Vol 2 Chapter 1688: Missile base

1688, Missile Base
On the ground, two troops wearing the same military uniform and holding the same weapon are fighting for life. Although the sky is now pouring heavy rain, the barrel of the M-16 assault rifle is still hot. The bullet of life passed through the rain curtain and shot into the fragile body. Mobile terminal
The 118th Artillery Battalion of the US Army stationed at the Dover Missile Base relied on the entrance of the underground base to fire violently towards the invading US soldiers. The soldiers on the opposite side fell row by row, but those people still attacked without expression. Among the soldiers who rushed in, there were still some people who belonged to the 118 Artillery Battalion not long ago, but they were too close to the entrance of the base. They just walked a few steps and immediately turned to fire at the former comrades.
The base commander had already understood in his previous communications that his opponent was a mind-controlling mutant, so his soldiers were strictly ordered to stay away from the entrance as much as possible, but this also gave the intruder more space.
Another M-60 main battle tank hit the entrance barrier slowly opened, and officers of the 118 Artillery Battalion immediately greeted the soldiers to take out the Bazooka rocket and recoilless artillery to counterattack. The 12.7 mm caliber anti-aircraft machine gun on the top of the M-60 tank turret and the 7.62 mm caliber machine gun beside the turret fired violently, and soldiers who wanted to approach the 118 artillery battalion were killed.
Swish~~~Whoo~~~Woo~~~~Several rockets from the Bazooka rocket launcher hit the front of the tank, but they failed to penetrate the tank's heavy frontal armor. Turn the turret and shoot out in the direction of the rocket just launched! boom! Suddenly four or five soldiers were blown away by high-explosive shells.
At this time, three soldiers rushed from the side. Two of them took an M1918 Browning class and rushed away with a machine gun. A burst of rain suddenly knocked down the American soldiers next to the M-60 tank. The ground, but soon they were also hit by a lot of bullets, blood hurricane, fell to the ground. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the last soldier fought desperately, and behind the bunker was a bazooka bazooka. He rushed over and raised the bazooka to aim at the tank and pulled the trigger! At the same time, he was also hit in the chest with bullets!
But this rocket was distorted! Pulling the tail smoke and flew to the side. However, he hit a crane next to him! The boom of the crane was blown off by a rocket and suddenly collapsed and smashed into the tank body! The main gun barrel of the tank was smashed by the heavy boom, and the tracks were also caught by the falling debris. This tank was so paralyzed!
With the soldiers of the 118 Artillery Battalion fighting desperately to defend, the base was still not captured, but they also downsized a lot. If the battle continues, it will be a matter of time before they are captured! What's more terrible is that the ranks of these invaders actually appeared as civilians! ! These civilians were also controlled by Charles and rushed over with a variety of weapons.
"According to communications from the headquarters, our reinforcements are here! Hold on again! The engineer company immediately began to place bombs on the ballistic missiles, and once the base fell, it immediately detonated!" the base commander ordered.
"But where are our reinforcements?" another officer asked.
At this time, a huge engine roar came from outside the base, and everyone was refreshed.
"This is the voice of the C-46 transport plane!!! The reinforcements are here!!"
"Reinforcement! Reinforcement!! Great!"
But the commander's face suddenly changed, "Actually it was an airdrop! But in this case, aren't they going into the tiger's mouth?! They will be controlled by the mutant outside!!"
The faces of the officers around him also started to look unsightly, and one of them whispered, "Maybe, maybe there is a way for the headquarters?" So he didn't quite believe it.
Boom! Boom! Boom! A dull and loud noise rang outside, and immediately the gunfire outside the base became dense. The commander was suddenly shocked, "It seems that there is a drama!! Notify the units, shrink the defense line, guard the position strictly, and the reinforcements arrive!!!"
"But how are they immune to mind control?" Another officer asked the questions of everyone present, but it was not time to think about it.
Outside the base, a large number of iron boxes descended from the sky. These boxes were smashed down headlessly, and some unlucky soldiers were even directly smashed into mud by the boxes. When the American soldiers were stunned by these inexplicable boxes, the boxes suddenly opened, and the robots in a folded state stood up one after another, raising their right arms and firing violently!
Da da da! Da da da! Suddenly several soldiers were knocked to the ground by the firepower of the robot. With these countless iron chests in mind, the rushed robots began to orderly and cold-heartedly slaughter these American soldiers controlled by Charles, including civilians.
This batch of robots put into combat are all newly produced Sentinel T-3 robots, which continue to use the code name of the sentinel. The main reason is that this robot is still targeting mutants. The shape of the T-3 combat robot is exactly the same as that of the G-1, except that the body appears a little thicker, especially the calf and the foot, which is more than twice as thick as the G-1.
Although these robots are all made of high-strength plastics and ceramics, they are no less rigid than steel. In fact, Tang Yu originally had a lot of experience in developing and manufacturing TS-300 terminators in his own world. The bones of this terminator are also ultra-high-strength ceramics, so research in this area is considered familiar.
When the US soldiers invading the base were to be defeated by the robot corps again as always, the X-Men under Charles control finally showed their fangs!
"His~~~~~~!" A burst of inhuman screams came from ~EbookFREE.me~ Then the saber-toothed tiger Victor rushed out of the dark shadow of the rainy night, only to see that his body under the whole body was gray. , And even showed signs of decay. But it did not affect his combat effectiveness. He rushed over like a tank, smashing those T-3 robots into parts with one slap.
Soon, the figure of Kuaiyin also appeared in the battle group. He continued to shuttle at high speed on the T-3 robot. Although his own strength was weak, his speed was still bullet. Kuaiyin constantly used his own speed to find some grenade from the surrounding American soldiers, pulled open the ring and placed it on the robot body.
Immediately afterwards, Magneto flew over in the special metal wheelchair! Seeing his presence, Tang Yu, who was watching the battle between the aircraft and Emma, ​​was delighted. He turned to Emma and said, "Magneto has appeared! It seems that it is the laser eye, the emperor and the king who support Elginsky. Red Devil. In this way, although Lockheed’s sentry MK-4 is rubbish, it is not without chance to cooperate with the base guards! It seems that the Rockefeller family bets that 50% of the chances are bet!"
Emma also nodded and said: "Charles Xavier's power is still shrouded in surroundings, but he hasn't come over here. So, I'll get Eric Lancher first, and the other two will give it to you first. "
Tang Yu shook his head and said, "You first deal with Sabertooth Tiger and Kuaiyin. The Sabertooth Tiger is just a beast now. If Kuaiyin, as long as you become a diamond form, he has no way to hurt you. Eric, hehe... …"
He looked at Magneto's direction, the metal wheelchair he was sitting on, and the life-sustaining machinery, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.
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