Vol 2 Chapter 1515: E system

1515, E system
Christina looked at these robots, there are at least thousands of robots guarding the building before this building! And after her scan, unlike the robots that fell to the ground doing nothing on the street, the energy of the guarding robots here is full! And these guard robots can at least achieve the strength of ordinary T-X!
"The authorization is invalid, please leave immediately." The guard robot continued.
Christina took out a USB flash drive and passed it on, saying: "Show the backup authorization key."
The guard robot walked over and opened a card slot from its chest. A small mechanical arm protruded from the card slot, trying to take the key in Christina's hand.
At this moment, Kristina suddenly moved! I only saw her left arm suddenly turned into a long, sparkling knife, and there was a layer of purple light on the blade, uh! ! The purple knife flashed, and this guard robot was instantly cut in half! You know that the outer armor of this guard robot is made of ultra-high-strength alloy, even the tank's 120 mm main gun is difficult to penetrate directly!
But this is really the energy of superconducting particles! ! You know, unlike in the maternal world and the Zion world, this place is the real world! ! Among the four people who entered the "Matrix" world, only Christina is free, and only she can play her full strength! !
At the same time, all the guarding robots in this place stood up from the ground at the same time, the indicator light on their bodies immediately changed from green to red, and countless bullets covered them instantly! Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! !
Kristina also filled with a purple light, and then under the effect of this light, she moved sideways without warning and immediately avoided all bullets! Immediately after raising the right arm of the ion cannon and firing it, the purple particles emitted by the ion cannon enhanced by superconducting particles flew out. Surprisingly, the guard robot she aimed at actually escaped! But immediately afterwards, I only saw that the particle boy suddenly turned a corner, struck an arc in the air, and immediately hit another robot next to it!
At the same time, Kristina rushed through the flames through the explosion of the ion cannon, and suddenly appeared in front of a four-foot guard robot. The robot is directly divided into two! In the next second, there was no movement, her figure flashed sideways again, only to see a laser beam sweeping from the place where she had just stood! There was another flame and explosion immediately!
Then Kristina ran quickly, and the bodies of the robots equipped with laser weapons could not keep up with her movements, and all the laser beams were irradiated and fell to nothing! Kristina wields a long sword, and the purple sword flows, and one guard robot after another is directly destroyed by her!
But these robots still hold the door firmly, and the intensive fire force makes Christina dare not approach, she can only circulate in the open area. However, aware of the fighting here, countless robots in the city immediately stood up and approached the center of the network, and Kristina would immediately face a situation of encirclement!
At this moment, only to see Kristina suddenly burst out of a very scary purple energy! This burst of energy exploded in an instant, even exploding all the robot guards around! When she came out of the exploding purple flame, she only saw a lot of lines on her body! These lines go straight and look like the wiring of the circuit board, and they all emit a dazzling purple light!
"E system...start..." Kristina said with a blank expression on her tilted head. The next second, her figure suddenly disappeared and rushed directly to the guard robots in front of the defensive entrance! Uh! Uh! Uh! ! The purple knife flashed, and more than ten robots were instantly cut into pieces!
Kristina keeps pace and shuttles through the array of guarding robots. Her speed is so amazing that even the sensors of these robots can't keep up! I can only see a purple figure on the battlefield as if no one is there!
Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! ! More than ten machine gun turrets equipped with several guard robots fired wildly, pouring out thousands of bullets in an instant! The target of their shooting is Kristina who is constantly approaching! However, Kristina's body is like a ghost, and she dodges left and right without rules, and the speed of progress is not reduced at the same time as she dodges! Uh! ! A purple star-shattering light swept across, and these robots instantly stood still like sculptures! After a second or two, they suddenly cut off their waists and burst into a series of martyrdoms!
A large robot with a height of more than five meters is also trying to lock Christina. On its head, the sensors in the dozen or so red eyes keep working, and can see these eyes move with Christina. It is constantly turning, but it can't catch Christina's figure at all! Her speed is too fast. In the case of continuous high-speed change and emergency stop, the speed still reached 2 times the speed of sound, and even more!
Hoo~~~~~ This robot finally gave up treatment, aiming indiscriminately in one direction, the laser cannon mounted on the four claws was fired immediately, and the hot laser beam was irradiated immediately!
Kristina will not be hit by these lasers, but she noticed that the laser was fired, but she greeted her instead! I only saw a purple light curtain suddenly appearing in her hand. The laser light shone on the light curtain, and it was reflected from all around! After the powerful laser beam is reflected, it destroys a large group of guard robots in an instant!
Through this explosion~EbookFREE.me~ Christina has come to this large robot! ! At a distance of tens of meters, she used only a few seconds! Uh! ! ! The knife flashed! ! boom! boom! boom! ! ! ! ! A violent explosion suddenly exploded!
Kristina came out through the explosion of flames. The purple lines on her body had disappeared. What was terrible was that now the metal skeletons all over her body had been burned to dark red, and she was still smoking! ! This is caused by the friction of the air at very high speeds, coupled with the huge heat emitted by the E system.
But she didn't care about it, she just looked back slightly. At the entrance of this super huge building, there are hundreds of robot wrecks standing upside down! Although there are robots in the distance approaching here, it is impossible to catch up with her!
These guard robots are not weak, and each has some performance comparable to ordinary T-X, but their opponent is Christina! It is the super combat program developed by Tang Yu in combination with superconducting particle technology and Heberon's Yi mine technology-E system! !
Christina looked back at the interior of the building, and there were some sporadic guarding robots gathering, trying to block her footsteps. A contemptuous smile appeared in the corner of Christina's mouth, and she rushed towards the interior of the building!
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