangely, "What are you doing with those spam tins you can buy and sell for a while?"
"Let these cans circulate. Did you know that through the exchange of the Tomb Guard Legion, a large part of the rebel fighters in New Lanzhou now have some Spam cans, so it is not good for them to hide. If someone buys, someone sells , Then a market will slowly form, and the Guardian Group will infiltrate all aspects of their lives." Nami avatar said with a smile.
"But Spam cans are always limited." Christina said.
"Wait for No. 3's cultivation to spread slowly, you can use some excess food to feed the pigs~EbookFREE.me~ Then, canned meat, it's very simple. Don't forget, in "Pacific Rim" In the world, we have fed the entire humanity of the earth! Moreover, we have become different identities in the past few days. You spread rumors, I can buy and sell canned food everywhere. It is quite familiar with the situation in New Lanzhou." Nano Doppelg answered.
"But I still didn't find the commander's aircraft, and that mysterious signal appeared several times, and I was worried that I was being monitored." Christina said.
The Nami avatar also became serious. He whispered: "An hour ago, the defense in the city had a non-obvious transfer. I have made a lot of informants, so I learned the first time. This transfer of confidentiality level It’s very high, and you can’t find it without careful comparison.

"In New Lanzhou, the only thing worth mobilizing is the pilot aircraft." Kristina's eyes flashed blue.
"So, we have something to do, and we will start now. This transfer means that they will use the commander's aircraft to do something." Nanny avatar said, and changed to look like another person.
Christina also changed her appearance and asked while walking: "Don't you worry about them destroying the Commander's aircraft?"
"Humph, Li Zhi, a comatose, has put the treasure on the pilot's aircraft very often, so they will definitely cherish the aircraft. After all, if the aircraft is destroyed, they will get nothing. He will offend the strong enemy of the Guardian Group out of thin air. It’s not worth it. And according to my judgment, Li Zhi is a fool, but he is still very loyal to John Connor and the cause of fighting Skynet." Nami The doppelganger said, nodded to Kristina, turned and walked in the other direction.
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