Vol 2 Chapter 1751: The 2nd Grand Canyon Battle (Part 1)

1751. The Second Grand Canyon Battle (Part 1)
"If you dare to touch Allen's attention again, I will kill you." The fortress said coldly.
"Hehehehe...Allen, go and show your new Uncle Rimba your new ability, it will be like it." Mr. Fright said, patting Allen on the back.
Allen screamed, came to the fortress, spread his hands, and only saw a dry leaf in his palm. At this time, a magical thing happened. A green light suddenly appeared in his hands. Under the light of this light, this leaf actually regained its green color, and even began to shoot and sprout!
"Look, bastion, I also have magical power! I can help you in the future!" Allen said excitedly.
"Did you come to me today because of this matter?" asked the fortress.
"Yeah!" Allen said happily.
"But Alan, do you know? The bastion is a robot that returns from the future to the present. That's right. But its mission is to eliminate all the mutants!" Mr. Fear came over and patted Ai Lun's shoulder.
Alan shook off Mr. Fear's hand and said aloud: "Although you are a good man, uncle, I will never allow you to say bad things about the bastion!!"
Then he looked at the bastion with the look of expectation. "The bastion said that he will always be my good friend and always protect me! Now that I have the strength, I can protect the bastion in the future! Right?"
"My purpose is to protect humanity. Of course it will protect you," said the fortress.
"Are you going to fight Tang Yu to protect humanity?" Allen asked.
"Yes, there is no doubt." Ribas said.
"Ha! I knew that the bastion would not change!" Allen yelled excitedly.
Mr. Horror looked at the bastion with great interest and issued a meaningful laugh, "Hehehehehe... interesting, really funny...hehehehehe..."
Colorado, the base of the Grand Canyon under the Guardian Group.
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ! Countless robots are arranged in a square array to move towards the base neatly. They raise their right arms, the 12.7 mm heavy machine gun installed on it does not cut off the fire, and countless bullets spill over towards the base.
Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! The sound of guns was endless, and countless tugs of light flicked in the air to draw a fiery band of light, the number was too dense, and even became a piece!
In the air, the huge body of the Sentinel t-4 that was seven or eight meters high continuously rose into the air, then dived directly from the direction of the base's defense line, and fell while firing violently. The powerful firepower of the six-barrel revolver gun on the right arm and the rocket launcher on the left arm completely covered the past unreasonably.
In the direction of the base of the Grand Canyon, it is also extremely tenacious. A large number of mercenaries hide behind the bunkers and continue to shoot. A large number of robots are also assisting the battle. Some fast-fire artillery on the fixed turrets continue to shoot out the tongue. On the periphery of the base, reinforced concrete fortifications continue to form a solid line of defense, and behind the fortifications, a large number of g-1 engineering robots are also constantly constructing and excavating to construct the second and third lines of defense.
But in the direction of the base, neither the number of robots nor mercenaries is far less than the robots coming to attack! When this base was built, it never thought that 100,000 robots would come to attack! What's more, after the last attack by Theta, many parts of the base are still in use and have not been completely repaired!
The only good news is that when attacking Dover and Langley Air Force Base before, Tang Yu brought back a lot of parts for m-48 tanks and m-60 tanks. Although it cannot be reassembled into a tank, it is more than enough to remove the gun as a fixed turret. These tank guns also gave the base some heavy firepower for defense.
Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! The number of robots coming to attack is increasing, and the firepower is becoming more and more dense, and robots have begun to jump directly from the Grand Canyon and attack from below the base. Although there are fortifications at the bottom of the valley, this move will undoubtedly make the already defensive forces more stretched!
A sentry t-4 robot descended from the sky, the turbine engine in front of his chest ejected a burst of high-temperature gas, it raised its right arm in mid-air, the six-barreled machine gun began to rotate, and ~~~~~~~~ countless bullets were launched instantly The sound of gunshots is like a sound of sawing wood!
Puff puff puff puff! The bullet hit the ground and raised a burst of smoke. It extended along the ground and finally passed over the several mercenaries who were fleeing. The human body was instantly penetrated by the bullet and torn, and several mercenaries fell to the ground and died instantly.
"Destroy it! Destroy it!!!" At the firepower point next to it, several mercenaries desperately turned their handles to turn the 105mm artillery of this temporarily installed m-60 tank to aim at the sentry t-4. The armor-piercing projectile has been loaded, and the t-4 fired continuously after it landed, but it was standing still. Seizing this opportunity, the mercenary ordered the artillery to fire instantly!
boom! ! The large-caliber armor-piercing projectile suddenly penetrated the Sentinel t-4's armor. The huge kinetic energy even shattered the entire body of the robot. After the smoke, I only saw that this 8-meter robot has been fragmented!
But before waiting for the mercenaries to be happy, another sentry t-4 fell from midair, with a huge body stepping on the turret, and the turret was suddenly crushed!
The fierce battle continued all the time, and the robots that came to attack began to run out of ammunition. These robots without bullets put away the barrels and waved their iron fists and rushed up like this!
"Shoot! Shoot!!!!" In a concrete fortification, several mercenaries fired wildly in front of the rapidly approaching robot, and two robots were also in front of them beside them.
Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! ! Numerous bullets hit the robot on the opposite side, making a sound of Dangdang, the robot in front could not bear the intensive fire and was destroyed, but the robot in the back rushed to the front!
"Wow ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Saw that the robot rushed to the front of the bunker, and the powerful mechanical arm began to grab the concrete bunker and continued to destroy it. They smashed with their fists, claws, and large pieces of concrete were peeled off!
These mercenaries finally couldn't withstand the terrible mental pressure, and turned their heads to run. When they ran out of the bunker, they were discovered by the attacking robots. They all rushed over the bunker and rushed towards the mercenary. ! The two robots still in the bunker also came out to cover, but they were soon entangled by the offensive robot, and there was a melee between the reinforced iron bones!
However, there were too many robots coming to attack. The two robots were quickly surrounded by more than a dozen robots and dismantled into pieces. Several mercenaries were also caught and killed. These robots immediately picked up the mercenaries' weapons and continued to advance while firing.
At present, there are only thousands of robots and mercenaries defended at the base of the Grand Canyon. In the face of the rebel X army of 100,000 robots, the gap between the two sides has exceeded 20 times! The perimeter of the base has quickly fallen, and mercenaries who have to pay for money have no much fighting will, and they have fled!
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