Vol 2 Chapter 1378: The President

1378 Your Excellency the President
Svetlana woke up slowly, and she only felt cold on her back. The exercise that has never been given up for many years, and the instinct as a top special forces instructor can make her jump like a cheetah, pose, and watch the surroundings alertly.
But to her surprise, she is now in space! ! A beautiful azure planet is facing his sight. Svetlana observed calmly, and it was very obvious that the surrounding was a holographic image, although it was done the same as the real thing, and it seemed that every detail was made completely. But the touch under her feet told her that she was still standing on the ground.
Not only that, she also wore a black suit, lace shirt, brown stockings, black step skirt, black high heels. This set of clothes completely set off her beautiful appearance and heroic temperament, and it was obviously a tailor-made dress specially for her. She frowned, and before she was stunned by Tang Yu, she took off all her clothes. Then it is self-evident who put on this dress for her.
And what made her even more concerned was the extremely clear contracts that came to her mind when she fainted. This contract means that she will hand over everything to Tang Yu, and she will go to an unknown world and completely abandon all her original things, including the increasingly powerful president of the new Republic of Ionia.
But she agreed without hesitation! Not for others, just because she wants to get more! When she was the President of the Eastern Slavic Republic, although she was extremely powerful in launching a civil war to clean up her opponents, but soon, the involvement of the United States and Russia made her feel a trace of despair. No matter how genius she is, no matter how hard she is, even if she is an ordinary special forces instructor, young enough to reach the position of president of a country at the age of 30, it is still nothing in front of the United States and Russia.
After truly leading the country into this international community, her sense of powerlessness grew. Therefore, Tang Yu's appearance brought her hope. In order to attract Tang Yu, she did not hesitate to give up everything about herself, and even gave her a body coveted by countless people for more than ten years in the political arena.
Because he saw the tip of the iceberg behind the forces behind him from some details of Tang Yu. Therefore, she determined that only Tang Yu and only this man could make her reach the peak of power! In order to achieve this goal, no matter what she pays, she will spare no effort.
For her, what is the new Republic of Ionia? Nothing. For her, this is just a small place where you can play around with your fingers. This is the upper limit of this country. Although she has managed this country to the best, it still does not help. As she said to Tang Yu, if you want to challenge the United States without external influence, even the top technologies and products Tang Yu gave her will take at least a hundred or two hundred years!
Therefore, Tang Yu's proposal does not need to be considered at all. Because in Svetlana's mind, there is no difference between being a president in a small country like New Ionia and being a woman in a kiln. Since Tang Yu also said that this might be a bigger stage, then trust him! Anyway, when he was originally ousted from the position of President of the Eastern Slavic Republic, his political career was already over, and the ability to make a comeback also relied on Tang Yu.
But at least for now, she is serious, and Tang Yu is serious!
"Are you awake?" Tang Yu's voice came from behind.
Svetlana then put down her guard and turned to ask, "Where is this? Honey."
Tang Yu, instead, looked like she was squinted when she saw her before, but she came over with serious face and stood shoulder to shoulder with her. Seeing Tang Yu like this, Svetlana only felt tight in her heart! I only heard him say lightly: "This is what you dream of."
"The dream..." Svetlana suddenly felt her heart beating violently. She suddenly felt like she had a big hand holding her neck so hard that she could hardly breathe! ! So he could only take a deep breath, and the tall and firm twin peaks fluctuated violently with her deep breath.
Tang Yu waved his hand and only saw countless data and pictures appearing around the two out of thin air. Svetlana watched these things almost dazzled. But what surprised her is that these ordinary people can see the countless data that will be stunned directly, and she can see it clearly at all! !
"During the period of your coma, I gave you the operation of implanting a chip in the brain. You can access our database through the chip implanted in the brain at any time, and connect to our internal network for sublimation. At the same time, in the chip With the assistance of yours, your brain's computing ability, memory ability, reaction speed and other aspects have been greatly improved. It can be said that you are now a superman." Tang Yu continued.
However, Svetlana has been completely immersed in these data and information! ! A super space fortress with a size of several thousand kilometers, almost as large as the moon! What concept? An army of tens of millions of robots! What concept? A super energy source that surpasses what is known in modern science and technology. The efficiency of nuclear fusion reaction is 10,000 times higher than that of ordinary fusion reactors! What concept?
Not to mention the more than 20 meters high, almost invincible sky-level mecha! Optical and radar invisible hypersonic fighter! Commander aircraft that can almost completely paralyze the electronic equipment of the US team! And the superconducting particles that are so unimaginable!
Although this is only an enterprise~EbookFREE.me~, the foundation that Tang Yu and Fox Immortal laid in the international community before made this enterprise and superpowers no different!
"This is the stage I gave you. I gave you these things to let you completely control, so what will you give me back?" Tang Yu said lightly.
"Anything you want! Anything! Anything!" Svetlana said word by word.
"Let you lead this enterprise, and I took the biggest risk. Because I still can't be sure, are you the most suitable person to build this enterprise into a huge empire that spans several universes? But your loyalty moved me, so I risked losing everything and gave you this opportunity. How can you do it?" Tang Yu continued to ask.
Svetlana took a deep breath and walked to Tang Yu very dignifiedly, kneeling down on her knees and whispering, "I am willing to pay everything for you, my master. You let me do anything , I’m not hesitating. Moreover, I will guarantee that these things you give me will only be returned to you thousands of times and tens of thousands of times! My master."
"Where are you confident?" Tang Yu asked playfully.
"If you can still find someone who came out of the orphanage and joined the special forces, it only took two years to become a special forces instructor when he was 16 years old. Then he took advantage of the civil strife to enter the political arena, and he was surrounded by countless forces in the country. Among them, at the age of 31, when someone successfully elected as president of the country came out, then I am willing to self-discipline to give way." Svetlana's mouth showed a very confident smile.
"So, I'm waiting for your performance, my Excellency the President..."
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