Vol 2 Chapter 1788: Find the core

1788, find the core
Two mass-produced bastion-class aircraft also appeared in the space port with hundreds of Dragon Rider IV aircraft, and countless ion cannons launched by Dragon Rider IV were smashed down! How much of this energy attack caused some impact on the black cloud released by Peng He, but then Zhu Yuchang laughed, Yu Jian flew, and Jian Qi struck a Changhong in the air, breathing through the world!
In a flash, this sword blasted into the sky, and even left a deep sword mark on the top of the more than 6,000 meters of the space port! Then Jian Qi cut off! Uh! ! A dazzling light flashed through, and the two fortress-class aircraft were suddenly divided into two! With the powerful energy supply provided by the ytterbium reactors, their energy shields still cannot stop this shocking sword!
Immediately after that, Zhu Yuyujian shuttled through the air at high speed, and it took only a few breathing time to destroy hundreds of Dragon Rider IV aircraft in the air! He laughed loudly, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I want to compete with our infidels for air supremacy, and I have been dreaming all my life! Ha ha ha ha ha!!! If you are at this level, let Tang Yu wash his neck. just wait!!"
In the core area of ​​the space fortress, purple fingers swipe across the light screen, "Does the original instructor have absolute air control? Yes... This person once reached a speed of 12 times the speed of sound, and at such a high speed, his turning radius Actually, it does not exceed 1,000 meters. This kind of flexibility is really difficult to compete with them in the air unless there is a breakthrough in our technology..."
She looked at the data on the battlefield again. "The superconducting particle jammer doesn't seem to have much influence on the instructor, is it because of the difference between the instructor and the magician?"
Then Zi’s eyes were fixed on the black cloud and the wordless book, "This black cloud should be composed of a special kind of particles, which has the value of research..." At this time, although the space port is still in full battle, it can already be seen. Some robots are approaching the edge of the black cloud, trying to capture some black clouds with various containers to go back, but the containers, including the glass bottles, cannot accommodate this black cloud.
"This book...should be preset a lot of functions in these words, stimulated by language, fun. But now these words are blocked by the black cloud and can not be further detected. This black cloud is really a good thing, need to find a way Recycle to study." Zi Zi said to himself, "First of all, you have to find a way to deal with these black clouds..."
"Live ammunition weapons have little effect, flamethrower effects are not great, ion cannons and laser cannons have certain effects... then use psionic weapons." Zi did not see any action, a lot of commands have been issued. She is the manager of the entire guardian space fortress, or the guardian space fortress is purple!
I only saw a flash of light in the transmission area of ​​the space port, and more than ten heavy tanks appeared on the transmission platform. The chassis of these tanks is very heavy, and they do not use the electromagnetic suspension engine common in the Guardian Empire's arsenal, and they are still tracked. Behind the tank, there is a circular device standing upright, the tank turret is not large, and the main gun is not a common barrel, but a crystal connected with a large number of luminous pipelines. And on the torso of the tank, there are also a lot of glowing energy lines.
This is a trial psionic tank developed by the Guardian Empire. The reason why the track is used is because there cannot be any electrical energy on this tank, otherwise it will interfere with the superconducting particles. This tank is still not in the official arsenal of the empire, because Tang Yu still cannot find a suitable path for the practical use of psionic power, that is, superconducting particles. After all, psionic weapons are a combination of technology and magic. No one can give a suitable answer on this path.
For example, this kind of psionic tank's psionic beam gun can cause no more damage than the ion gun, but the cost of the tank is more than ten times that of the horned dragon tank. Therefore, the guardian empire has only a small number of psionic tanks for experimental use.
I only saw that these psionic tanks started to come forward, and a burst of light suddenly flashed on the rear ring, and these lights began to converge from the ring toward the center to form a light curtain, and then the light curtain shot into the tank from the rear In the turret, and then the pipeline connecting the crystal in front of the turret also started to glow. When the energy accumulated to the extreme, the crystal in front suddenly emitted a very dazzling beam!
The temperature of this beam is not high, but after shooting on that black cloud, the black cloud suddenly dissipated with the naked eye!
"It seems that superconducting particles are not useless for immortals, just need to act directly on the spells they release? The peacock said before that immortals are the powers that trigger the heavens and the earth. I understand why it is difficult to interfere with immortals. "..." Zi said to himself in the command center.
At this time, under the attack of the psionic tank, the black cloud summoned by Penghe's Hunyuan Orb finally dissipated by half, and countless ready-to-launch robot troops immediately rushed in! However, there was no one in the black cloud, except for the wreckage of countless robots still scattered on the ground.
"Did you run away... Forget it, I was just thinking about how to let them run out to be more natural...Gai Ji, it's up to you." Zi said.
"It's done! The gravity generator has been adjusted, just wait for them to pass! Hahaha!" Gaiji's voice came from the communication.
Outside the space port, the three figures are advancing at an unimaginable speed. It is Penghe and others! They looked around, and now the space station has gradually begun to scale, and along the way, the planned roads, the surrounding greenery, and the transit station can be clearly seen. Even after the initial internal greening is completed, cloud and rain weather will also form!
"I can't feel that this is a space fortress in this place, this thing is simply a planet!" Zhu Yu sighed.
"Did you figure out the direction?" Lu Wen asked.
Peng He took the Hundred Yuan Orb and started to emit a soft light inside the orb ~EbookFREE.me~ However, the light in a certain direction was much stronger, he pointed to the front and said: "Yes! That is the direction , The energy over there is the strongest."
"Let's go!" Lu Wen said nothing more and continued to speed up. The speed of the three people is mentioned to the extreme, as if flashing like lightning! If they are ordinary people, they can't see them at all! They also made a circle by the way, destroyed a logistics center, and caused a chaos of the Robot Corps.
It is very obvious on the road that the number of robot corps patrolling around is increasing, and it has spread from the previous space port to the surroundings. But this space fortress is too huge, and it is not easy to find three innocent people who are traveling around at a very high speed.
After a while, a huge spherical arc top appeared on the horizon! The top of the arc is almost towering into the clouds, like a high mountain! The three looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of excitement in each other's eyes.
In the core area, a hint of sarcasm appeared in the corners of Zi’s mouth,
Send you some more cannon fodder, be sure to have fun! Then ‘have no danger’, get into this ‘core’...

In the direction of Lu Wen and others, I only saw countless robots swarming in and the overwhelming bullets roared!
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